Monsters Through Movie

Chapter 39 - set off

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卍. 卍 卍 卍 Borneo Palan Pier!

It is also the annual rainy season, sometimes rainy and rainy, and sometimes torrential rain pouring!

After a lapse of seven years, returning to this place again made Wen Hao feel a lot of emotion, but it also means that the date of return is closer!

In the past seven years, Wen Hao also thought about taking a shortcut to spend a lot of money to find stone spiders and blood orchids, but unfortunately, nothing was found, I do n’t know the reason, the stone spiders disappeared and disappeared, and the blood orchids only bloomed in seven years. Once, the time is wrong, and I have no choice but to find it!

Therefore, Wen Hao has a guess that the stone spider is a fictional animal in the movie. It is very likely that only this one appears in the movie, so he had to make another plan!

“Robben, if this mission is completed, I will pay you five million dollars as a reward!” Wen Hao said to the middle-aged burly man next to him!

“Relax, Mr. Wen, we are the world’s first-class mercenary organization and feel that we will not smash our own signboard!” Robben said confidently, and then asked again, “I don’t know when Mr. Wen will pay the deposit? “

Wen Hao smiled, took out a satellite phone and handed him, said: “When I look for you, you can go out, at the same time, a million deposit will hit your card!”

Seeing Robben receiving the satellite phone, Wen Hao added: “I want blood orchids that have not been picked. I hope you do n’t act recklessly! Also, order your team members to bring more ammunition. Safety!”

“Okay, Mr. Wen, it’s our pleasure to serve you, then I’ll wait for Mr. Wen’s news!” Robben said, and turned away. ap; ®.® & reg

Looking at the mountains in the distance, Wen Hao smiled slightly. After having amazing wealth, he thought of manipulating others with money and clearing himself of all obstacles on the way to accomplish the task. Therefore, as early as last year, he paid attention to international mercenaries Organization, after thousands of elections, finally found Robben!

Robben, there are a hundred mercenaries under him, all of them have been rigorously trained, their physique is strong, and their weapons and equipment are also very advanced, so Wen Hao feels that this time he can definitely complete the task easily!

To be honest, after the battle with the python seven years ago, Wen Hao thought that he was afraid afterwards. If the first time is not to stimulate the python madness, it is likely to be buried in the snake’s belly. Experience, first trap the python with a fishing net, and prepare the anesthetic, I am afraid that it is difficult to complete the task!

Since there is a seven-year buffer period this time, Wen Hao is naturally prepared.

The storage space is full, except for a ton of gold, there are some necessities, all the other are weapons, what grenade machine guns, etc., even the rocket launcher is stuffed into it. If it is not because of the small space, he even I also want to buy a tank to get in!

Now Wen Hao’s storage space is completely an arsenal!

The plot of the second episode of “The Disaster of Mad Python”, Wen Hao has not remembered clearly. After all, seven years apart, the only thing he can remember now is a Jin Song person, because his name has a Chinese style, and Throughout the main line!

So, Wen Hao turned around and walked towards the bar in the town!

“Hello, I’m looking for someone named Jin Song!” Wen Hao asked after pulling a bartender and handing him a dollar bill!

After receiving the money, the bartender politely said to Wen Hao: “Come with me!”

So Wen Hao followed the bartender to a partial room, pointing to a man who seemed calm and drinking alone. The bartender said: “He is Jin Song!”

At this time Jin Song looked at Wen Hao curiously and asked, “Are you looking for me?”

“You are Jin Song?” Wen Hao asked, looking at the person in front of him, not sure!

“The locals got the nickname, my name is Johnson, Bill Johnson, and the Indonesian voice is not good!” Then, Bill took another sip of wine!

“Hello, Mr. Johnson, my name is Hao Wen, an explorer who wants to rent your boat and go on an upstream expedition!”

“Expedition? Now?” Bill wondered, and then said, “Mr. Explorer, it’s the rainy season. The river is soaring. I suggest you go again at another time!”

As soon as his words fell, a yellow man stepped forward and sat across from Johnson, beckoning the people behind, and Bill said, “They also want to rent a boat!”

At this time, several people who followed him took a look at Johnson. One of the middle-aged ladies made a foreword and repeated Wen Hao’s conversation!

When they heard Bill increased the price tag to fifty thousand, they were not happy!

“Five thousand, are you drinking and stupid? You don’t need to answer this question!” Said the middle-aged lady, and then shook her head to the companion next to him, “I don’t believe him!”

Then she was ready to turn around, but was stopped by Bill!

“Listen, ma’am, we have less nonsense!”

Hearing Bill’s voice, the middle-aged lady turned around, ready to wait for him to finish!

“Now if a ship is willing to carry you, you are already on the river. You came to me because of helplessness. My price is 50,000. If you don’t accept it, you don’t have to talk!”

After that, Bill picked up his glass again and took a sip!

At this time, several people looked at each other, and Bill was talking about the facts, and also took their weaknesses. In desperation, they could only promise, and Wen Hao, a member of the natural boat!

Bill’s boat is very ruined, but his explanation, although disappointing, is strong enough!

Several people got on the boat, and as a member of the boat, Wen Hao also got some more understanding of the people on board!

Captain, Bill, Deputy Captain, Achuan, that is the yellow man!

The tenant on board, the middle-aged lady is Ge Er, the Weihe venture capital researcher, the strong black man is Mitch, the short black man is Kerr, the white-collar youth Jack, the young beauty, Shan, and the sunshine that wants to pursue Shan Youth, class!

Add Shang Hao himself, a total of nine people on board! With the launch of the Bloody Mary, everyone entered the mysterious jungle!

They are not expeditions, but come with missions, their destination is the Satan Basin! And Wen Hao doesn’t care about this ~ ~ He is also coming towards the blood orchid, he cares about the medicinal value of blood orchid that Mitch said!

It can resist various diseases and delay aging. It is just a night talk, but there is no blood orchid in reality. Although the blood orchid in the movie is used for research, but it does not know the specific effect, whether it can really cure cancer !

Moreover, at the beginning, Shi Wei also said that the technology in the movie, when brought into reality, would be contrary to the theory in reality and could not function, but also said that existence is reasonable, since the monster exists, blood Orchids also exist. What will happen if you bring blood orchids to the real world?

“Stone, collecting the genes of the blood orchid, is it to cultivate the bleeding orchid and study its medicinal value?” Wen Hao asked. He hadn’t thought about this layer before. Now think about it, I think it is very possible!

“Blood orchid does have medicinal value, but for humans, the harm is greater than the benefit, but the host is different. When the host replicates the monster gene, its own gene is also fused with some of the monster’s genes. Therefore, the blood orchid is for the host , Has a great effect! But the specific effect can not be analyzed according to the information I have obtained now. Only by obtaining the gene of the blood orchid can it be cracked! “

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