MHA: A Cat’s Way

Quirk Assessment Test

“But what about orientation? We’re gonna miss it!” Uraraka’s protests are promptly shot down by Aizawa’s words.

“If you really want to make it in the big leagues, you can’t waste time on pointless ceremonies. At UA we aren’t tethered by traditions. Which means that I can run my class how I see fit.”

I raise my hand before he can continue. “Can we start already, nya? I was looking forward to taking a nyap during orientation.”

He looks irritated by my interruption, before his eyes slightly widen at the realization that he could have caught up on some sleep if he decided to do the test the next day. It’s too late for that now though.

“Fine.” He holds out a ball towards me. “Since you got first place in the entrance exam, you can start us off. Throw the ball as far as you can. You can use your quirk as long as you don’t step out of the circle. Don’t hold anything back.”

I grab the ball and step into the circle as I listen to Bakuhoe’s screams of rage at me scoring higher than him in the exam. I think for a moment on how I want to do this before smirking.

Summoning a brawler cat, I hand it the ball and order it to keep going forward. It runs off and I lay on the ground facing the sky with my eyes closed. There’s silence for a few moments before Aizawa speaks.

“Catia, what do you think you’re doing?” His irritated tone makes its way into my ears, but I know he’s just jealous.

“Well, my cats nya for two hours, so I’m gonna nyap until it finishes.” I reply without opening my eyes.

“...You aren’t allowed to sleep. If I have to be awake, so do you.”

I shrug. “Who says you knead to be awake while we wait?” There’s silence again. I stretch my ears as I listen to the murmuring of my classmates. It’s a mix of ‘is she serious?’ and ‘are we really going to wait two hours for her quirk to run out?’.

Eventually, Aizawa sighs. “Since this failed to make my point- Bakugou, you’re up to throw since you placed second in the entrance exam. Catia, up and out.”

Groaning my annoyance out for the world to hear, I reluctantly do as he says. Though I do smirk at the angry look Bakuhoe has as we walk past each other, and I can’t help but tease him a bit.

“One point, and you could have been first, nya~. If only you had helped somebody, you would have beaten me, nya~.”

I can hear his teeth grinding as he steps into the circle, causing me to chuckle and Midorinya to give me an exasperated look. With a look of rage on his face, he launches the ball into the air with his signature phrase. “DIE!”

Seeing how far it goes, I can’t help but whistle in admiration. “It’s really impressive that nya school is so big. His throw didn’t even get it off nya field. Meanwhile my cat is getting close to nya fence and still going strong.” 

Ooh~. I could have sworn I heard a crack from how hard he’s grinding his teeth.

“All of you need to know your maximum capabilities. The board of education prevents this by not allowing you to use your quirks for your junior high tests.” He shows everyone that the ball went seven hundred and five meters. “This will allow me to determine your potential to be pro heroes.”

Everyone gets excited at the prospect of using their quirks for the tests, and Mina even says that it’s going to be fun. Seeing Aizawa smirk, I sigh. Welp. She messed up.

“Idiots.” Everyone is taken aback by the sudden insult, but he continues before they can defend themselves. “We’ll be doing eight physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none, and will be expelled immediately”

There are objections of course. But the only one to take a stand and say it to his face is Uraraka.”You can’t send one of us home! I mean, we just got here. Even if it wasn’t the first day, that isn’t fair!”

“Neither are natural disasters. Or villains. Or life. Nothing is fair, and the sooner you learn that the sooner you can train to combat that unfairness. Being a hero means pushing yourself to the brink, so UA is going to spend the next three years pushing one terrible hardship after another at you to make sure you're ready for that. So go beyond. Plus ultra.”

My money is on Kaminari or Toru coming in last place. 


