Mod Superhero

Threat Classification System

Government of the Allied States


Threat Classification System for Superpowered Individuals

CLASS 0 — Normal Human Capabilities

Designation 00 — Unpowered/untrained Civilian

Designation 01 — Trained Human, otherwise unpowered. 

Designation 02 — Peak Human Performance and Peak Training in multiple areas

Designation 03 — Human in possession of an Artifact OR Negation Power that makes them a threat to Superhumans


CLASS 1 — Super with Minor Powers:

Designation 10 — New Hero with Minor Powers and little skill/training in their use

Designation 11 — Single Power or Minor Powers NOT exceeding a single squad’s ability to take down

Designation 12 — Multiple Minor Powers NOT exceeding a single squad’s ability to take down

Designation 13 — Single Power or Minor Powers AND Negation Powers, might require special consideration OR multiple superhuman responders


CLASS 2 — Super with Medium Destructive Capabilities (up to a city block). May require evacuation:

Designation 20 — Minor Powers with High Control or High Destructive Potential, requiring a Single Superhuman Responder

Designation 21 — Single Power (as above) requiring Multiple Superhuman Responders

Designation 22 — Multiple Powers (as above) requiring Multiple Superhuman Responders

Designation 23 — Single Power or Multiple Powers (as above) AND Negation Powers, requires special consideration OR a coordinated team of multiple superhuman responders

ADDENDUM: All Threats labeled Class 3 or above require Coordinated Teams of Multiple Superhuman Responders. At these levels, normal human responders should focus on evacuation or quarantine of affected areas. 

As a general rule, Class 3 Threats and Above should only be engaged by Equivalent Power Levels, preferably with Multiple Supers of equivalent or greater power. 

Normal human responders and Lower Ranked Supers SHOULD NOT ENGAGE threats of the following magnitudes unless given direct approval from a commanding officer OR they are under mortal threat and evacuation is not possible. 


CLASS 3 — Super with Guaranteed city block potential, up to risking an entire city. Will require Evacuation of affected areas:

Designation 30 — Single Power with High Destructive Potential BUT that is easily countered or negated

Designation 31 — Single Power (as above) that is NOT easily countered, or additional Minor Powers that complicate engagement

Designation 32 — Multiple Powers (as above) ALL with High Skill or High Destructive Potential

Designation 33 — Single Power or Multiple Powers (as above) AND Negation Powers, requires special consideration OR preparation


CLASS 4 — Super with Guaranteed City-Wide destructive potential, possibly risking multiple cities. Evacuation takes PRIORITY:

Designation 40 — Single Power with High Destructive Potential BUT that can be countered or negated

Designation 41 — Single Power (as above) that is NOT easily countered, or additional Minor Powers that complicate engagement

Designation 42 — Multiple Powers (as above) ALL with High Skill or High Destructive Potential

Designation 43 — Single Power or Multiple Powers (as above) AND Negation Powers, requires special consideration AND preparation


CLASS 5 — Threat of Continental Destruction, World-wide fallout implications. Containment takes PRIORITY:

Designation 50 — Single Power with Overwhelming Destructive Potential WITH possibility of being countered or negated

Designation 51 — Single Power (as above) that is NOT easily countered, or additional Minor Powers that complicate engagement

Designation 52 — Multiple Powers (as above) ALL with Immaculate Skill or Overwhelming Destructive Potential

Designation 53 — Single Power or Multiple Powers (as above) AND Negation Powers, requires special consideration AND preparation


ADDENDUM: Active Class 4 and 5 Capes, Masks, Villains, and Threats Otherwise Unspecified 




ADDENDUM: Active Quarantine Zones




ADDENDUM: Dormant OR Contained Quarantine Zones

Greenspire (CONTAINED) — Sovereign Forest and Refuge ruled over by the self-proclaimed Seelie Court, consisting of Lord Sumac, the Heiress of Lies, Winter’s Bane, and the Changeling Horde. 

The Seelie Court maintains a respected border and ceasefire agreements with neighboring states. 

The Deep Ones (CONTAINED)— Multiple Sovereign Cities circa 10,000 feet under multiple oceans. Telepathic Collective. 

Ceasefire maintained with Terran Societies.



ADDENDUM: Possible Extinction Level Threats



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