Monster Breeder

99. Eastern Desert, Part 2 (Suka, R-18)

The dunes fly by as we bound up and down the hills of sand. It’s damn hot out here. As a Cinderwolf, I don’t mind so much, but even I’m getting thirsty. Dura is sweating profusely enough for her seat to wet my fur. She can’t keep that up forever. My occasional glance back reveals her Ogre Tough pale skin is showing the first signs of a light sunburn (a mere human’s fragile skin would be cracked and peeling by now).

She’ll never admit she’s struggling.

“Flou, Dura’s pale color stands out too much. We don’t need unwanted attention; cover her.” Flou1’s fur is a closer match to the sand, but it’s far from a breathable fabric. Rather than make the heat more unbearable for the Ogress, the Fuzzy Slime becomes something like a parasol with a bone handle.

Dura doesn’t comment on how poorly this does the job of concealing her pale skin from spying eyes.

We crest another dune and descend at speeds to make anyone’s stomach flip. While we’re practically in freefall, a net rises from the sand like a startled bird.

I crash into the trap and the three of us tumble downhill in a knot of rope and limbs.

Dura lands atop me already struggling to break free, but it’s difficult to bring her strength to bear when her arms and legs are tangled. I can’t burn us free lest I damage my companions. Thankfully, Flou1 reverts to Fuzzy Slime form and slips loose from the confusion of limbs.

Unfortunately, half a dozen daggers plant themselves in Flou1’s flanks as a group of Sand Goblins burst from concealment. They wear long robes and white cloth wrappings to conceal their faces, leaving only the eyes, pointed nose, and long, flat ears poking through. Their skin is a dusty grey instead of green. Their hands clench bone knives like butchers ready to go to work.

“~La la laah, la la laaah, lay down your arms~” Lucinia swoops low with a song on her lips.

The Sand Goblins swoon along with her music for a moment. Then, first one Goblin, and then another stabs their hand or cuts off an ear. They awaken from the melody’s trance and proceed to clear their comrades’ heads as well. Bone daggers arc toward Lucinia and she’s forced to ascend out of their range. However, that bought us a crucial minute.

The daggers must have missed Flou’s core because she regains enough cohesion to form a toothy maw and bite through one of the ropes.

That loosens Dura’s arms, and she begins grabbing and tearing at the net with tremendous strength. I stoke my embers with Cinderwolf Rush while biting at my restraints.

“Why ‘ttack? Me Gobbo!” Dura says.

“You Gobbo, not S’Gobbo!”

“Ya, ya! Not S’Gobbo!”

“Kill teh heathen!”

Dura finally staggers away from me, taking hits from several thrown bone knives. The cuts are shallow thanks to her Ogre Toughness. Then she summons her Ogre Club and charges the Sand Goblins.

Cinderwolf Rush! Cinderwolf Rush!

Fiery pain blossoms in my core and spreads through my limbs, but the net ignites immediately. The Sand Goblins are too focused on fighting the foreign Gobbo to throw me a bone. Another second surrounded by flame and I’m free, ripping through the remains of the net like paper.

The Sand Goblins scatter while pelting Dura with knives as she rushes them. The Ogress realizes they’re more agile, if not faster, and chasing them is a losing game. So, instead, she throws her club at one.

Her prodigious strength sends the projectile flying end over end while practically whistling. The studded end embeds itself in a Sand Goblin’s chest, spraying blood everywhere.

Flou1 telekinetically grabs the airborne blood droplets with her magic and draws them into herself. The Fuzzy Slime swells in size and lunges at the nearest Sand Goblin, biting his arm off.

I burn through the line of Sand Goblins like wildfire. My jaws snap at limbs, teeth slicing through bone as I spread flames to their cloth wrappings. They scream, drop, and roll to put themselves out.

Dura summons one club after another, throwing them without pause as they appear in her open palms. Most Sand Goblins in her sights fall in bloody, broken heaps. Some dive to the side, the flying clubs merely turning their limbs to paste on impact.

