MHA: The Warping Hero

Chapter 12 – Aftermath


All around the USJ, the students that heard that familiar cry cried with relief. All Might’s presence giving them a sense of safety and reassurance that everything will be all right.

For the villains however.

“All Might…” Shigaraki said with venom in his voice. His body shaking in anger and disbelief.

Today was supposed to be the day the number one hero breathed his last. And yet before the man in question even showed up, the villain army he put together was scattered and Kurogiri, who was a vital piece in taking down All Might, is unconscious.

“No…no…no…It was never supposed to be like this…” He continued to murmur while aggressively scratching his neck.

He didn’t even see All Might move as suddenly, he found Nomu in front of him, shielding himself from All Might’s punch. The rest of the kids already on the other side of the plaza. All Might gave a light push before moving back.

“Everyone, take all of the injured and get to the entrance.” All Might stated, his signature smile nowhere to be seen. “I’ll handle this!”

“Fuck that! I can still fight!” Bakugo’s loud voice countered.

“We can still be of help, All Might. The least we could do is provide you backup.” Todoroki chimed in.

“Be careful ,All Might!” Midroiya spoke up before grimacing in pain. His injured arm jolted from the sudden movement. “The brain villain has a shock absorption quirk, and he can also regenerate from any injury! The hands villain could disintegrate anything he touches! With your time-”

“Young Midoriya.” All Might turned to look at the students, a big smile on his face and his usualpearly white teeth glinted under the light as he struck a pose. What surprised everyone was that as ridiculous the pose looks, it somehow gave everyone a sense of assurance.

This is what it means to be the number 1 hero. His very presence itself is the definition of safety.

“Fear not!”

“Nomu…” The hulking bird monster perked up at the voice of its superior. “Take All Might! With everything that happened, I won’t be satisfied until I kill one of the children!” His words sent a chill down the spines of the less hard minded students.

“I won’t let you!” All Might dashed ahead to punch Shigaraki, only to meet the Nomu midway. The winds of their clash sending everyone off their feet.

Shigaraki anchored himself down, and skirted past the fight by running across the edges of the battle towards the students.

All Might noticed this and tried to interfere, only to be held back by the Nomu.

Shigaraki continued to run towards the students, his injuries only slightly hampering him. Bakugo who saw this, immediately gave a deranged grin. “Come on then, you hand freak!”

Bakugo blasted himself forwards and gave an explosion-enhanced hook towards the villain. To his surprise however, Shigaraki caught his attack by the gauntlet. The grenade-shaped brace immediately began disintegrating. Bakugo immediately launched an explosion from his other hand to try to distance himself from the villain.

Shigaraki, who took an explosion to the face, didn’t even flinch as he kept chasing after Bakugo, completely ignoring his own injuries.

Suddenly, an iceberg rapidly approached him from Todoroki, who attacked after Bakugo got out of his line of fire. However, much to his chagrin, the ice disintegrated within seconds.

“Stay out of this, Icy-hot!” Bakugo screamed out as he launched himself forwards for the second  time to engage with Shigaraki.

Todoroki ignored him and sent another barrage of ice against the villain, only to again be disintegrated.

Todoroki cursed before having to dodge a hand lunging for his face before he jumped backwards.

Bakugo went for the offensive again as he jumped towards Shigaraki. Before he went too close however, he used an explosion to propel himself upwards, the explosion creating a smokescreen as he blasted Shigaraki from behind.

Shigaraki grunted as he was launched away before rolling to a stop. He tried getting up but was suddenly frozen to the ground, with only his head free from the ice.

Bakugo landed with a grin and immediately aimed his one remaining gauntlet against the frozen villain. “I’ve been saving this since the start of this shitshow!”

“DIEEEEE!!!” He pulled the pin holding the trigger on the gauntlet, firing a massive explosion against Shigaraki.

Bakugo just stood there panting as he finally lowered his arm.

“Is that bastard down yet?”

Once the smoke cleared, everyone could see the Shigaraki lying down on the ground unconscious, second degree burns mark his body from head to toe.

“Nice one Bakugo!”

“You got him!”

“Heh..” The blonde student just gave a satisfied grin at his work.


Was what everyone heard as they looked back towards All Might’s fight, only to see him punt the bird monster all the way into the skyline..

All Might panted in exhaustion as he looked towards the students with a smile.

“Splendid work, students! You have all done me proud! Now please, head to the entrance! I’ll check around to make sure all the villains have been subdued!” He said with a thumbs up.

“Ah, sure thing All Migh-”

Before Kirishima could finish his sentence, a black goo-like substance suddenly came out from the unconscious bodies of the two main villains, much to everyone’s surprise.

All Might was about to run ahead to secure them before he felt himself weaken.

“Dammit, I’m at my limit!” At this point, he was barely able on keeping up his buff form.

The rest could only watch as the substance swallowed Shigaraki and Kurogiri whole before they disappeared.

— The Warping Hero —

On a warehouse in the center city of Kamino, two bodies appeared out of thin air.

They fell unceremoniously in front of a man that was strapped to a table. He was missing eyes, upper face a mass of scar tissue.

“To think they would suffer this much of a defeat.” The man said, looking at the injuries that riddle the two bodies.

“Tch, I knew trusting that child Shigaraki was a bad idea.”  Another voice came through.

“Relax doctor. We still don’t know the details of their defeat after all.” The man said to the doctor, placating him.

