Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 17

Qi Rui's fingers slammed against the keyboard, the plastic cracking under her fury. 


"Why! Where did they get this?" Her voice echoed in the empty room, tinged with desperation.


The forums blazed with fresh evidence of their cruelty. Each leaked story was a fresh wound. Comments poured in, a vicious tide of condemnation. No friendly voices rushed to their defense this time.


The comments under each post were condemning of them, and this time, no one was here to help them clean it up. 


[A_slight_smile_is_still_beautiful]: “These black-hearted girls really deserve everything coming to them.” 


[I_want_to_be_a_salted_fish]: “Get out of here. I’m tired of all the drama in this place!” 


Panic gnawed at Qi Rui. Who was behind this? A knock shattered the frantic scrolling. Her father's face was dark with thunder, his glare pinning her to her chair.


“You...” Each word dripped with disgust. "We’re transferring you out of Qingfeng.”


“B-but why?” Her defiance sounded pitifully weak, even to her own ears.


“You had the gall to do this and still ask why?” Rage thrummed in his voice, threatening to crack it wide open.


“I just wanted to teach that bitch a lesson!” The excuse crumbled as she said it.


“You disgraced our family! The Li and Zhang groups are pressuring our company! Take responsibility – you're leaving the country!” The door slammed shut, the echo like a judge's gavel. Qi Rui slumped, alone in the harsh glow of the monitor.



Li Miao bounced back into class after her sick leave, a lightness to her step she hadn't felt in ages. A few desks sat conspicuously empty. 


So, they transferred those bullies... Good riddance! Now I have nothing to worry about, hehe~


"Good Morning Xu Yue!" She chirped, practically skipping over to Xu Yue's desk. Gone was the weight of the 'villainess' role, replaced by a giddy sense of freedom.


"Good morning, Li Miao. Did you stay up painting on panda eyes?" Xu Yue teased, a twinkle in her eye.


"Y-you… It’s your fault I’m like this!" Li Miao sputtered, her finger jabbing accusingly at Xu Yue. The culprit? It was a night of nonstop text messages fueled by their newfound closeness.


"I'm sorry. Was I too much?" Xu Yue asked, mock innocence dripping from her voice. With a gentle smile, she patted Li Miao's head.


“N-no… just next time, let me go to sleep…" Li Miao muttered, cheeks blazing red as her words trailed off.


The classroom erupted in hushed whispers, fueled by their playful exchange.


“W-what is going on?”


“When did those two get so far!” 


“Ah! It’s a crime for two beauties to be taken this early!”


Li Miao felt a wave of heat wash over her. What are you guys misunderstanding?! We didn’t do anything like that!


With the mellowed attitude of Li Miao, those around the two suddenly felt a warmth in their heart. 


“Hey, don’t you think that Li Miao’s gotten really cute?” 


“Yeah! I don’t blame Xu Yue, I want to pat her head too!” 


The girls' excited whispers mixed with the guys' anguish as their perception of the arrogant and standoffish Li Miao softened into that of a warm and friendly kitten.



The homeroom teacher cleared his throat, clipboard in hand. "It's time for the Lantern Festival. Does anyone want to volunteer as class representatives?"


Li Miao's hand shot up, enthusiasm practically radiating from her. Xu Yue blinked in surprise. 


What is the little cat scheming now?


"Li Miao, eager unlike normal," the teacher said with a dry smile. "Would anyone like to join her?"


Silence. Committee work meant endless meetings and planning – no thanks. A minute stretched, the air heavy with disinterest.


Xu Yue sighed and raised her hand. Someone has to keep an eye on her.


"Xu Yue as well? That's splendid! "The teacher looked relieved. "Does anyone have any objections?”


The class murmured their assent.


"Wonderful. Li Miao, Xu Yue, you'll be leading the way. Don't disappoint me."The teacher's grin held a hidden edge.


After all, my bonus depends on your success.


He left, and the room erupted in excited chatter. Finally, a break after exams!


Xu Yue braced herself for the inevitable chaos. This is just Li Miao's latest whim; she won't do any real work.  


Right on cue, though, Li Miao marched to the podium. A hush fell over the class as she tapped her finger on the desk, silencing the buzz with an unexpected air of command.


"Alright, everyone. Let's brainstorm what to do!" Li Miao surveyed the room expectantly, chalk in hand.


Hands sprouted everywhere – but the ideas felt uninspired. Food stalls, maid cafes... she scrawled the generic suggestions on the board, then frowned. "Come on, we can do better! As long as I, Li Miao, am in charge, I won’t settle for anything but first place!”


Her enthusiasm fizzled in the face of her classmate's apathy. Li Miao chewed her lip, her brow furrowed in thought. Then, inspiration struck. "Whoever gives the winning idea gets a cash prize from me!"


A ripple of interest spread through the crowd. Then, Li Miao added the clincher, "And the winner gets to go on an all-expenses-paid food crawl through the festival with me!"


The class gasped. "Is that a date?" Someone blurted out.  


“With a beauty like Li Miao?” 


“I want to go on a date with kitty Li Miao!” 


An excited buzz engulfed the room. Li Miao blushed, startled by the reaction.


Xu Yue wasn't amused. A date with the little cat? A pang of unexpected possessiveness shot through her. 


No way can I let anyone else win.


Li Miao was overwhelmed, ideas flying at her faster than she could write. Her eyes swirled like mosquito coils as she tried to keep up. 



After a flurry of debate, the class was torn: a lantern workshop or an original play? One cheeky voice rose above the rest: 


"Who doesn't want to see fairy Xu Yue and Li Miao in costume?!”


Catcalls and laughter bounced off the walls.


“You boys are too much!” The girls could see through the lecherous motives of the boys in the class. 


Li Miao felt her head was going to split. Xu Yue, noticing Li Miao’s overwhelmed expression, stepped in.


"How about a play where festival-goers can make lanterns afterward?" Her suggestion merged the ideas, a flicker of hope in her eyes. "It's more work, but we can handle it." Xu Yue glanced at Li Miao, her gaze soft and unwavering.


I don’t mind doing extra work if it makes the little cat happy. 


The class erupted in approval. "Perfect!"


Relief washed over Li Miao. "All right! Let's do our best!" She pumped her fist, a determined grin spreading across her face.


"Ohh!" The class echoed her enthusiasm.


But her celebration was cut short. Xu Yue's gentle hand cupped her cheek. "Miss Li, it seems I won the contest."


True, Xu Yue's combined idea won over the class, but Li Miao hesitated. It wasn't technically her original idea... she wouldn't claim the prize, right?


"Ah, but it wasn't your original idea..." Li Miao's voice trailed off. She averted her gaze, fingers twisting nervously.


Xu Yue’s touch held firm, coaxing Li Miao's eyes back to hers. "That's not what you promised. You said the winning idea gets the prize."


Y-you calculating female protagonist! I didn’t take you for someone who’s so desperate for the win!


Li Miao crumbled under the weight of Xu Yue's unwavering gaze. A reluctant sigh escaped her lips. 


"Fine, you win..."



Calculating Xu Yue: “Fufu, another date with Maomao.”

Bonus chapter! Thank you everyone! We hit 100 readers, and we're not slowing down. Please look forward to a special valentines chapter with tomorrow's scheduled chapter!

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