Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 371: At the Jang Mansion

Jina sat on a bench, still unable to believe the fact that her beloved Uncle Kanji was dead. Minho had gone off to meet Jason while Junho sat with Mina. They still did not tell her about Kanji because of her frail state but for how long could they hide it?

Casper materialized beside her. The ghost was silent but Jina could read his thoughts.

" have to leave as well, right?" she softly asked. Casper's face contorted into a mix of grief and pain because he did not know how to tell this to her. Now that his last wish was fulfilled, he could no longer stay in their realm. But so many things had happened in the meantime that he could not gather the courage to tell her.

He slowly nodded, aggrieved at the state he was leaving her in. Jina gave him a small smile and touched his face.

"It's okay," she assured him. "I'll be fine. I'll miss you a lot but if this is what you want, I'll not be angry at you…"

A single drop of tear rolled down her eye as she struggled to hold in her emotions. She was a mess at that time but the fact that Casper was finally getting his wish was the only silver lining in her life. Even though it meant that he would no longer be with her, Jina truly wanted her friend to move on like Shinho so that one day, he could get the chance to reincarnate as a better human being.

In her short life, she had learnt more about life and death than others which gave her a very strange perspective. Sometimes, it was best to let go of loved ones because one never knew when they would return to us. But she was sure that they would return and once they did, nothing could keep them apart. 

Casper made a gesture at her, explaining her one last task he wanted her to do. He did not elaborate much, but it was something he left for Haejong.

"I'll tell him," she promised. Casper glanced around and noticed Yumi was hiding behind a wall. The young ghost was sobbing, her hard demeanor faltering. Casper motioned her to come to him.

He made hand signs at her to communicate his feelings.

"Thank you, for everything," he gestured. "You were a true friend too. I hope that you can find peace as well."

Yumi slowly glided towards them, her eyes full of tears and her limbs hanging loosely. She did not even bother to fix them as she sat next to her friends.

"Casper, why do you have to leave?" she asked tearfully. "Don't leave!"

"He wants to, Yumi," Jina said in a sad tone. "Old man told me. Once a spirit's last wish has been fulfilled, it'll only be a matter of time before he or she begins to disappear. Shinho requested for a ceremony to speed up his departure but even without that, he would have gone. Casper doesn't want any ceremony but his time has come…"

She turned to face him. "When is it?" she asked. "When are you leaving?"

He made a gesture at them. Tonight.

Jina did not say anything but looked at her feet. She was trying not to break down but it was so hard. So goddamn hard!

Are goodbye's always this hard? She wondered.

"You should spend some time with your grandson," she suggested. "He'll be happy if you're nearby. Even if he can't see you, he knows you're always watching him."

Casper made some hand signs.

He knows that you need me more now, he conveyed. My only friend needs me. I can't leave you alone today. 

Yumi sobbed and leaned forward to hug him. Jina, too, hugged him tightly. She finally broke down into tears. The people passing by watched the strange little girl who was hugging air. 

Is she crazy? They thought but Jina did not care. She no longer cared about who saw them. Her friend was leaving and he was the only important thing for her at that moment. She already lost her beloved uncle and now, she was going to lose her closest friend. There was nothing else that mattered to her.

This is unfair! She cried in her head. This isn't supposed to happen…

But who was listening to her? Who wrote their fates? Why were they doomed to such twisted misery? What was their fault?

She asked the questions again and again in her head but to no avail. No one would answer them. Or maybe, there just were no answers. People who died did not belong to the world of the living. They have to move on someday.

And it was Casper's time to go.


Gayoon pulled up in front of the Jang Mansion and to her surprise, she spotted Minho's car in the parking lot. He had just gotten out of the car and was rushing towards the mansion at high speed.

"Minho!" she called for him but he ignored her and kept on running. Gayoon noted that he was beside himself, acting unusually rash and ever frantic. She followed him inside where Jason was waiting.

"Minho!" he exclaimed. "And I see that you've brought Gayoon with you."

Jason looked happy to see them but Minho was stunned. He took out his phone and showed him a message.

"What the hell is this?" he demanded. "This message…"

"I thought you'd be happy!" Jason frowned. "My son...Kanji is back!"

Minho could not believe it. Gayoon stepped forward, confused by Minho's reaction. He did not look happy but rather angry and terrified.

"He just returned with Anna," Jason went on. "They've taken a liking to each other so they went for dinner. That's it. Kanji left his phone at the precinct so he was out of touch."

"Why didn't he visit Mina?" Gayoon demanded. "Why was he out with-"

"Kanji has been clear that he doesn't like Mina!" Jason argued. "I wanted them together too but isn't it obvious that nothing is going to happen between them? I think Mina should move on. He'll visit her later but right now, he needs rest."

"I want to see him," Minho demanded. "This...Kanji."

Gayoon did not miss the bitterness with which he said the last two words. This Kanji? She frowned. 

Jason was about to speak when they heard footsteps descending the stairs. All of them looked around to find 'Kanji' coming down the stairs with Anna beside him. She was holding on to his arm, wearing a very provocative nightdress which was highlighting her curves. Kanji was wearing a sleeveless shirt with half pants and by the looks of it, they looked like a couple who had just been intimate.

"I'll meet you in the bedroom, sweetie," Kanji said, kissing Anna on the lips. Gayoon was mortified but Minho gave him a stony glare. Anna winked at him and went back upstairs.

"Minho, my friend!" Kanji exclaimed and attempted to hug Minho but the latter grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall.

"Minho, no!" Gayoon yelled but Minho was glaring at the demon which was showing its true colors. Jason rushed forward to separate the two men. 'Kanji' winked but Minho wanted to throttle the monster which had snatched away his loved ones from him.

"Minho let him go!" Jason demanded but Minho did not care.

"You…" he whispered. "I'll destroy you!"

"Minho, you know that I don't love Mina at all," the demon said. "You can't force me to love her-"


Gayoon was struggling to pull Minho and Kanji apart but in the process, she accidentally touched Kanji's skin and was shocked. It was ice cold.

"That's enough!" Jason roared and pulled the men apart. "Minho, have you forgotten what we did for you and your sister? Is this how you repay us?"

He was snarling at Minho which took the latter by shock. "This man is not Kanji!" Minho told him. "He's not-"

"Enough!" Jason yelled. "You two, get out of here."

But Gayoon stepped forward, not willing to leave. "Uncle, I agree with Minho," she said. "This man is not Kanji!"

She was not sure what was going on but her head was beginning to connect the dots. Kanji always greeted Minho by saying, "Hi Hi!" Moreover, his skin was cold and hard. Someone was possessing him.

But to her shock, she did not sense anything from him earlier. It was as if he was completely normal and yet she felt nothing. How was that possible?

A voice echoed in her mind.

" Seers can sense the presence of two spirits in a body but when the original spirit is dead and the other entity takes over the body, the Seers can't distinguish between the souls…"

Suna's words swirled around her head and she slowly came to terms with the truth. There were not two souls occupying Kanji's body. There was only one soul. And it was not Kanji's soul.

The realization began to sink in and Gayoon stumbled backwards. Kanji was dead and his body was possessed by…

"Anyal," she finally said, facing the demon who had destroyed all of their lives. The demon flashed her a secret smirk in response.

I will get what I want, he vowed. Even if I have to destroy the whole world for it.

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