Monster Breeder

95. Final Preparations for Charlatan Forest, Part 1 (R-18)

“Megan!!!” Gale shrieks in joy as she pounces on her tiny wife.

“Eep!” Megan quickly relaxes in the embrace of her much taller Harpy lover but can’t help releasing a squeak of prey-fear when feathered wings momentarily cloak her in shadow.

“I was so scared when Flou said you guys had to fight, but you won, so it’s all fine! Hurray!” Gale showers kisses on the doll-like figure of the mouse girl cradled in her wings. Megan squirms and writhes in her wife’s grasp as she’s tickled and fondled.

The heart-warming sight fortifies the caravan of Fuzzy folk enough to prevent them from scattering when a flight of Harpies lands in a circle around them, surrounding the vulnerable prey monsters stranded on the surface as I run to catch up. Bunnies and mice cower before their natural enemy, most trying in vain to squeeze into Cottontail’s diminutive shadow.

“Oh. My. God Beast. Cottontail, what happened to you!?!” The former Playmate Bunny’s outfit has changed significantly while retaining some of its core features, like the teddy beneath her underbust corset and button-up. The tailcoat is equal parts cute, cool, and sexy on her. Somehow, I get the feeling she’s meant to look less like a piece of meat on display, and more like an accomplished performer. I think it’s the hat. Hats are totally a power symbol. “This is amazing!”

“Cottontail continues to defy expectations and chart new ground for scholars of monster evolution. You should be proud, Alex,” Gabby says as she steps into view.

“I am!” And I really am. I give both Gabby and Cottontail reunion hugs and congratulation kisses. “So, you’re both evolving tonight?” I heard some of what happened from my Flou-phone.

Gabby puffs up her chest in pride, jostling her ample bosom, and Cottontail blushes from the praise. “Correct. Cottontail will complete her transition to third-tier, and I’ll become a Goblin Matron. That won’t stop me from also becoming a Goblin Herbalist as well if we can find a Mandragora.”

“Cool, cool.” I don’t exactly understand how all this will affect our chances in battle against the Wolf Lord and Ogre General, but I know it’s definitely a good thing.

Pink Slime swells Megan’s belly and erupts from her quim as some watch in shock. Olindia manifests in full-dress regalia and strides over to me while the mouse girl twitches from what appears to be a small instant orgasm.

“I’m back with everyone fully intact and healthy.” Olindia shimmies and shifts as if uncomfortable in the naked air. “Can I please, please come home, Alex? It’s not bad in Megan or anything, and I kind of like the coziness and cleaning Cottontail’s cum.” I raise an eyebrow at the miscreant in question who evidently had sex while on a mission. Cottontail blushes hot and tries to squirm out from beneath my stare. “But it just doesn’t feel right unless it’s, like, you. You know?”

I’m oddly touched by the sentiment and pat Olindia’s slime hair. “You did good keeping them safe. I’m proud of you, too. Look forward to taking your pick of the monsters in my entourage tonight.”

Olindia’s anxious expression melts into a wobbly, drooly, dreamy smile. “Heh, heh, heh, so many cute boys…” Then she snaps out of it, turning serious and dour. “I used both of my healing magic spells, though. I’m tired and feeling useless.”

“But you can still fight?”

“A little, yeah.”

“Alex, I saw her healing in action. I think I can try to copy it, but the spell feels different from the magic I’m used to…” Gabby seems contemplative. “I may not be able to do it more than once daily.”

“Well, that’s great news! I’ve got a use of Pink Slime Restoration too so we should be good with two uses in the bank.” I pat my belly. “Come on home.”

The Large Pink Jellyfish Slime shlorps into a liquid stream that flows up into my hoo-ha, giving me the piss shivers. My belly gets momentarily distended before calming down.

“Meat!” the Yellow warbler Harpy says. Thankfully, he’s not looking at the Fuzzy folk, but the dead Mole-men they dragged here on tarps of vine and spider silk.

“Meat!!” the Bluejay Harpy agrees.

“Meat!!!” the Red cardinal Harpy announces as the flight of bird folk converges on the first of the monster bodies. It quickly becomes a gruesome sight and the Fuzzy folk funnel away from the feeding frenzy and over to Cottontail and me.

Monal and Rosie stay at my side since I filled their bellies with magically nutritious milk earlier. The Fuzzy folk continue eyeing their saviors/captors? with concern that they haven’t completely left the menu yet.

