Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 11

As afternoon light faded in the school corridors, Li Miao quickly spotted Ying Lian.


“Ying Lian!” she called out, causing Ying Lian to startle. Her eyes were wide as she faced Li Miao.


“Y-yes?” she stuttered, taken aback by Li Miao’s beautiful face so close in proximity. 


The air thickened with tension as Li Miao asked, "Whose locker did you put the letter in?" 


Please let it be a misunderstanding…


The answer, simple yet loaded, fell from Ying Lian's lips. “In Xu Yue's locker!”


There was a misunderstanding, except it wasn’t Li Miao’s. 


“Just kill me…” Li Miao's exasperation was palpable, her face hidden behind her hands in a moment of pure mortification.


Ying Lian, sensing the shift, tilted her head inquisitively, her eyes wide and innocent. “Did I do something wrong?”


Li Miao caught between frustration and resignation, took a deep breath, attempting to quell the storm of emotions within her. “Yes… hah… it’s okay.”


Haha, it was your own fault, Li Miao! How couldn’t you expect someone like her not to mess up? 


The following revelation seemed to hang in the air, a confession of unintended consequences. “It’s just that… I’m going on a date with Xu Yue…”


Li Miao's mind raced ahead, plotting her next move amidst the chaos of her own making. “Ying Lian, I need you to invite Zhang Wei to it instead… Remember, Station A at 8:00 A.M. on Saturday.” 


Reiterating for clarity, 'Station A, 8:00 A.M., Saturday,' Li Miao ensured Ying Lian got it. 


Ying Lian, ever the innocent, questioned the plan, her head tilted in confusion. “Why don’t you ask Zhang Wei yourself?”


The weight of Li Miao's predicament was evident in her hesitation and the realization that her reputation preceded her, making direct action impossible. “Because… he wouldn’t believe me.”


After all, I’m the villainess who bullied the female protagonist. How could he possibly trust me? 


“Okay! I’ll go ask the basketball team~” Ying Lian had developed a bit of a reputation with the basketball team as they already familiarized themselves with their captain’s cute secret admirer. 



In the dimly lit hallway, Zhang Wei leaned against the cool, unyielding wall behind Li Miao's classroom, lost in thought. Li Miao's recent words echoed, stirring buried memories.


As he stood there, a sudden flashback overwhelmed him. He saw Xu Yue lying at the bottom of a staircase, helpless and vulnerable, having fallen victim to the same bullying he had pledged to fight against. Li Miao was also present, standing at the top of the staircase with a pained expression.


Why can't I stop thinking about her?


The haunting image of Li Miao's wide, pleading eyes lingered in his mind. They left a mark of raw pain that tugged at something deep within him.


The words "So you won’t believe me…" spoken with a mix of defiance and resignation echoed through the hallways of his mind.


No, that’s not important right now. Why did Li Miao want me to go there instead on Saturday?



Saturday, Station A. 


It was currently 7:55 A.M. 


Xu Yue was amidst a bustling crowd, her gaze landing on an inconspicuous figure donning a pink wig and a mask. The disguised girl glanced her way, seemingly trying to blend in yet failing to escape Xu Yue's sharp observation.


She kept looking towards Xu Yue as if trying to observe her. 


Why is that girl wearing a disguise… does she really think I haven’t noticed her?


Curiosity piqued, Xu Yue closed the distance between them, her approach silent yet deliberate. Li Miao, lost in her own world, remained oblivious until Xu Yue's presence loomed over her.


Xu Yue's voice cut through the morning air, firm and direct. 


"What are you doing here?"


She reached for Li Miao's arm, prompting a startled squeak from the latter. 




Li Miao's instinct was to retaliate, but her attempt at a slap was effortlessly caught.


Recognizing her, Li Miao's tension eased. "O-oh, Xu Yue, it's you…" she exhaled, relief washing over her.


Xu Yue, still holding Li Miao, asked. 


Xu Yue's eyes roamed over Li Miao's attire, taking in the tech wear ensemble—a tank top paired with sporty pants adorned with deliberate rips, complemented by a black jacket, mask, and the striking pink wig. "And this getup?" she inquired, her curiosity unabated.


“I-I wanted to do an image change! I, Li Miao, am going through my rebellious phase!” 


I really did find these clothes in Li Miao’s room, though. Li Miao thought to herself.  


“Hmm…” Xu Yue brushed over it. “So, where are you planning to take me?” 


“A-ah, um… give me a minute!”


Li Miao fumbled with her phone, her earlier confidence dissolving into panic as she searched for their destination. They proceeded towards the nearest phone store, their journey marked by an awkward silence.


Xu Yue watched Li Miao, the sunlight framing her in a soft glow, highlighting the delicate features beneath the bold disguise. An inexplicable feeling stirred within Xu Yue.


Why am I so interested in her?



As Li Miao scrutinized the phone, her verdict was swift and decisive: "Mmm, not this one. It isn't good quality." She dismissed the budget-friendly choice Xu Yue had selected with a clear intention of saving Li Miao money.


After all, there’s no reason to waste her money.


Xu Yue, unfazed, countered, "It's not a big deal."