Flou1 chews through her first Sand Goblin before proceeding to her second, their knives unable to find her core while she replenishes herself with their blood, but the battle is almost over.

By the time I finish another flaming dash through their ranks, all the Sand Goblins are on the ground, dead or dying.

“Bring back one ’live for Alex?” Dura asks with her club raised.

“Nah, too much hassle,” I say. Why take the time to guard one from escaping while having to protect it from dying throughout the day or else waste the effort? Not to mention making sure they don't stab us in the back. All for one shitty mark? “The mission takes priority.”

“Mmm, ’kay.” Dura brings the club down on a crawling Sand Goblin that explodes in a gory mess. At least it’s a quick death.

Flou1 returns to my neck as I gradually cool. “What were they doing here?”

“Good question,” Lucinia says as she lands in our midst. I have to admit she proved useful. “I haven’t seen any of them around for miles.”

“Maybe they only move at night,” I suggest, earning some surprised glances at the smart guess. Hey, as a hunter, I know how prey and other predators think!

A familiar scent wafts to my nostrils and I find myself trotting over to the side of a dune. Snuffling around in the sand, I find what I’m looking for. A few seconds spent digging while the others watch in confusion reveals what caught my interest.

It’s a Sand Goblin cache. Basically, there’s a long wooden box buried in the sand. I smell preserved meat and dried fruit inside. *Thump!*


I shift to humanoid form and try to pry open the lid. Dura smashes the padlock with the butt of her club, and we throw the top aside to find a struggling figure in a burlap sack amid the rations. Gripping the fabric with my claws, I shred it apart and tear the prisoner free.

“You saved me!” a Cactus girl exclaims as she throws her arms around me in a hug; her huge, soft breasts squish pleasantly against my more modest chest. I flinch and recoil, expecting to be skewered by her spines, but I’m… fine? She notices my reaction, pushes me away, and pouts. “It’s not like I couldn’t have escaped on my own, though. Hmph!”

She’s tall, around six feet, with a slim waist, and impressive melons (her breasts are the largest of the three of us, and Dura is a big girl!). A leafy green skirt conceals her nethers and a matching top supports her heavy rack. Side slits on her skirt proudly bare the smooth green skin of her long legs. Her naked midriff also displays the sleek flesh of her belly.

Needles grow all along her legs, sides, and arms from ankle to shoulder. A ring of thick spikes protrude from her neck and wrists like a choker and wristbands. Her hair is white and downy soft with a hundred dark curved spines poking through the fluff. She has a pink flower in her hair slightly off-center like an accent piece to provide a splash of color for her outfit.

“How come I’m not a pincushion?” I ask, looking down at my bare skin and fur to confirm the lack of puncture wounds.

She frowns at me, and I suddenly realize how God Beast damned cute she is. That adorable glare is impossible to take seriously. “Rude! Cactus folk only prick people they don’t like, see,” she says while poking a needle protruding from her arm with a fingertip. The spine bends like a stiff whisker rather than piercing her flesh. Something occurs to her, and she blushes deep green as her eyes go wide with anger. “That doesn’t mean I like you or anything! Why shouldn’t I avoid stabbing the person who helped me out?!?”

Fuck, she’s even cuter when she’s flustered. That blush is making my stomach flip. I push down my interest to focus on business, “Have you seen any Lizard folk recently?” Whether we have to kill her depends on the girl’s answer. If she hurt Alex’s pet Kobold…

“Eh? You’re not even going to ask for my name? What’s wrong with you!?! Moron!” She balls her hands into fists and brings them down on my shoulders and collarbone. The ‘blows’ are light, not even bruising, and the spikes that brush against me bend instead of piercing my skin. She’s clearly not trying to hurt me.

“Dura confuse. Cactus ’ttack, but Suka stand dere all goo-goo eye.” The Ogress raises her club. “Dura smash?”