“Hey!” I say, grabbing the Harpies’ attention. They haven’t lost their senses to starvation yet and look up at me when I call. “Blue, after you fill your belly, return to Aello and let her know I have an advance on dinner for the Mountain.” These Mole-man corpses should put a dent in what I owe the mouths I have to feed.

The bluejay boy with congealed blood on his face looks around as if wondering who I’m talking to before realizing I mean him. “M-Mistress, my name is—”

“—It’s your new nickname. Go.” I don’t need to complicate things when I already have effective nicknames for the Harpy boys.

With a shrug, he flies off a minute later.

“Monal, Rosie,” Gale addresses her fellow Harpies with a tense mouse held in her wings, “This is my precious wife, Megan, whom I love very much. She is not food! She gets all the kisses! Understand?”

““Yes, Mistress Gale,”” they say in unison.

“Great! Now, Megan has been a good girl, so show her that tongue thing Gale liked so much!”

“With pleasure,” Rosie the ebony-skinned flamingo girl says with a hungry, sharp-toothed grin.

“Indeed,” Monal the colorful pheasant girl agrees with her own sharky smile.

Gale gives a panic-stricken Megan over to her subordinates, who proceed to hold the mouse girl aloft between them while performing an ‘indirect kiss’ of simultaneous anilingus and cunnilingus.

“Ah! Ahhhn! Fffuuuck!” Megan throws her head back, moaning and cursing as her tail encircles Monal’s throat and her fingers grip Rosie’s pink cornrows for balance.

“Enjoy your reward!” Gale beams at the scene with pure-hearted pride for her lover in her eyes.

Many Fuzzy folk watch the scene with obvious envy. A few of the naked mice and bunnies even start rubbing themselves, and not a single prick in the crowd is limp. Maybe Gale can change how the mice and bunny kin see Harpies? I suppose that depends on how receptive well-fed Harpies are to treating their former prey as partners from now on.

“Ahh, dinner and a show,” Spindle says as she politely dabs at the blood on her glossy indigo lips with a purple napkin woven from Dark Magic. “Though Spindle supposes this is technically brunch.”

Shit, that’s right. Need to keep moving along.

“Gabby, would you mind welcoming our guests? It is your hut.”

My Goblin wife nods graciously and addresses the assembled Fuzzy folk. “My home is Alex’s, and now it is yours. Feel free to dig to your heart’s content… mind avoiding the garden and the flower beds, please. And don’t undermine the hut’s foundations. Or upset the wolfsbane roots. Also, please keep your excrement away from the well. Keep in mind most predators Alex brings home are friendly and eager for a tumble. The Harpies are safe now as long as you don’t antagonize them. Stay away from Gobbo’s and Wolves, though, unless one of us clears them; they’re still dangerous.”

I clap my hands. “Have at it!”

Interestingly, the Fuzzy folk look to Cottontail before making a move. “Mmm? O-Oh! I trust Miss Gabby and Mistress Alex with my life. Follow Miss Gabby’s rules and this place should be a safe new Warren for us.”

Having seen how the folk reacted to Gale and Megan’s interactions, I pick up Cottontail and place her on my arm to put her face even with mine. Cottontail happily returns my kiss and throws her arms around my neck as I lean in. With our affection on display, the Fuzzy folk are suddenly much more comfortable hopping to Gabby’s instruction.

Mice scatter to forage for tender stems and sweet roots in the field while bunnies begin digging their tunnels under Gabby’s hut. Flou2 shows Lois and Chris the well out back where they start drawing water for thirsty Fuzzy kin. It’s a profound change in atmosphere having so many monsters at work. It no longer feels like just me and my harem living here; it’s becoming something more.

“Gabby, Cottontail, Spindle, there’s someone inside I’d like to introduce.” My companions and I enter the hut where I left Jonny, Brenda, and Bonny. “Jonny is my first boyfriend, and these are his first two harem wives.”

At first, they’re a bit taken aback by my human boyfriend and his burgeoning harem. But Jonny is one smooth customer not to be underestimated.

“Alex, you didn’t tell me your wives were this beautiful!” He goes down on a knee before Gabby and takes her hand to kiss her knuckles. “I’ve never met such a curvaceous Goblin in my life. You honor me with your voluptuous presence, head-wife.”

