Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 39

A week spent with Orakans.

In such a short time, did I grow somewhat fond of them?

Watching them prepare to return to their original world, I felt more concern than envy.

Can the Revolutionary Army really achieve victory with just those three going back?


Even if they rejoin the Revolutionary Army, it won’t change much.

The chances of the Revolutionary Army defeating the government are incredibly slim.

Even though Rize is one of the strongest Orakans on Planet Lumina, no amount of training for a week would change the outcome of defeat.

And rightly so, the power difference between the government and the Revolutionary Army is overwhelming.

If you hear about the power gap, you’d really wonder how the Revolutionary Army has held on against the government so far. If they had fought head-on even once, they would have been decimated.

With a heavy heart, I asked Rize this question.

“Do you really have to go back?”

“Is there any point in fighting a battle with no chance of winning?”

In response, Rize answered.

“Still, we must.”

“Our battle transcends mere victory or defeat.”

“Even if the chances are slim, our struggle itself is the spark for Lumina’s future. If we give up now, it would not only be a failure of the revolution but would also mean losing the souls of our people.”

“For freedom and equality, to hand down a better world to future generations, we will fight to the end, prepared for death. Though I may perish and be consumed, our resistance will surely be the seed that changes the future.”

To keep the hope of the oppressed Orakans alive.

To leave the spark of revolution.

Rize did not waver in his intent to return.

Pururu—I suddenly feel choked up.

Pururu—Sorry for saying to go out earlier…


I had no choice but to eventually let them go.

Yet I didn’t want to overlook their deaths.

So after much thought, I made a decision.

Before the Orakans return, I would make a proposal to Rize.

This would be a mutually beneficial proposal for both Rize and me.


The capital of Planet Lumina, Neo Astra.

Today, the execution ground towering in the center had an even darker aura than usual.

Silence flowed under the blue sky.

In the stillness, where even the breath of the crowd filling the square could be heard, numerous Revolutionary Army prisoners knelt with their heads bowed on the execution platform.

The glint of despair lingering in their eyes wavered with the still-burning spark of resistance.

“Carry out the execution.”

A low voice echoed.

At the same time, the executioners standing before the prisoners raised their swords high into the sky.

In that moment.


With a sound like something tearing, a dark portal was generated, cutting through the gap of reality.

The portal opened above the execution platform.

The eyes of the crowd turned toward it.

The executioners were no exception.

Soon, three silhouettes gradually emerged from the darkness.

Seeing them, the citizens covered their mouths with their hands.

“T-those people…!”

“Aah… you’re alive…!”

Rize, Terio, Ayula.

It was the return of the three Orakans, symbolic of the Revolutionary Army.

The revolutionary army prisoners who witnessed their appearance had their expressions change.


“You’re safe, Rize!”

“Terio and Ayula are here too!”

Hope’s light reflected on the faces of those who had sunk into despair.

The crowd, moaning under the government’s oppression, felt the same way.

On the other hand.

The faces of the government-affiliated Orakans showed clear confusion.

“Why is Rize here…?”

“Weren’t you supposed to be dead?”

“Shouldn’t we capture him?”

“Us? Capture Rize, who isn’t even restrained?”

“First, contact higher-ups!”

As the executioners were buzzing with commotion.

Rize, standing on the execution platform, slowly surveyed his surroundings and noticed the bound Revolutionary Army prisoners, frowning slightly.

Rize lightly waved his hand.

Then the energy flowing around converged together, and that energy flew like blades, cleanly severing the necks of the executioners.


The bodies of the executioners collapsed lifelessly.

Due to how sudden it was, not even a scream echoed.

“Ayula, free them.”

Rize pointed at the Revolutionary Army prisoners with a nod.

Ayula replied powerfully and followed Rize’s command, while Terio moved behind Rize and whispered softly.

“I think we miscalculated the timing of our return.”

At those words, Rize shook his head lightly.

“No, it actually worked out. We were able to let the crowd know that we have returned and saved our compatriots who were about to be executed. Above all, we no longer need to waste time watching out for the government.”

After saying that, Rize took a few steps forward and looked down at the bottom of the execution platform.

He took a short breath.

Taking a deep breath in, with a determined expression, he projected his voice.

“Children of Lumina! Lend me your ears!”

The silence that enveloped the execution ground was shattered.

Rize’s booming voice echoed throughout the square.

“Today, we will rewrite the history of Lumina! It is time to break the chains of oppression and welcome the dawn of freedom!”

His voice was filled with majesty.

In the tense silence where even a breath could not be heard, the weapons held by the government-affiliated Orakans faintly trembled.

Rize sensed their agitation.

And without blinking, he continued his speech.

“I swear that when the sun rises tomorrow! Our struggle shall no longer be regarded as a mere rebellion but will be remembered as a righteous revolution!”

A voice full of certainty and resolve.

Every single word from Rize ignited the hearts of the crowd, and the eyes of the oppressed began to blaze with the spark of hope.

“This tale, written with our blood and sweat, shall become a symbol of courage and pride for our descendants!”

His voice rose an octave.

With strength added to his words, that strength resonated hotly in the hearts of the crowd.

“Lastly, I will warn you!”

