Monsters Through Movie

Chapter 74 - Battle of helicopters and aeolian pterosaurs

Building roof, outside the pump room!

A helicopter slowly stays on a narrow roof. The building’s architectural style resembles a pyramid. This makes the roof space narrow, and the presence of the pump room can only accommodate one helicopter.

Then, the helicopter hatch opened and several armed soldiers walked out. After firing at the surrounding pterosaurs, a middle-aged man who looked like a commander walked outside the pump room and said: “It is safe now, you You can come out! “

After a moment, the door of the pump room gradually opened, and several people came out one after another, Claire, Laurie … etc., their battle with the dinosaurs hit the roof from the downstairs, and they ran out of food. Only hiding in this small water pumping room was lingering and breathless. At this moment, when he saw the military rescue forces, he burst into tears.

“Hello, I’m the person in charge of Jurassic World, Claire!” Claire said as she stroked her hair and extended her right hand.

The middle-aged officer shook hands politely, “5th Unit of the 60th Air Force Wing in New York, Bernal Cook!”

“We need to know the exact status of the island now, can you briefly explain it?” After introducing himself, Bernal said again.

“As you can see, the dinosaurs on the island are almost here, surrounding the whole building. Their purpose is to kill a human being. Of course, I am not sure whether he is human or not!” Claire probably concluded.

“Humans? You said that these dinosaur collective riots just wanted to kill a human?” Bernal was surprised, even with strict military training, he could easily face all kinds of incredible problems, but Claire said, too It is unbelievable that dinosaurs are not intelligent creatures and it is simply impossible to launch an organized attack.

However, his surprise was not over, only to hear Claire continue to say: “Yes, a human, but he can transform into a dinosaur, all kinds of dinosaurs!”

“Oh, God!” Bernal rubbed his forehead and glanced at Claire and said, “Although I am sorry that your company has such a big accident, I can’t believe such a ridiculous thing!”

A human being transformed into a dinosaur has completely subverted his worldview for the highly educated Bernal. He would rather believe that the current president can transform into a woman than would a human being transform into a dinosaur because of this The matter is completely contrary to various theories. Bernal felt that Claire and others did not want to take responsibility for the accident, so they found the excuse.

“Really, he is an Asian named Hao Wen. He is in the lab now …” Claire tried to explain but was interrupted by Bernal.

“I think you are under too much pressure, so I have the illusion!” Bernal didn’t want to hear her gossip and ordered the soldiers behind him: “Bring them to the helicopter and take them to the best hospital in New York!”

“Yes, sir!” The soldiers came forward and wanted to take Claire away.

“Wait, wait!” Laurie hurriedly said at this moment: “What she said is true …”

“I also believe that what you said is true!” Bernal said seriously, but the expression was obviously unbelief, which was nothing more than a word of comfort.

“Okay!” Claire could not persuade Bernal that she could understand that anyone who heard such ridiculous speech would choose not to believe it, so she changed the subject.

“We don’t talk about this. Now let’s talk about the problems that will be faced next. The Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus has awakened and the Fengshen Pterosaurs have also been released. How do you solve these two types of beasts?

Just now, they received a message from the armed soldiers in the aviary, after solving the fighting pterosaurs, who knows that the tyrannical Tyrannosaurus regained anesthesia, killed several soldiers, and ran towards the command center. The soldier tied a powerful bomb to himself and wanted to die with the Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosauruses, who knew that the Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus had been noticed in advance, and a tail pulled it to the glass curtain wall of the aviary. , Fengshen Pterosaur came out of the trap and flew in this direction.

“Relax, we brought heavy weapons!” Bernal gave her a reassuring expression and said.

“Qua!” At this moment, a bright scream came from the sky, and everyone looked around, only to see a behemoth coming from the sky and dive down in an instant.

A helicopter shooting around the ground dinosaurs failed to respond, and was directly fluttered by the wind **** Pterosaur, like a falling meteor, straight across the sky, crashed on the ground, and after a blast, the blaze burned.

At this time, the other three helicopters reacted, and the heavy machine gun on the plane fired wildly towards Fengshen Pterosaurs, but Fengshen Pterosaurs were extremely fast, and their bodies flexibly moved. Most bullets were empty, and a few bullets caused Fengshen Pterosaurs The damage was minimal, but instead angered the king in the sky. It screamed loudly and rushed towards the other helicopters.

No one was spared. Within a minute, three helicopters crashed one after another. UU reading

“Quick, use tracking missiles!” Bernal’s face turned black into a line. These were his soldiers. The battle had just started, and most of them were damaged. This made him feel disgusted and hated Fengshen Pterosaurs. Soaring.

Just after the order was issued, a soldier took off the shoulder-mounted rocket launcher, after aiming for a moment, and then pressed the trigger.

“Whoosh!” The missile dragged its long tongue of fire and ran towards the air **** of the air.

At this time, the divine Pterosaur dive seemed to feel the danger, the same shape, turned around and flew to the sky.

It is a pity that the tracking missile is not so easy to dodge. Although the Aeolus pterosaurs are flexible in flight, they are still caught up.

“Bang!” At high altitude, after just three helicopters crashed, Fengshen Pterosaurs followed closely, a splendid funeral, and Fengshen Pterosaurs had no bones.


However, outside the laboratory building, Wen Hao was shocked when he heard the stone reminder, and he felt like a cocoon. At that time, he could not deal with the tyrannical Tyrannosaurus rex, so he disguised as Maslani and found military reinforcements. When Tyrannosaurus T-Rex was fighting, the task was accomplished by touching the fish in muddy water. Who knows that Tyrannosaurus T-Rex was handled by a team of soldiers with anesthesia guns!

Now that the army is here, it is still a helicopter gunship. If it turns into a dinosaur and escapes, it is likely to become the target of their attack.

“Alas! It’s better to change the plan, pit yourself!” Wen Hao sighed, looking at the pterosaur in the distance.

“Ah … help … Ah!” Then a scream came from the laboratory. Then, a group of researchers and Ph.D. escaped and saw Wen Hao in the aisle, like he was grabbing Live a life-saving straw.

“Sir, please continue to kidnap us!” The doctor fled to Wen Hao in a few steps, said with tears, his face full of panic.

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