Mob’s yandere !?

Chapter 28- Kei getting close to woman?!

"Wait…wait…wait! You say, Black Bounty himself came and negotiated with the bastard heir of Kamazaki and left without killing him?!"

It was Ryuuta who exclaimed after he heard the story of what happened in the underworld from his sister. The other three had the same expression as him since Kaori's words were too absurd to digest.

Kaori understood such a reaction but what she spoke was all true. Without her reaction turning, she told in a solemn voice, with her attention still diverged to the boy sleeping on the first floor.

"It seemed that runic stone was important for him; that's why he left without any further ado. But the question lies…what actually was that stone which even intrigued the infamous hunter?"

It was rumored that Black Bounty always finishes off whoever he pays a visit to. Regardless of the person or their background, once they get on Hunter's radar, extinction is the only possible result that remains.

And now, not only once but twice, had the Bounty Hunter let those people live who witnessed him.

With her brows frowned, Hana spoke what seemed the most plausible scenario as what she had observed mutual in both cases.

"Maybe it's true that Black Bounty is partial toward humans?"

Every gaze fell on her upon hearing her words. Hana looked away in embarrassment, much to Sayaka's delight, since she got another reason to tease the cool beauty.

It indeed revolved around the underworld that Black Bounty never kills someone belonging to the Realm of Peace. Different speculation and analysis have been prepared.

One of those speculations that mostly everyone believes is what Sayaka's following words were.

"Is it possible for that shady uncle to be a human too?"

No one answered since it was uncertain for each one of them. However, a human couldn't possess such power, which could go against even Noble Vampires.

To say Black Bounty is a human would be a wishful fantasy since having an influential person on the weakest realm would undoubtedly increase its defense and warn the other realities that Humans were no longer their playing toys.

"Whatever it is…you four. I don't want a single word about this incident to slip out. You understand?"

With the atmosphere growing heavy, Kaori's voice resonated in the room, alerting the four in the process.

With their back straightened instinctively, they joined their legs and responded in a high pitch.

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Tone it down, you idiots! What if Kei wakes up!"

Kaori's growl brought them back to their senses as they bowed in unison apologetically.

Leaning back on the chair, Kaori draped her leg over the other as she asked her brother in a tired tone.

"There isn't anyone close to Kei, right? His memory of today would vanish, and I don't need anyone asking him about this day, or it might hurt him."

The injection used to erase memories works on the human hippocampus and alters their memory to believe that a certain event didn't even occur. It's susceptible for the patient to think of anything related to such an incident, which his mind has gotten rid of.

Thanks to the fact that Kei liked to be low-key wherever he went, Kaori believed that no one would be close enough to him, who would discuss the weekend.

But Ryuuta's following words betrayed all her expectations.

"There's a girl who has taken an interest in Kei recently."

Kaori's eyes went wide in shock, not because she got her expectation broken but because the person was a girl.

"A woman? Near Kei?!"

Kaori's expression made Aoi, Hana, and Ryuuta freeze in a fret, but the former idol, who has an extreme interest in romance and such, couldn't hide her excitement as she walked forward and spoke enthusiastically.

"Not only near him, General Kaori-san. Kei-kun and Karen-chan now eat lunch together. And not only that, they have a good relationship outside of school too. Sigh* Only Karen-chan would have been a human…."(Sayaka)

With her eyes still parted wide, Kaori got up from her seat before she walked to her brother, and after grabbing his shoulders, she spoke in a stiff tone.

"What is this girl saying, Ryuu? Kei has gotten this intimate with a woman, and you didn't even inform me!? How can you do this to me, my brother?! And if this girl isn't a human, then what is she…?"

Ryuuta got overwhelmed by the increasing mana in the air, along with the train of questions, which her big sister crashed down upon him.

Stabilizing himself, he asked Kaori to calm down first but to no avail. Kaori was too stupefied to hear so much world-shattering news one after another today.

"I didn't tell you since their relationship developed rather drastically in a very short time. And about her origin, then she's suspected to be a Noble Vampire."

Kaori fell silent as she heard her brother. Slumping down her should, she separated herself before distancing from the group.

Under the varying gazes of the four, Kaori took out her phone before clicking on a number.

Connecting the cell to her ear, she spoke something in an emotionless tone.

"Nagoya. Western District, 33rd Block. Dreamland Apartment. Demolish it within an hour."

Ryuuta's eyes went wide in astonishment as the apartment his sister ordered to tear down was where Kei lives.

Turning her gaze which carried no particular emotion, Kaori's freezing voice made the four shudder and remember again, what kind of entity they were taking casually until now.

"You four. Convince Kei to live in this house since he doesn't have a home to return any more. There's no room for failure, understood?"

"Y-yes, ma'am."


A/N: - When you realize that this story contains a Yandere tag.

She's an insane kind of lover who would create a stir, but in the end, Kei would handle her.

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