Mob Yandere

Chapter 177-3

[Part 3/4]

* * *

"Big brother! Let's play!!"

After our family of 3 gathered around the hearth and ate our lunch of rice porridge, Shirona asked excitedly. The little white fox girl ran over with a bright smile, looking for attention.

"...Mother, how's the progress on the straw sandals?"

The first thing I asked was about the work at home. My sister let out a dissatisfied "Ugh," but I patted her head to comfort her.

"Well, you know... we've used quite a bit of straw, so I think we'll have enough time before the next buyer comes."

Mother replied after checking the remaining straw from the autumn harvest and what we had bought for work at home. Shirona had helped a bit, and I had also worked on it while waiting at home for a few days, so we were ahead of schedule compared to previous years. It seemed like we would be able to use up the remaining materials in time. I even thought we should have bought a little more.

"Hehe. Shirona, you've been working extra hard because you want to play with big brother, right?"

"Mom! That's a secret!!?"

Shirona panicked and got angry at Mother's teasing. Mother tried to hold back her laughter while apologizing for embarrassing her, and Shirona puffed up her cheeks in a cute pout, looking very upset for her age.


"Don't be so mad, Shirona. Okay?"

I gently tried to calm my sister down.

"But! But! Big brother...!"

"It's great that you helped Mother. Thank you for supporting her in my place, okay? You're a good girl."

When I praised her like that, my sister couldn't argue any further. For Shirona, the world was complete with just her, our mother, and me. If I defended our mother and soothed my sister, she couldn't say anything.

"Ugh... Big brother, you're so sneaky!"

"It's the privilege of being big brother. Whoa!?"

When I brushed off her complaint, my little white-haired sister suddenly hugged me. More precisely, she wrapped her arms around my waist as I sat cross-legged, hugging me tightly and burying her face in my stomach. Her small, white fox tail wiggled its way around to the front.


"Alright, alright. I get it."

Responding to my sister’s silent yet growling demand, I gently touched the white, swaying tail in front of me. I softly caressed it, massaging it gently. Working through the muscle, easing the tension in the core.


A deep, warm sigh that resembled a lament. The arms that had been tightly wrapped around my waist relaxed. I could feel all the tension drain from my sister’s body. She started to doze off, purring contentedly. Shirona loved having her tail gently stimulated like this. According to her, it was calming and felt good. It was probably akin to a massage.

"Shirona, you really like it when your big brother does that, don't you?"

"You don't like it when Mom does it, right? Is it my strength?"

When our mother tried to massage her in my place, Shirona didn’t enjoy it. According to her, "it doesn’t feel good." Maybe it’s a matter of strength? I don’t use much force, though....

"Brother... more... more rubbing..."

"Alright, alright. There, there... You’re such a spoiled little thing."

Childish... or rather, she is a child, so it's natural, but when I see my little sister's immature behavior, I can't help but worry about the future. Five years, ten years from now, I can't shake the feeling that she'll still be the same. I hope I'm just being overly concerned...


It happened suddenly. For a moment, my little sister, who had been cuddling up to me, lifted her head from my stomach. Her fox ears twitched slightly, and she fell silent. She tightened her lips, as if she was... on guard?


"What? ...Who...?"

But my sister didn't respond to my call. She just stared intently at the doorway, as if she was both threatening and scared.

"Shirona...? Is there something there?"

"Could it be... a youkai?"

My mother stepped back from the doorway, looking worried. I, on the other hand, stood up with a hoe in my hand. As the only man in the family, I had a duty to protect my mother and sister.

"It's dangerous. You should step back..."

"I'm fine. More importantly, Mother, protect Shirona!"

The one in the most danger among the 3 of us was Shirona. I asked my mother to protect my sister. Then, I carefully moved the window up and cautiously peeked outside...

"...!!? Big brother, no!! Get down!!"


