Monster Refining System

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Compete for the Flame Bear

If it was someone else, Xia Fuqian would never give up what he likes. However, Xia Fukun was his second brother, and for more than a year, Xia Fukun had basically no contact with them except for asking the guards to catch some weird monsters.

It was hard for Xia Fukun to ask for something, so Xia Fukun was not ready to compete with Xia Fukun.

When Xia Fu gave in, Xia Guangyun was also relieved. As a parent, the thing that he least likes to see is that his children are vying for it. Now Xia Fuqian and Xia Fukun can get along in harmony, which makes him very gratified.

The auction will begin at eight o’clock in the evening.

Xia Guangyun, as the lord of Xiacheng, even if he didn’t bid, he was going to join him.

And Xia Fukun followed Xia Guangyun to the auction site.

“City Lord Xia, you are here!”

The organizer of the auction is the Red Maple Chamber of Commerce. The background of this chamber of commerce is quite amazing. It is said that its headquarters is not yet in the Yaslan Empire, but even so, the Red Maple Chamber of Commerce also occupies the Yaslan Empire. A pivotal position.

The person who was speaking in front of him was an old man with gray hair. Xia Fukun knew this person and was the person in charge of the Red Maple Chamber of Commerce in Xiacheng-Master Nigu.

It is said that Master Nigu has now entered the early stage of elite warriors. In this summer city, except for Xia Fukun’s father Xia Guangyun who can faintly dominate him, he can basically walk sideways.

“Hehe, the Red Maple Chamber of Commerce is in such a big show this time. As the city lord, I naturally want to come here to get the light.”

After a period of commercial mutual support between the two sides, Xia Fukun was taken to Box 3 by Xia Guangyun.

There are ten boxes in the entire Red Maple Chamber of Commerce. Box No. 3 is used by Xia Guangyun for a long time, while the first two boxes are used by some foreign powerhouses or the headquarters and high level of the Red Maple Chamber of Commerce. Xia Guangyun could understand this, and although he was the master of a city, the strength of Xiacheng was not strong in the entire Yaslan Empire.

Even if it is him, he is only an elite middle-term warrior. The Red Maple Chamber of Commerce can give him such a thin face, in fact, it is very good to be honest.

“Kun’er, today, for my father, I will **** the body of that blazing bear for you!”

As soon as he entered the box, Xia Guangyun patted Xia Fukun on the shoulder.

Xia Fukun nodded silently.

Although he hadn’t said a few words to Xia Guangyun since he came to this world for more than a year, he could feel Xia Guangyun’s love for himself.

Xia Fukun was not a cold-blooded animal, and he was somewhat moved in his heart.

It is precisely this way, he even wants to try the wonders of his demon refining system.

He had read a lot of novels about system flow before on the earth, and the protagonists were often very boastful as soon as they got the system. But when he got here, even the monster beast like the great power sacred ape at the bottom required him to spend more than half a year’s cycle.

If after this blazing bear got the hand, this great power divine ape could not be refined, then he would really explode.

Soon, the auction began.

According to past rules, there is no doubt that the items to be auctioned must range from cheap to expensive.

The auction house is huge, and it is definitely not a problem to accommodate a thousand people. And under the lights in the center of the auction house, a beautiful woman in a black skirt and robe was introducing the function of the object she was holding in her charming voice.

Looking at the woman in the center of the station, Xia Fukun couldn’t help squinting his eyes.

The kind of women arranged in the auction venue are all women who can seduce men’s desires in every word and action. In the woman’s crisp and numb voice, some ordinary items have also been fired to sky-high prices.

“Kun’er, a good man is in every direction, don’t be because of the feminine…”

Seeing Xia Fukun staring at the woman in the center of the auction, Xia Guangyun coughed and reminded him.

“Father, don’t worry, Kun’er knows.”

Xia Fukun smiled awkwardly at Xia Guangyun and said something.


Just click it.

Xia Guangyun didn’t want to say too much.

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But fortunately, none of the two sons of his Xia family were that kind of erotic.

“Attention, the corpse of the Flame Bear will be brought up soon.”

The auction progressed very smoothly, and there was no delay in the pace. At Xia Guangyun’s reminder, Xia Fukun saw that, directly behind the stage, a huge black cloth was wrapped in something similar to a hill.

“Everyone, what I will show you next is a blazing bear that our Red Maple Chamber of Commerce hunted.”

With the introduction of the woman in the center of the stage.

In the whole auction hall, the atmosphere suddenly heated up.

“Although this blazing bear is dead, anyone who knows the characteristics of blazing bears knows that its bones are as hard as steel. If the skeletons of blazing bears are made into battle armor, then I believe it will be indestructible. Effect.”

As soon as the woman had finished speaking, someone in the audience shouted:

“Ten thousand gold coins!”

Hearing the man’s call, many people around him took a breath.

Gold coins are the currency commonly used in the Yaslan Empire. Although it is not as expensive as the spirit stone, 10,000 gold coins are enough for ordinary people to use it for nearly ten years.

Although this blazing bear is rare in the Yaslan Empire, it is only a Tier 2 monster after all. The price of 10,000 gold coins is indeed quite high.

After the man bid, the auction hall was full of silence.

Seeing this, the woman in the center of the auction room frowned slightly unnaturally.

To be honest, at the price of 10,000 gold coins, their Chamber of Commerce did not lose money, but this was not the result they wanted.

“Everyone, although the flame bear is dead, here, I can use the credibility of the Red Maple Chamber of Commerce to guarantee that we have not touched even a single fur on this flame bear. Although the flame bear is expensive in steel. The bones, but the other things on the body are also extremely precious!”

I have to say that this woman from the Red Maple Chamber of Commerce can instigate the atmosphere.

It was also after she had finished speaking.

“Fifteen thousand gold coins!”

Next to the man, another voice rang.

“Twenty thousand gold coins!”

“Twenty-five thousand gold coins!”

At the scene, there was an endless stream of bids.

Seeing those people in the hall fighting for the blazing bear, Xia Fukun was also a little anxious. He glanced at Xia Guangyun, who was sitting beside him with the old god, and just saw Xia Guangyun’s mouth with a sarcasm smile.

“Kun’er, don’t worry. I said for my father that this blazing bear belongs to you, so it must be yours.”

“I want to see, in this summer city, who else would dare to pull a tooth from a tiger’s mouth!”

After saying this, Xia Guangyun pressed a button in front of him.

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