Oops, I got distracted by the way this Treefolk’s jugs jiggle when she pumps her arms like that. And her angry face is doing weird things to my nethers. I think I'm getting wet.

“Hey! What kind of moron smashes someone they just met for no reason?!?”

Damn, she’s loud, but I don’t hate her sweet voice. I catch the Ogress’s arm. “Dura, no smash.” Then I turn to the Cactus folk and ask, “What’s your name, girl?”

She blushes again as if I’ve taken her off-guard. “F-finally. My father named me Bombycina, but my mom wanted to name me Isabella after my human grandmother. I’d have my friends call me that… if I had any.” Her shoulders slump for a moment before an inner well of flustered energy bubbles up in her again. “We just met, so you definitely shouldn’t!!!”

“Alright, Isabella, what do you know about the Lizardfolk?”

The Cactus girl flushes all over when I call her by the nickname she provided and another pink flower blooms in her hair. “L-l-lizards? Nothing, I guess. I’ve been trapped in that trunk since yesterday and haven’t seen anything. If I ever see another Sand Goblin, I’ll—” She notices the dead Sand Goblins around us and pauses mid-fury-stomp. “Oh, well, you’ve already slain the foul things. I supposed I should be grateful…”

"Nice to meet you, Isabella. My name is Lucinia." The bird's woman half bows. The cactus girl doesn't react as strongly to the second use of her name. "The Ogress is Dura, and this lovely wolf-"

“-Okay, we’ll come back through here later today." This is taking too long and not moving us closer to completing the mission. "We're burning daylight." She is hot, though. "I’m inviting you to the orgy tonight!” It won’t matter to Alex which Cactus folk I return with as long as I’ve got one, and I like Isabella better than those prickly pear sisters.

“O-orgy!?! Wait, hold on. Before you go,” she calls, stopping us from leaving as she points at Dura and Lucinia. “You’re sweating all over the place! Keep going like this and you’ll get dehydrated.”

The Ogress frowns. “Dura no d-high-drate.”

I sigh. These two will never get anything done with their pride in the way. “You’re right, Isabella, I’ve been parched for a while, now. Could you give me a drink with your Water Magic? And Dura, Lucinia, if I’m stopping, you might as well join.”

This time, the Ogress shrugs in agreement. The Siren graciously accepts.

"Water? Morons! Look at how much you've sweated! You need something better than water, or you'll get sick. Here." She removes her top to reveal two glorious tits in their entirety flopping free. The juicy, bouncy melons are full to bursting with succulent liquid. They make me drool just looking at them. Her nipples are bright pink and pert like tiny fruit. "My cactus water is full of electrolytes! But don't get the wrong idea, I'm only doing this because you killed the Sand Goblins."

Pride is one thing, but neither Dura nor I are about to turn down breasts like hers! We both kneel and throw an arm around her waist while taking a firm, fruity-smelling nipple in our mouths. I suckle and slightly sweet, slightly salty water flows into my mouth. The flavor contains hints of tropical citrus and coconut that tantalize my taste buds without being cloyingly syrupy.

Isabella fills me with her essence and refreshes my body fully. Every inch of me is replenished and fortified by the delightful elixir. The desert's heat no longer feels so oppressive. Then something stiffens against my belly.

I brush aside her leafy skirt to bare her crotch. A hard green girlcock stares back at me, ribbed and waxy-smooth like cactus skin but bare of needles, ten inches long. Spines decorate her crotch, but they don't prick my exploring hands despite her verbal protests.

"H-hey! S-stop! That's not... Ahn!"

My mouth closes around the fat pink glans of her dick and I flick a concentrated dollop of her flavor from the tip. I let her thick precum coat my tongue as my lips take her length deeper inch by supple, turgid inch. Pulling away momentarily, I say, “You say one thing, but this hard thing seems a lot more honest,” before shoving her into my throat.

