Monster Refining System

Chapter 48

Chapter 48 Problem with roast leg of lamb?

To be reasonable, Yang Yao is really dizzy right now. He began to doubt whether he believed in Xia Fukun, whether it was a right thing or a wrong thing.

And in his opinion, even though Xia Fukun has received his own benefits, if it weren’t for the sudden appearance of Tier 8 monsters, then with Xia Fukun’s strength in the realm of bravery, he would not be the opponent of that dragon!

The more Yang Yao thought about it, the more strange it became.

Wrong, old iron!

Xia Fukun’s performance is too calm, right?

Normal people see this situation, it must be the same as their own thoughts, so they should run away quickly. How can you sit on the floor and string together?

Could it be that Xia Fukun summoned that eighth-order monster?

No, right…

Yang Yao felt that her thoughts were a bit too naive. When did you hear that the warriors of the realm of bravery could summon the monsters of the eighth rank? Even if it’s a partner, that’s impossible. After all, things like monsters are very difficult to tame. Unless the strength is similar or far surpassed, generally speaking, it is impossible to control the opponent.

And what made Yang Yao even more dizzy was that the nine-headed giant snake and the scorpion dragon were fighting together, and they still had the upper hand? ? ?

God! You must know that the moth dragon is a Tier 8 monster that has failed to attack the Tier 9 monster and retreats! This kind of monster is far more powerful than the ordinary Tier 8 monster!

What is the origin of this Hydra? How come I have never heard of such a monster beast?

Yang Yao hadn’t figured it out yet, Xia Fukun had already patted his **** and got up from the ground.

The information transmitted from the Hydra can basically kill the moth at any time, then he can also store it in the demon refining system, but all of this must be carried out secretly. When someone found out, did you kill or kill the other party to keep this secret?

“Okay, the play is almost done, let’s go!”

Looking at Xia Fukun, he took everything back into the space ring. Yang Yao frowned:

“Don’t look at it again? When this hits the most exciting time, you see, the moth dragon seems to be defeated!”

Hearing Yang Yao’s words, Xia Fukun sneered, you only talked too much!

“You have to see if you stay here. Even if the moth is dead, there is still a Hydra. If the Hydra also attacks us like the moth, will you resist or will you resist?”


Yang Yao thinks there is nothing wrong with this sentence! He got up from the ground right now.

Ye Qingwan was secretly funny.

She already knew that the Hydra was summoned by Xia Fukun, and now that Hydra had the upper hand, Xia Fukun urged everyone to leave again, so she didn’t need to think about what medicine Xia Fukun sold in the gourd.

It is estimated that he was hit with the idea of ​​the scorpion dragon again!

It’s just that Ye Qingwan really doesn’t understand it. You, a Tier 6 summoner, always make those bells and whistles, what do you do with so many high-level monsters? Of course, Ye Qingwan was not a silly woman, she vaguely felt that Xia Fukun might be different from an ordinary warrior and an ordinary summoner.

After all, ordinary summoners can’t summon the monster beasts of the eighth rank when they are in the fourth rank? !

A group of people set off soon.

Behind him, the battle between Hydra and Moth is still fiery.

But the discerning person knew at a glance that the moth could not last long.

Its three huge heads have been beaten to blood.

That huge body had already fallen to the ground at this time, and he couldn’t even lift his head high, his head drooping in a sickly look.

It just ate a petrification attack from Hydra.

It can’t understand why my petrochemicals are useless to you, so your petrochemicals can hold me down for a minute?

Later Hydra explained it to it-

Starting 0D

“Call Dad…”


It was also when the last breath was left on the side of the dragon, the dragon was stunned to find that the huge hydra in front of it had disappeared? ? ?

Could it be that the appearance of the Hydra was just to beat himself up to death?

Okay, I have to say that Molong’s guess is still a little bit accurate, and of course, it’s not entirely correct.

Just when it was about to climb up from the ground with difficulty, and then returned to the old nest for some cultivation.

When it turned around, it suddenly saw a figure squatting on the ground in front of it.


The figure waved at it.

Humanity? Hi? Hi nm!

Molong is fascinated. When did this human appear here? Why didn’t I notice it at all?

“Are you surprised?”

The human stood up from the ground and patted the dragon on the head.

When did Molong suffer such humiliation? Since it became the master of this mountain range, the humans that have entered are all its food, but what about now? Was patted on the head by a human? And what makes it even more surprised is that this human being can still communicate with it, and it can understand what this human says!


(who are you!)

The moth dragon roared at Xia Fukun, it wanted to slap this human to death with one claw, but there was nothing wrong with it! It has no strength at all.

Hearing the roar of the moth dragon, Xia Fukun pondered for a moment, and then said:

“Called Dad?”

Xiaolong: “???”

How could this human being say exactly the same as that Hydra? ? ?

“Forget it, just kidding with you, I can’t give birth to something like you. Forget it, don’t waste time.”

Xia Fukun put a hand on the head of the dragon bream, the dragon bream had not reacted yet, and fluorescent light emerged from the huge body, and then, slowly disappeared in place.


Xia Fukun raised his fist, and as a result, he was getting closer and closer to refining the Immortal in the Mist.


Moshan mountain range.

Yang Yao was dizzy.

“When will Brother Kun come back? What if the Hydra catches up?”

Just now I said that it was Xia Fukun who was going to drive. In the end, it was less than a dozen miles away. Xia Fukun said that he had a stomach trouble and ran away. Now the group of people is at the core of the mountain range. It’s not. He is really depressed.

Can we do something after receiving the money?

“It should be soon…”

Ye Qingwan knew that Xia Fukun had gone to find the dragon, so she also helped Xia Fukun with a few words.

Fortunately, Xia Fukun didn’t linger much with Molong, and ran back after a short while.

“Haha, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just ate a bit too much, Yu Xuan, when you call for food in the future, be careful, is the roast leg of lamb a bit broken?”

Chang Yuxuan: “???”

Do you want him to carry this pot?

After Xia Fukun finished saying this, Yang Yao felt that her stomach was tumbling inexplicably.

Is there really a problem with the roast leg of lamb?

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