Gabby adjusts her spectacles and rakes her large yellow eyes across his naked form while licking her lips. “He sure knows how to compliment a Goblin.”

Yeah, he was top of the class in Seducing Monsters 101.

Next, he kisses Cottontail’s hand. “I doubt there’s ever been a more resplendently dressed bunny. You’re such a delight to the eye, I can hardly tear my gaze away.”

I remember Jonny’s assertion that he isn’t bi and whisper in his ear, “Just so there’s no hard feelings later, she doesn’t have a vagina.”

Jonny remains unfazed. “If she’s this cute, what’s there to complain about?”

Ah, that clears up his sexuality for me a bit.

Cottontail blushes hot under his touch and gaze.

Gabby throws her robes aside, obviously a bit affected by his human pheromones, revealing a Twisted rod growing between her legs. “Then you have no objection to these?” the Goblin girl asks as Spindle similarly everts her Webling ovipositor.

Smiling, Jonny eyes their phalluses and demurs, “I’d love to fully pleasure such beautiful women, but I’m saving my anal virginity for my first be-dicked monster girl wife. Feel free to use my mouth until then.”

His deferment seems to only inflame the predator monsters’ desires, but they don’t pounce on him… yet. Spindle’s ovipositor reluctantly slips back inside her abdomen. Gabby seems to be debating whether to jack herself off now she’s hot and bothered with her dick out or wait to take him up on that oral offer.

Lastly, Jonny turns to address the Wicked Weaver herself. “I beg your forgiveness for not starting with you, Miss Spindle, but I needed a minute to compose myself after seeing your imposing figure in person. I’ve never seen a more fearsome monster in my life.”

“Ooh, flatterer,” Spindle coos while fanning herself with a hand.

Sighing with relief that the introductions went well, I gesture to the Stone Slime, who bows, “This is Brenda, an acquaintance of mine from a few days ago. Kind of a Flou-situation there.”

“You simply must give me all the details… later, I suppose,” Gabby allows.

“Alex rescued me twice. I’ll happily do what little I can to assist and serve her wives.”

Then I turn to make the last introduction—


“B-Bonny?” Cottontail says, having finally noticed her in the room after adjusting to the intoxicating scent of a human male. Then she darts forward to grab the bigear mouse in a crushing hug. “I’m so happy you’re safe!”

“Thanks? I honestly wasn’t expecting such a warm reunion since I’m friends with Chrissy…”

“No, it’s fine. Chrissy and I… made up. After everything that’s happened, I get excited whenever I find another of us that survived. Listen, I’ve got bad news.” Cottontail grabs Bonny by the shoulders. “Stewie’s gone.”

Oh, shit. I hadn’t heard that part. I didn't know him well, but, still.

“Stew is… dead?” Bonny wavers, distraught, as her eyes moisten. Cottontail lets the bigear mouse girl lean on her. “I know I shouldn’t cry; it’s like he always said, ‘People live until they die.’ But this sucks. First, Megan, and now—”

“Megan is outside!”

“She’s okay? Thank God Beast.”

“I’d like to meet another friend of Bonny’s,” Jonny says, interested.

“Megan is, ahem, ‘preoccupied’ at the moment. We’ll do a thorough introduction of everyone after missions are over today. What’s pressing is that I need both of your marks,” I eye Cottontail and Brenda meaningfully, “Before leaving.”

“Yes,” Jonny nods, “You were explaining on our way here about that. Brenda, is it alright if Alex has sex with you?”

“I’d love to provide a full romantic experience, Brenda, but it needs to be a quicky since I’m on the clock, so to speak.”

The Stone Slime rubs the back of her head and says, “I hate to make a request after making a point of how much I’m indebted to you…”

“No! Please, I insist, how can I make this more palatable?” Not that I owe Brenda anything, but she’s an innocent and a fellow (former) human. I’ll do everything in my power to please her.

“Um, I’m no virgin by a mile,” she begins. Well, yeah, we met as fellow ‘hood ornaments’ in a battle between the Wolf Lord and Bruke. “But Jonny is the first person I’ve f-fallen in love with.” The young man holds her hand. “I want my first time in this body to be with him.”

“Oh, sure,” I wave my hand in easy acquiescence, “I can fuck Cottontail first while you two have fun, then switch?”

Cottontail goes cherry red as Jonny waggles his eyebrows at her. “Sounds like a plan.”

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