Li Miao's response came with an intensity that matched her conviction. "No! If I'm buying you a phone, it has to last a long time. My pride won't allow you to carry around some cheap phone that needs replacing after a year!" The determination in her voice was punctuated by her cheek puffing out in a silent display of stubbornness.




Xu Yue had to admit that Li Miao's act was genuinely adorable. Honestly, a part of her hoped that Li Miao had permanently changed. 


How nice would that be? Xu Yue thought to herself. 


With a hint of resignation, Xu Yue suggested, "Then I'll get the one you have," her voice carrying a note of indifference.


Li Miao's reply was a murmur, tinged with hesitation. "B-but then we'll be matching..."


Despite Li Miao's soft protests, Xu Yue's decision was final. Soon after, albeit reluctantly, Li Miao acquired a phone identical to her own for Xu Yue, complete with matching phone cases.


Wuwuwu, why is she embarrassing me like this… I didn't expect to have to come here today. Where the heck is Zhang Wei? QAQ


Li Miao slumped, a mix of defeat and embarrassment coloring her posture. 


When Xu Yue returned, new phone in hand, she showcased the acrylic keychain Li Miao had given her. "I'll make sure to put your gifts to good use. Thank you," she said, offering Li Miao an unexpectedly gentle smile that sent waves of warmth across her cheeks.


Hello, Miss Female Lead. Please realize what kind of power your face has! It's not good for my heart! 


Oblivious to the turmoil she stirred within Li Miao, Xu Yue proceeded to make a request, holding out her phone. "Miss Li, would you do me the honor of becoming my first friend?"


“U-um, I don’t really…” Li Miao replied while looking at Xu Yue’s expectant gaze. 


Yep, today I learned I can’t say no to that face. 


Li Miao pulled up the chat app swiftly and scanned the QR code. 


The moment was punctuated by the jingle of a phone strap, drawing Xu Yue's attention. "Oh, I didn't expect you to have a strap like that," she remarked, a light chuckle escaping her lips.


Li Miao's energy shifted, and she showed enthusiasm for her interests for the first time. "It's Cinder, the cat. Isn't she cute?"


Xu Yue's question was genuine. "Isn't that the fire safety mascot?"


Li Miao nodded, her voice laced with conviction. "Mhm! Fire safety is no joke, Xu Yue. After all, as Cinder always says, be ready to pounce on danger!"


Li Miao struck a pouncing pose with her hands curled up like paws. But then she quickly realized how silly she looked and collapsed into an embarrassed heap, her face turning red.




Face buried in her knees, Li Miao pleaded, 'D-don't laugh...' Her voice was a muffled whisper, betraying her embarrassment.


The sight coaxed a soft laugh from Xu Yue, who found the comparison between Li Miao and the mascot uncannily accurate. 



Qi Rui was sitting alone in her favorite spot at the mall café, clutching an unfinished iced coffee. Despite the drink's coolness, she couldn't calm her frayed nerves. Her usually composed face twisted in a scowl as she reflected on recent events.


Li Miao had previously been a dependable pawn in Qi Rui's plan against Xu Yue. However, something had changed overnight, and Li Miao was no longer participating. Instead, she seemed to have completely transformed, leaving Qi Rui bitter and frustrated.


It's like she's a different person. 


Qi Rui felt increasingly irritated as she took a sip of her coffee. Her thoughts were consumed by Xu Yue, who was the cause of her unrest. To Qi Rui, Xu Yue represented unearned admiration. Despite coming from a humble background, Xu Yue managed to outshine Qi Rui in every possible way. It wasn't just Xu Yue's academic achievements that bothered Qi Rui; her natural beauty also seemed to capture everyone's attention.


Xu Yue, that bitch… so arrogant because she was born with a bit of beauty. How dare she attract the attention of so many guys? 


Qi Rui was feeling insecure as she stared at her reflection in her coffee. She had put in a lot of effort to be the best by hiring tutors, attending cram schools, and studying for endless hours. However, she felt overshadowed by someone she didn't think deserved it.


Her plan to isolate Xu Yue had yet to work out as expected. The other bullies were hesitant to join without Li Miao's influence, and their taunts had turned into whispers of gossip. But Qi Rui was not about to give up. She knew there were other, more subtle ways to make Xu Yue's life miserable.


That doesn't mean there aren't other ways. 


As she brooded, a splash of color across the mall's thoroughfare caught her attention. It was Li Miao, unmistakable even with her vibrant pink hair. Standing beside her was Xu Yue, which dismayed Qi Rui. Seeing them together, seemingly in harmony, was a bitter pill for her to swallow.


Is that Xu Yue… and Li Miao? Why are they together?


Qi Rui muttered under her breath, her displeasure evident. She found the idea of Xu Yue trying to get closer to Li Miao absurd. In her opinion, Xu Yue was merely a social climber, taking advantage of her charm on both men and women.


Xu Yue, not only do you suck up to men, but you hug the thighs of wealthy women as well? 


Qi Rui fixated an envious glare on Xu Yue and her unlikely companion as shoppers passed, fueling her resolve to take Xu Yue down at any cost.

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