(AN: Was thinking about doing individual scores, but… No idea how to reflect physical prowess so I’m just doing the final ones)

The scores are as follows:

  1. Momo Yaoyorozu
  2. Shoto Todoroki
  3. Catia Akihiro
  4. Katsuki Bakugou
  5. Tenya Iida
  6. Fumikage Tokoyami
  7. Mezo Shoji
  8. Masahiro Ojiro
  9. Eijiro Kirishima
  10. Mina Ashido
  11. Ochako Uraraka
  12. Rikido Sato
  13. Tsuyu Asui
  14. Yuga Aoyama
  15. Hanta Sero
  16. Izuku Midoriya
  17. Denki Kaminari
  18. Kyoka Jirou
  19. Toru Hagakure
  20. Minoru Mineta

I can’t say I’m surprised that I didn’t get first. Hard to compete with someone who can make anything she needs after all. And Todoroki’s quirk is powerful, not to mention that it seems like he didn’t skip out on physical training.

What puts a smile on my face though, is the fact that I placed just ahead of Bakuhoe. Again. Heh, I can see him fuming over with his clan while a few people are consoling Mineta about having to leave. None of the girls are though, and his words make the reason why very understandable.


I really thought that he would have placed higher given his score with the side jumps, but I guess even Toru did more physical training than him. His body size certainly doesn’t help him either.

Turning off the holographic projector, Aizawa speaks, shocking the class. “And I lied. Nobody’s going home.” He gives everyone a shit-eating grin. “That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all during the tests.”

I cough, catching everyone’s attention. “Nya… no it wasn’t. Don’t furget that you left your book out one day. Last year you expelled your entire class.”

While Momo closes her mouth, glad she didn’t say anything before I spoke up, everyone else alternates their shocked looks between me and Aizawa, who’s glaring at me. But since I’m nice, I’ll distract everyone from him being caught in his logical deception about expulsion being a logical deception.

“By nya way, there’s some creepy skeleton guy hiding behind nya corner of the building who’s been watching us this entire time. Can you do something about him, nya?”

Hearing a sudden thud, everyone looks to where I’m pointing and sees the skeleton man in question having fallen to the ground. Everyone looks at him in surprise and instinctively takes a step back. Everyone except Midorinya, who seems to recognize the man.

Looking at him, my ears tilt forward in curiosity. “Mew know him, Midorinya?”

He jumps and looks at us all in a panic. Curious~. “Ah! Um, y-yeah. I k-know him. Well, know is a strong word. We met once before, though it wasn’t really a happy occasion for me so I’m not sure how I feel about him anymore. ItsnotthatIhatehimoranythingbutIcantjustlookathimthesamewayespeciallyafterknowingwhatIknowabouthimandwhathesaidtome-”

While he rambles, I look to Aizawa for an explanation, who sighs again. “I don’t get paid enough for this.” He points to Mr. Skeleton who gets up and dusts himself off. “This man is All Might’s secretary. Toshinori Yagi. Since All Might is teaching here, he brought him along to keep him up to date on his work and schedule.”

I frown at the man, who’s sheepishly rubbing his head. “Apologies for spying like this. I wanted to make sure All Might knows what to expect when he teaches your class. But I didn’t want to interrupt, so I hid around the corner. Though I must say, it’s admirable how you were able to spot me, Miss.”

I don’t respond as my tail rises imperceptibly. I don’t know why, but I don’t like this guy. It could just be because he’s connected to All Might, but it doesn’t feel like that’s it.

It’s not until I feel a hand on my shoulder that I’m pulled out of my thoughts. A quick glance reveals that it’s Mina. “Yep. Part of my quirk enhances my senses, so it wasn’t that hard, nya.”

He nods at me. “Well, with what I saw today I’m sure you’ll become an excellent hero.” He turns to Midorinya with a sheepish expression. “Ah, young Midoriya. After class, can I perhaps speak with you?"

He agrees with an apprehensive look, but… “Class is already done for the day. You can talk after you change out of your gym clothes.”

He rushes to the locker room, and everyone else follows along at a more sedate pace. Except for me. Instead, I summon two cats and hand one to Aizawa. The other? That one will be watching Midorinya and Mr. Skeleton’s conversation.

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