Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 40

"Maomao! Here, here!" Wei Lin's voice carried through the café, a joyful melody blending seamlessly with the gentle hum of conversation. She practically bounced in her seat, waving across the sleek space like a beacon of sunshine. 


Her wide smile was infectious, outshining even the chrome glint of the coffee machines. The air held a welcoming warmth, rich with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and a lingering hint of cinnamon buns, as if the café itself had been waiting for Li Miao’s arrival.


Zhang Wei was already entrenched at the table, his espresso less a beverage and more a shield against the inevitable whirlwind that was Wei Lin.  Her insistent summons – "We haven't hung out in forever! Don't be a party pooper!" – still rang in his ears.


Sigh… I really do get strung along too easily, don’t I? 


He took another sip, the bitterness contrasting to the overwhelming sweetness he knew was inbound. A wry smile touched his lips.


I’d rather pick a losing fight than deal with these love troubles… 


Li Miao hurried over, her steps hesitant in contrast to Wei Lin's exuberance. A delicate lemon tart, a splash of color on the minimalist table setting, awaited her.


"Maomao, I got your favorite~" Wei Lin chirped, those big eyes sparkling with genuine affection.


Li Miao blushed, overwhelmed. "Sister Wei Lin… t-thank you…"


She took a tiny, tentative bite of the smooth tart.  Wei Lin leaned in, watching with rapt attention. Inside, Li Miao was fighting a losing battle.  


Wuwuwu... pure lemon is the worst! Why are my tastes so different from the old Li Miao's tastes?! QAQ


The old Li Miao materialized beside her, a wistful ghost in a casual outfit. "How nice... I miss lemon tarts..."  A spectral finger tapped her slightly agape mouth, exuding a feeling of longing.


Regret bloomed in Li Miao's chest. If not for her, the real Li Miao would be savoring the tart, not wincing with each bite. But before guilt could take root, a sharp flick landed on her forehead.


Ow! Why did that hurt?! Her yelp echoed inside and out, drawing a startled glance from Wei Lin.


The old Li Miao didn't answer. Her gaze drifted over the café, a flicker of longing in her translucent form. "Like I said," there was a bittersweet edge to her fading voice, "this is your story now."


Wei Lin couldn't help but frown as Li Miao rubbed her forehead, a flicker of discomfort creasing her brow.  


Odd... Was the tart too sour? She'd never seen that reaction before.


Across the table, Zhang Wei's brows also knitted together. It wasn't just the tart – the hesitant way she ate, the subtle flinches – this wasn't the Li Miao he remembered.


She's different... but echoes of the old her keep surfacing. He felt a pang in his heart sharper than he'd admit.  Still, there was something more important right now. He cleared his throat, his usual bravado replaced by an awkward hesitation. "Hey, Li Miao... about before..."


Li Miao blinked, her head tilting in a birdlike way that somehow made even confusion adorable. Wei Lin couldn't resist a smile and gently patted her hair.


"I... jumped to conclusions." Zhang Wei's gaze held hers, a flicker of vulnerability under the apology. "Shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry."


"Oh... I... thank you?" Li Miao's soft reply was almost lost, her eyes fixed on the tablecloth. She hadn't expected this, not from the novel's righteous hero.


I thought he hated me. Turns out that things really aren’t like the novel anymore. 


A heavy silence hung in the air – then Wei Lin shattered it with a clap that startled them both. "Now, let’s not be shy!" she declared with a playful glint in her eye. Then, with a mischievous pivot, she focused on Li Miao. "So, Maomao... this girlfriend of yours! Tell big sis all about her!"


Li Miao went from pale to tomato-red in an instant. "We’re n-not dating!" Her voice was barely a squeak.


Wei Lin's grin widened. "But that blush! Ah, young love..."  She theatrically leaned in for a hug. "I want to squeeze you too! You're just so adorable!"


"It’s… complicated..." Li Miao murmured, fingers twisting in her lap. A flicker of uncertainty crossed her face – a glance at Zhang Wei, then away. 


Wei Lin was all bubbly sunshine, but her gaze sharpened. The teasing stopped abruptly. She propped her chin on a fist, studying Zhang Wei.


"Little Zhang~ Looks like it's girls-only time from here on out!" There was steel under the playful tone. "Consider this your reward for the apology, yeah?"


Zhang Wei sputtered. "Wait, the hell? You dragged me out here for–"


Wei Lin stuck her tongue out, zero guilt in her smile.  "Oops? Don't be mad... I'll make it up to you~"


With a long-suffering sigh that spoke volumes, Zhang Wei surrendered. "Yeah yeah, I see how it is." One last gulp of his now-cold espresso, and he headed out. A single, casual wave over his shoulder was his goodbye.


Wei Lin beamed as Zhang Wei vanished from sight. With a wiggle of excitement, she closed the remaining distance between them on the booth seat. "C'mere, Maomao, big sis needs cuddles!" Her arms were outstretched, and her enthusiasm was almost overwhelming.


A flicker of hesitation crossed Li Miao's face, then faded into a shy smile. The hug was tentative at first... and then Wei Lin's warmth enveloped her. "Ahh, you're so soft!"  A delighted squeeze, a playful kiss atop Li Miao's head.


W-what is with this close contact?! I don’t understand what’s going on!


Li Miao's thoughts whirled, but the surprise wasn't unpleasant.  Wei Lin exuded comfort, an unexpected mix of sunshine, and... something deeper, almost like family.


She smells like lavender...  


Without realizing it, Li Miao nestled closer, seeking that warmth.


Wei Lin felt the shift, a flicker of surprise crossing her own face. Then, her lips brushed Li Miao's ear, the question like a whisper meant only for her.  


"You're not the real Li Miao, are you?"


The café floor buckled, throwing her off balance. Li Miao's breath turned to frost in her throat, a scream echoing unheard as the world warped and cracked. The scent of lavender curdled, chokingly sweet.


Her eyes, impossibly wide, sought Wei Lin's. This wasn't the bubbly 'big sis' anymore. This was a stranger scrutinizing the depths of her stolen existence.


Her own stolen body, Li Miao suddenly realized. The 'old' Li Miao flickered into view inside her mind, a mournful specter, a single tear mirroring the despair clawing up Li Miao's throat. 


How did she know? The accusation boomed in her skull, echoing off the walls of the café.


"What... do you mean?" The words were wrenched out, barely a whisper against the roaring in her ears. Her fingers twisted in Wei Lin's shirt, a desperate, unconscious plea for the world to make sense again.



Bonus chapter for hitting 2000 favorites! Woohoo! Thank you all for the support. I really appreciate it. Let's go for that 3k! The most recent chapters I've written have been a lot longer... I'm so sleepy QAQ

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