Rize’s gaze sharpened.

He shouted with the momentum to sweep through the entire execution ground.

“Those who will stand with us! Those who choose the path of justice! From now on, we will judge the minions of tyranny, and if you are not a minion of tyranny, I advise you to flee this place immediately and hide safely for a day! When the sun rises tomorrow, the government will fall! Their downfall will be the new beginning for Lumina!”

The execution ground fell into chaos.

Those who were trembling in fear having sided with the government, those filled with excitement, and those who were resolved mixed in a whirlwind.

Everyone except Rize, Terio, and Ayula, had yet to realize.

That Rize’s return would be the catalyst to change Lumina’s fate.

And that this would open a new chapter in history.


After hearing Rize’s speech, most of the crowd fled the execution ground in panic.

Thus, the remaining Orakans were either government lackeys or Revolutionary Army members.

“Capture all the rebels!”

“Reinforcements have arrived! If you can capture them, do so; if not, feel free to kill them!”

Unlike the Revolutionary Army, who hadn’t yet heard the news of Rize’s return, the government side was rapidly dispatching all combat personnel to the execution ground.

“Protect Rize!”

“Do not withdraw! The Commander said that reinforcements would arrive soon!”

Despite the numerical disadvantage.

The Revolutionary Army prisoners freed from their bonds fought desperately against the government.

Terio and Ayula also stepped forward to prepare for battle.

“Doom Bar.”

Terio wiggled his butt slightly.

“Doo Doom Bar.”

Ayula responded by shaking her backside.

The two exchanged glances and,

“Doom Bar! Doo Doom Bar!”

“Doom Bar! Doo Doom Bar!”

They shouted simultaneously as they revved up their butts.

The government-affiliated Orakans watched the absurd sight in disbelief.

“What the hell are those crazy kids doing right now?”

“Ha… In such a situation, they’re dancing that cheesy dance…”

“They’re clearly out of their minds.”

“Kill those bastards first!”

Let them babble.

Terio and Ayula didn’t care about anyone’s gaze.

No matter who laughed or mocked.

They simply kept shaking their backsides more energetically.

“Shall we enjoy the dance?”

Terio said with a grin.

“Let’s shout happily! Let’s dance joyously!”

Ayula answered, shaking her hips dazzlingly.

wiggle wiggle.

Their butts started moving rhythmically.

The government Orakans sneered and charged at them.


“What, what’s this! Why aren’t the attacks hitting?”

“Are they dodging by dancing? What kind of nonsensical thing is this…?”

“These bastards’ movements are not ordinary!”

“Just hit them! Hit them already!!!”

Terio and Ayula mocked them effortlessly, evading all attacks by simply dancing.

Then, Terio’s butt suddenly accelerated and slammed into a government Orakan’s face.

“Doo Doom Bar!”


Terio immediately twisted his butt.

He delivered another butt smack to another Orakan’s face next to him.

thud! thud! thud!

“What the hell is this?!”

“How am I getting hit by that disgusting dance… Gahhh!”

Caught off guard by the unexpected butt attack, the government-affiliated Orakans started to drop like flies.

Watching this scene, Rize gasped in admiration.

“Wow… I never thought that dance would actually help… I wouldn’t want to learn it, but its effectiveness is certain.”

While Rize was mumbling like that.

In the distance, seven figures slowly approached him.

Beings radiating overwhelming power just by appearing.

The seven great commanders of the government finally revealed themselves.

One of the seven great commanders looked at Rize with a puzzled expression.

“Oh? I thought you’d have run away; I see you’re still here?”

“I was intentionally waiting for you. This is an opportunity to take you all out at once.”

Rize didn’t even glance at them.

He simply stared into the void and replied.

The seven great commanders burst into laughter.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“This is fun, this is fun. What confidence you have!”

“Hmm. It seems like you’ve changed slightly. A little stronger, I guess.”

“But that won’t make a difference.”

No one took Rize’s words seriously.

They all seemed to think it was just bravado.

“Heh. Don’t laugh too hard. There must be something you’re believing in, or you wouldn’t still be here.”

“Ha. I’m truly curious what that is. I’ll take my time, so do something.”

They mocked and derided Rize.

No matter what they said.

Rize was still staring into the void.

“It’s coming soon.”

Barely audible, Rize muttered softly.

“A being who will show you hell.”

Then it happened.

「A designated dispatch ticket has been used on Planet Lumina.」

Cutting through the vast nothingness,

「The target has been selected.」

「Target: Rize Nova.」

A massive rift appeared behind Rize.

「Coordinates have been set. Proceeding with dispatch.」

Space twisted and the veil of reality was torn apart.

From that gap, ominous light spilled forth, and the surrounding atmosphere warped.

「The dimensional barrier is collapsing.」

「The power of the dispatch has been released. The dispatcher has regained their original power.」

And at the center of the rift, darkness swirled, gradually revealing a figure. Surrounding debris danced in tune with its steps.

The seven great commanders instinctively shrank back.

A being radiating an overwhelming aura even just in outline.

They instantly realized that it was a creature of a different realm altogether, incomparable to themselves.

「The Demon Lord, Psycho Clown, descends.」

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