I instinctively reacted to my sister's scream. I ducked down. A gunshot echoed across the snowy field. A hole opened in the window. My sister and mother screamed in fear.

"W-What...!? A gunshot!?"

Sitting on the ground, I was confused. Why a gunshot? A firearm!? Why!? Why!!? Who is it!? A thief!? That's ridiculous!!?

"No. It's not!? Could it be... no way!?"

A flood of countless possibilities filled my mind. But I quickly arrived at the answer. A rifle of such quality couldn’t possibly be in the hands of mere bandits. In this village, there’s only one person who owns a gun. And... I already recognized that distinctive gunshot.


Peeking out just a little from the window, I muttered in confusion and disbelief.

Far off in the snowy field, a young hunter, likely dressed in animal skins, continued to stare at this house, his aim unwavering...

* * *

The orphanage, built with the support of the Onitsuki family and run by Azuma Hibari, is protected by multiple layers of curses boundary, just like the old one, to ward off evil and safeguard the children.

Each layer of protection is not overly complex or mysterious. There’s no unnecessary secrecy. Anyone with the right knowledge can recognize them at a glance. There’s not a shred of intrigue.

'The tricky part is the combinations, I suppose.'

A hummingbird-shaped shikigami, which had landed on a tree near the city by the orphanage, evaluated the situation in a monotone voice, through the half-human exorcists controlling it from afar.

'"First-grade protection boundary: Clear Boundary," "Second-grade: Purification Boundary," "Third-grade: Turtle Shell Boundary"... with the binding of a sixth-grade restraint spell, and an eighth-grade destructive spell lying in wait. Nasty.'

There are spiritual arts and curse techniques that the Fuso-kuni Onmyouji Bureau has made publicly available. Each exorcist family has developed their own methods, leading to a proliferation of techniques... There was a time when the imperial court, along with these exorcists, attempted to regulate and control these practices. As part of this effort, secret techniques passed down as heirlooms were organized into a system, and any art that deviated from the path of humanity was designated as forbidden.

The Omnyouji Bureau, while banning deep and dark techniques, compiled basic and useful techniques that are already shared among many exorcist families. They taught these techniques to exorcist families that didn't know them yet and guided new families to establish their own techniques and fighting styles.

This is known as the 'Basic Foundation Curse: Hundred Curses.' It is also simply referred to as basic techniques or magical techniques, and the spells placed on this orphanage can be seen as a collection of these.

The techniques are layered according to the basics. But don't underestimate them. The precision of each technique and how they can be combined is impressive. They support each other, deceive each other, enhance each other, and set traps. Simple and straightforward techniques can create an impenetrable defense. It's truly remarkable. And also quite troublesome.

'Entry is forbidden, malicious tools are banned, and there are restrictions on actions inside, huh? But...'

'Huh? What kind of trick did that fallen shrine maiden pull, huh?'


The hummingbird glances and spoke to herself at the side, as if looking at something suspicious. She sees something that smells like alcohol. A blue Oni is lying on a thick branch, rudely facing north.

'...You went inside, didn't you? Why did you come back?'

A girl peeks through its hummingbird shikigami and points it out. Even though she doesn't want to, she has been involved with this Oni for years, and she can tell by her attitude. This Oni is peeking inside the orphanage. And yet, she came back.

'Huh? Have I lost my mind? It's not good to be forgetful at such a young age? Wait, why do I have to stay here?'

'Huh? Well, it's not like I'm asking you to help... It's just not interesting.'

The Oni didn't respond and just sipped the gourd sake. And that was enough. But still... for this Oni to treat the commotion involving that man as a trivial matter. Normally, she would be acting all hyper with a body odor so bad it could make people want to throw up.

'It's seriously boring? You'd be better off going home and using your time wisely, okay?'

'And I didn't come here for entertainment like you, you know?'

As always, she was a monster completely missing the point. Does everyone think they're like her, a thrill-seeker? ...It's a bit worrying since it seems possible for a head Oni.

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