“But what of our creation, did you retrieve him?” The doctor mentioned. He went to the bodies and brought them to an operating table to start treatment.

“The Nomu was unfortunately out of my range.”

“Well… That’s a shame.” The doctor gave a sigh. “I still don’t believe Shigaraki is the right person for this.”

“It’ll be fine. I believe this loss will only make them stronger. Have faith, doctor.” The doctor stayed silent as he continued to treat their injuries.

“Tomura will become the next Symbol of Evil, I can already foresee the day, when the world will know terror he represents.” The man chuckled. “Celebrate while you can All Might. Celebrate this farce of a temporary peace.”

— The Warping Hero —

To think that after all the precautions and security measures placed on U.A., that USJ would still be brazenly attacked like this.

The villains are getting bolder.

These are the thoughts of Principal Nezu, the current principal of U.A. as he analyzed the attack the villains conducted at USJ.

The principal is currently overseeing the cleanup of USJ by the teachers and the police. Speaking of which…

“Four people with major injuries. Two who are pro heroes Thirteen and Eraserhead, and two students with the names Akio Kazuya and Izuku Midoriya. Thirteen suffered lacerations on her back due to her own quirk used against her. Eraserhead has multiple fractures on his face, broken ribs, a fractured right arm, and most likely a concussion. For the students, Kazuya seems to have passed out from a case of severe quirk exhaustion, while Midoriya has a broken arm. The other students also suffered injuries, though none are as severe as these four.” reported Detective Tsukauchi said to Principal Nezu.

“Thank you, detective.” said the Principal.

“Some of my officers have found the ‘Bird Villain’ mentioned by All Might and some of the students in a thicket in the area.” Tsukauchi mentioned. “Oddly enough, it didn’t resist capture, and it’s not even responding in any way.”

“In any case, I hope to do a total sweep of the school, if you don’t mind.”

“Well of course! Do what you think is necessary, detective.” Nezu said. Well of course, there was no reason to limit the police’s investigations. Especially due to his current suspicions. Having the police do a comb-over of all the school grounds and faculty could only do some good. He dearly hopes though, that his suspicions are incorrect. For any otherwise, would only be devastating for U.A.

Much later at the school, The faculty were holding a meeting to discuss the recent attack.

“We believe the attack on USJ was predetermined and well planned. Even though they suffered defeat, just the mere impact of knowing they successfully infiltrated school grounds is troubling.” Nezu started the meeting.

“A new and upcoming villain group. The League of Villains. How troublesome.”

“We’ll need to completely revamp the security systems.” Cementoss said.

“Warping quirks are rare and dangerous enough. To think one of them had to go and turn villain.” Midnight

“Speaking of warping quirks…” All Might stated in his weakened form. He hasn’t recovered completely, but it's enough to attend the current meeting. Unlike Aizawa and Thirteen, who are currently still being treated. “Although all the students performed admirably, Young Kazuya truly went above and beyond for his fellow students.”

“He is indeed very impressive.” Agreed Nezu. “I have seen the footage that we managed to procure from the camera’s around USJ. Not only did he manage to rally the students, but he also fought and held his own against one the villains’ leaders.”

“But he didn’t get out of it unscathed…” Recovery Girl said with a sigh. “We’re looking at one of the extreme cases of quirk exhaustion. It doesn’t help that his quirk is supplied with his own stamina. With him being completely drained of energy, I couldn’t help him at all. It could be a while until the boy wakes up.”

The rest of the teachers listened to those words with worry and guilt. This was a student for god’s sake. It was supposed to be their jobs to protect them. And yet they allowed one of the people they were responsible for go to a self-induced coma to protect his friends. These are children goddammit. They’re not supposed to go through something like this. Not yet.

‘If only I wasn’t so foolish and wasted my time.’ All Might grimaced.

“It wasn’t just him though, the rest of students did very well despite this being their first run in with villains.” Present Mic stated. “Sure, there were a few close calls but most of them were pretty level headed going into this.”

“That Bakugo and Todoroki managed to subdue Shigaraki as well. And don’t forget how that Kazuya thought up of a plan to save the students back at the entrance against Kurogiri, and when they faced that emergency with Kurogiri’s move.” Snipe added.

‘“Indeed, the class of 1A all put their lives on the line! To be thrown into a fight so young and survive, these students have realized how terrifying the world could really be, and they all will only get stronger from it.” said All Might with triumph.

“This batch of first years is definitely one with the highest potential we’ve seen yet.” Nezu continued.

“Even though villainy seems to have gotten bolder, we can all rest assured that the future is in great hands. However it is our jobs to nurture them as best we can.” Every teacher nodded with determination. This will be the last time something like this happens if any of them have anything to say about it.

That’s for sure.



Smaller chapter this time, only glosses on the aftermath of what happened in the USJ.

I’m honestly not satisfied with how this chapter turned out tho. Seems like the quality just could be better but meh.

Anyways, I don’t know if anyone noticed, but the way the teachers and All For One talks about their respective charges were intentionally created to mirror each other. Something I noticed throughout MHA is that Shigaraki always grew WITH the main cast. His mindset, his beliefs, his skills. He didn’t start as the big bad. He became one.

In any case, do trust that after this crushing defeat by the villains side, changes will be made. Shigaraki and Kurogiri will be a lot more threatening than they were in canon times.

That’s all from me!


Trivia: Who’s your most favorite villain of all time and why?

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