Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 59

The creature encountered by 2조 was a monster that appeared to be a fusion of a human and a giant snake.

To describe it exactly,

it had a headless human body.

Perched atop that body, a giant snake seemed to have taken hold, occupying space as if it were a parasite.

In other words,

it was a monster whose head was entirely that of a snake, not one that simply had a snake’s head.

Additionally, its nerfed Danger Level was B-Class.

I casually named it “Snake Head.”

The Hedgehog Summoner brought forth spirits and addressed the Jellyfish.

─[Doom Bar! Doo Doom Bar! Jellyfish! My spirits will hold it down, so blow it up with Explosion Magic!]


─[What’s wrong?]

─[Pii, piiii!]

─[Doom Bar! We can’t kill it if we’re taming it, right?]


─[Don’t worry! It won’t die even if it loses its body! It can regenerate! I know because I’ve encountered it before!]

─[Pii! Pii!]

【Pururu】─Regenerates well? Is it Rize?
【Rize Nova】─I don’t look that ugly.
【Yumi】─But how are they communicating?
【Mysticism】─Through gestures!

After the Hedgehog and Jellyfish finished their dialogue, they launched a cooperative attack.

The Hedgehog summoned five spirits to engage in fierce hand-to-hand combat with the Snake Head.


the Jellyfish was creating several explosive spheres from a distance, combining them into one and focusing hard on compressing its size.

Before long, an explosion sphere dense as a baseball was formed.


The Jellyfish swung its tentacles and shot the compressed explosion sphere.

It wasn’t moving very fast.

But the Snake Head, distracted by the undead spirits, failed to notice the explosive sphere approaching.

And then,


The sphere hit the Snake Head’s abdomen, causing a small but intense explosion.

It seemed to be a special explosive sphere that minimized the area of effect while maximizing power, likely to consider the Hedgehog’s safety.

─[Orrroroo… Chii…!]

The Snake Head’s body disintegrated from the direct hit of the sphere.

All except the snake part.

This moment showcased the true power of the Jellyfish’s explosive magic, emphasizing concentrated destructive force over area.

【Pururu】─Oh, wow. It worked despite being a small explosion.
【Yumi】─It’s amazing, isn’t it?
【Rize Nova】─That was likely a compressed explosion. When targeting a single enemy or dealing with a high-defense foe, a compressed explosion is more effective than a large-area explosive.
【Pururu】─How would you know that?
【Rize Nova】─There are individuals in our world who use similar abilities. They have the power to explode energy, compressing it increases attack power but reduces area. It’s useful, but the downside is it takes a bit longer.
【Pururu】─So what? I didn’t ask you.
【Rize Nova】─?


The Hedgehog’s spirits restrained the snake so it couldn’t escape.

The Hedgehog climbed onto the snake’s head and did a little dance, shouting.

─[Alright! Jellyfish, bring me the Gauntlet’s arm!]


─[Now hold your hand over this creature’s body!]

─[Pii? Piii?]

─[Doo Doom Bar? Where do I put my hand? I don’t know either!]


【Pururu】─Is Jellyfish an idiot? They said.
【Yumi】─Is that true?
【Pururu】─Would I lie?

Oh. Speaking of which, no one else could see the spots but me, right?

The Hedgehog, thinking nothing of it, was about to blow up the snake’s body, and I mistakenly thought it would know the spot’s location.

Turns out it just wasn’t thinking.

Anyway, I decided to inform them.

The spots were located on the snake part, which fortunately remained intact, not the body that exploded and vanished.

“Hedgehog, can you hear me?”

─[I hear you!]

“There’s a spot just a little to the right of its head; you can put your hand there.”

─[Okie dokie!]

“Where did you learn to say that?”

─[Missy taught me!]

【Pururu】─Missy, don’t teach them weird stuff.
【Yumi】─That was a pointless lesson.
【Rize Nova】─There’s no such thing as a pointless lesson in the world. Every teaching has its value.
【Pururu】─That one has no value.

