Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 21

“Li Miao! Can you try this on?” One of Li Miao’s classmates brought her an intricate Hanfu dress, its silken folds cascading like a waterfall.


The class was currently assigning members to work as actors. With her delicate features and graceful presence, Li Miao was inevitably cast in this role.


Li Miao: “Why do I have to be on stage?”


Everyone: “With that face of yours, it would be a waste not to!” 


Behind the changing curtain, she slipped into the dress. After a while, the fabric rustled as she struggled, her movements subtly visible against the curtain's thin veil.


Xu Yue figured out what was happening before she went in. There she saw Li Miao, her cheeks flushed crimson, as the dress ensnared her. A hint of sweat glistened on her brow.


“Xu Yue…” She began to tear up pitifully, her voice a strained whisper.


Pfft, she looks like a rabbit caught in a snare.


Xu Yue took over, deftly adjusting the dress on Li Miao. Her movements were as soft as a sigh, each fold and layer settling like silk against Li Miao's skin. The weight of the fabric brought a comforting heaviness, and Li Miao allowed her eyelids to drift closed, her fatigue from the day's efforts washing over her in waves.


Suddenly, Xu Yue's fingers grazed Li Miao's nape to secure the dress, the unexpected coolness of her touch like a splash of icy water. Li Miao's eyes shot open, and she fixed Xu Yue with a glare, momentarily jolted from her drowsy state.


“Xu Yue, you scoundrel!” She wasn’t really upset but had to keep up airs. 


Xu Yue, feigning indifference and ignoring Li Miao's plight, gently nudged her out from behind the curtain.


A collective gasp rippled through the class. Li Miao, bathed in the orange glow of the sunset, resembled an ethereal fairy descended from celestial realms. The intricate embroidery on her dress shimmered, and her hair flowed like silk in the gentle breeze. Several students gulped audibly.


Xu Yue's gaze swept over Li Miao, taking in the complete splendor that the shadows had concealed. Each delicate curve of her figure, the blush upon her cheeks – it was a sight that seemed to hold Xu Yue captive, her eyes drawn irresistibly to Li Miao's exquisite beauty.


Sensing Xu Yue's intense scrutiny, Li Miao's blush deepened. A self-conscious smile touched her lips as she twirled a strand of hair around her finger.


“D-does it look good on me?” she asked, her voice laced with a hint of timidity.


Xu Yue, startled from her reverie, averted her eyes. “Yes. Very good,” she managed, her voice flat.


A strange sensation bloomed within Xu Yue's chest, a warmth both unfamiliar and oddly comforting. It felt like a soft blush spreading beneath her skin.


What is this feeling inside my heart?


A frown creased her brow, momentarily alarming Li Miao. She reached out, her fingertips brushing lightly against Xu Yue's hand. “Are you okay?”


Xu Yue's composure returned, a soft smile replacing her troubled expression. “Yes, I’m fine."


Unfortunately, breaking up their tender moment, Xu Yue was bombarded with dresses of her own. Li Miao’s eyes glittered with excitement as she searched through the costumes, trying to find a fitting dress. 


Contrary to her pink one, she found a light blue Hanfu dress that whispered of elegance and cool beauty, perfect for Xu Yue.


“Xu Yue, try this one,” she urged, her gaze alight with anticipation.


Xu Yue took the dress and disappeared into the changing area. After a pause that crackled with barely suppressed excitement, she stepped out.


The blue Hanfu flowed over her like a moonlit waterfall, the silken fabric shimmering against her pale skin. The graceful lines draped and hinted, concealing as much as they revealed. A cool, ethereal sight that stole the breath.


Li Miao stood there, hands clasped in a quiet prayer.


Thank you, god, for letting me see this…  


Not even waiting for Li Miao’s reaction, Xu Yue walked up to her and held her by the waist.


“What do you think?” 


“I-It looks really good…” Li Miao stammered, overwhelmed by the closeness and Xu Yue's exquisite beauty.


The two beautiful fairies, one enveloped in rosy warmth, the other in cool elegance, seemed destined for each other. A vibrant pink atmosphere touched the air as their classmates watched with tender smiles, savoring the enchanting scene.



Much to Zhang Wei's chagrin, he'd become Ying Lian's errand boy, and his arms were weighed down with boxes for her class.


Why am I even helping? This isn’t even my class…


Each trip brought him closer to their classroom, offering glimpses of Li Miao's change. The arrogant smirk had faded, replaced by a genuine, heart-warming smile. Her fiery energy was now focused, poured into helping others and orchestrating their preparations.


This new Li Miao surprised him, her creativity and leadership sparking an unfamiliar flicker of interest. A touch of warmth spread through him as he realized how tense he'd been on her behalf. His dislike had never been that deep, more like a protective concern for Xu Yue.


She’s back to being cute again… 


He thought, surprising himself.


Cute again? When did I think she was cute? 


His distraction cost him. Rounding a corner, his feet snagged on a box, and he stumbled, nearly dropping his load. His gaze flew to their classroom window, and his breath caught in his throat just like that. Xu Yue and Li Miao stood in the sunset, resplendent in Hanfu.


Li Miao's laughter rang out, replacing the old icy beauty in his mind with vibrant charm. 


Bump, bump, bump. 


He couldn’t tell whose heartbeat it was. The noise around him seemed to disappear as he watched Li Miao smile gently at Xu Yue. 


Then Ying Lian came barreling by, squealing as she flung herself at Li Miao. “Oh my gosh, Li Miao you are so precious! I love it so much, you’re so pretty!”


“G-get off me!”


Zhang Wei watched, transfixed, as Li Miao tried and failed to fend off the whirlwind of affection that was Ying Lian.


Xu Yue was there before he could process it, her fingers curled into a claw grip on Ying Lian's face, gently but firmly prying her away.



Vinegar Jar Xu Yue: “Get off my wife.” 


Ying Lian: “Tsk, stingy.” 


Li Miao:?

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