"M-m-moron! Going this far without even telling me your name! That’s way too rude! Ah-ahhhn!” Swirling my tongue around her rod’s head shuts her up for a few seconds. She forgets to ask my name and blames me for going too fast? What a silly monster.

I release her long enough to speak in a husky voice, "The name’s Suka. Don't forget it if you want to finish." Then I put her in the hot oven of my mouth again. She gasps and throws her head back while her hips start to gyrate in sync with my tongue.

My fingers search for testicles between her legs, instead discovering a delightful surprise. Her member is a great, swollen clit at the top of her soft vulva. No needles surround her bare pussy. Her labia are smooth and waxy-slick like her cock.

I send two digits plunging into her cunt and her back arches.

"Oh, yes! Like that! Like that! B-but don't get the wrong idea! I'm only letting you do this because you used my nickname. You're lucky I didn't let you wander off into the desert without succor."

I curl my fingers to hit her g-spot.


Dura releases Isabella’s teat to wet her finger before resuming suckling and sends her moist digit below deck. 

I feel the Ogress’s digit part Isabella’s cheeks and plunder her booty. Then Lucinia joins in to take her turn with the cactus girl's free nipple while shoving avian breasts against a smooth green tummy.


We proceed to triple-team her, Lucinia and Dura drinking cactus juice while pumping her pucker, and me deepthroating her girlcock while fingerbanging her cunt. Except, whenever I feel her muscles clench and her hips thrust against my face, I retreat to leave her shaft without succor. She glares down at me as if in betrayal, but I stare back in challenge, shameless as I resume my blowjob.

I made my price perfectly clear.

This time, as Isabella reaches the tipping point, she acknowledges who’s doing who a favor. “Yes… yes… yes! I’m almost there, please… Suka…” I bob my head deep and fast, kissing her pubic mound with each thrust as she stuffs my throat. My fingers fly in her pussy. “Sukaaahhhnnn!!!”

Cactus pussy juice splashes my fingers as her cunt clenches on me and her girlcock convulses. I pull back my head until only her glans sits between my lips as each of her dick spasms releases a large spurt of cum onto my tongue. The consistency is similar to aloe vera pulp and the flavor is much like her cactus water, but sweeter with more concentrated tropical flavors and a hint of musk. It’s delicious.

She fills my mouth with her splooge until my cheeks bulge. When the final squirts of her rod run dry, I withdraw from her member and open my mouth wide to show I’ve taken every drop of her load. Then, when our eyes lock, I gulp it all down at once.

Isabella’s face flushes the deepest, verdant green yet and a dozen more flowers bloom in her hair. She goes weak in the knees, but I catch her in my arms and gently lower her to the sand as she falls. Dura’s finger pops free from her backdoor and the Ogress releases her breast, stomach full of cactus water. Lucinia flaps away as well.

“That was… incredible,” Isabella whispers breathlessly as she leans against me. Our breasts touch in a marshmallow heaven. I grip her chin with my fingers and tilt her head towards me. Our smoldering gazes connect as our lips come within inches of one another, then millimeters. Then she turns her head aside and continues, “F-f-for a first try! You’ll have to do a lot better than that if you want a kiss from me, missy!”

She can be frustrating to deal with, but I’ve come to enjoy this little game. It’ll make conquering her that much sweeter.

“Hey, what’s he doing?” Flou1 asks, having kept her head clear while on lookout.

We turn to see one of the Sand Goblins isn’t dead, instead crawling on his elbows with his legs shattered, and now brandishing a strange instrument on a long spike. He plunges the stake into the ground as we watch in confusion.

“Don’t let him activate it!” Isabella shouts, too late.

The Sand Goblin takes the top half of the device and claps it on the stake. He lifts and slams the two halves together repeatedly, making a resounding thumping noise I can feel reverberating in my feet as it echoes through the dunes.

“Wha dat do?” Dura asks.

The ground shakes and rumbles.


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