The Hedgehog laid the severed arm on the snake’s head.

The location was slightly off.

It was a bit away from the actual spot.

“Not there; a bit more to the right.”

─[Doom Bar? Here?]

“No, that’s to the left. The opposite direction again.”

─[Doo Doom Bar? Here?]

“Just a little more to the side.”

─[Doo Doo Doom Bar! Here?]

“Yes. Perfect. Good job.”

─[Doo Doom Bar!]


The severed arm rested on the spot.

And as the palm touched the spot, it slowly started to change color.

Naturally, the change was remarkably slow.


■Snake Head

─Actual Danger Level: S-Class.

─Current (Nerfed) Danger Level: B-Class.

Though I had finished documenting it,

the Snake Head still wasn’t tamed.

I murmured as I checked the time.

“It’s taking longer than I expected.”

【Pururu】─Let’s just break its head.
【Yumi】─That will just make it more hostile. Why create more work for ourselves? ㅡㅡ
【Pururu】─Keep your eyes open.

While confirming the time, I suddenly remembered the 10 Low-Level Invitation Tickets I sent earlier.

“Speaking of that, the 3 hours are almost up.”

【Pururu】─What 3 hours?
【Yumi】─I think it’s been almost 3 hours since I sent the tickets.


【Pururu】─Didn’t they say it was sent by mail?
【Yumi】─A letter.
【Pururu】─That’s the same thing.
【Pururu】─Anyway, don’t get your hopes up, kid. What kind of crazy person eats a suspicious letter? Haha.

I had mentioned the delivery method and contents of the Low-Level Invitation Tickets to the assistants earlier,

saying I got a dud.

“I’m not expecting anything. Just mentioned that there’s not much time left before they expire.”

【Pururu】─But I know you’re secretly hoping for something.
【Mysticism】─ 🤭

Really, I had no expectations at all.

Anyone with common sense receiving such a letter would likely dismiss it as a prank.

There’s no way someone would believe the contents of a letter.

And even if they did receive it, the recipients could be people I barely glanced at, not even remembering their names or faces. There would be no reason for them to help me.

And they might have thrown it away before reading it.

It’s not like someone would take interest in a randomly generated piece of paper right in front of them.

If, by chance, an assistant showed up on my broadcast after getting that letter,

it would be nothing short of a miracle.

A bizarre event that couldn’t logically happen; a miracle.

【Pururu】─By the way, kid, I was thinking, wouldn’t it be better to use the tickets one by one?

“One at a time?”

【Pururu】─Yeah, you said the delivery method is decided randomly. If we use them all at once and get a weird support request, it could be disastrous. So, why not use them multiple times? We might get something good.
【Rize Nova】─Oh. That doesn’t seem like a bad idea.
【Yumi】─Oh wow, I didn’t think of that method! Pururu, you’re not so dumb after all!
【Pururu】─Isn’t it normal to subtly compliment someone in this situation? You idiot?
【Yumi】─I didn’t want to give you a compliment.
【Yumi】─Hey, Geon. Is there a limit to how many times the ticket can be used in a day, like only once?

“I don’t think there was such a restriction… If I manage to get more tickets later, I should try sending them the way Dan-bi suggested.”

【Pururu】─Haha, I’m a genius, right?

“Yeah. You’re smart. Thanks, Dan-bi.”

【Pururu】─Hehe, I’m pretty clever.
【Mysticism】─Pururu is amazing!

Honestly, it wasn’t that groundbreaking of an idea.

But it’s nice to express gratitude and praise, after all.

It’s because they proposed a method I hadn’t thought of.

I got up from my seat, placing the completed monster index carefully in the box.

As I checked the time again,

“Anyway, there’s less than 5 minutes until the invitation tickets expire…”

As I was muttering that,

『RED grade assistant ‘Unknown – 005’ is here like a shooting star, watching over you.』


【Rize Nova】─The little one has arrived!

A miracle happened.


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