Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy

Chapter 28

Chapter: 28

After some confirmation, I found out that Grandpa couldn’t read all of my inner thoughts.

He could only hear my voice when I actually tried to speak to him.

Thanks to that, I could converse with him without uttering a word.

What a relief that was!

I almost ended up adding to Lucy’s horror stories about talking to a mace.

[Is this the influence of the blessing?]
‘Yeah. When I speak out loud, it somehow becomes that tone.’
[What a bizarre blessing it is.]
‘I think so too.’

I didn’t mention that it was me who put the “Mesugaki” skill in here.

I could easily guess what kind of reaction I would get if he knew I consciously selected such a skill.

But I had no idea!

I didn’t know I would possess her!

If I had known I’d end up here, do you think I would have picked a skill like Mesugaki?

I would’ve packed in all the OP skills and maybe thrown in a cheat!

I’m just someone who wants to enjoy life, you know.

[It’s been a long time since I’ve sworn fealty under my god, yet understanding the divine will remains difficult.]

Still, it’s all good.

Now I have someone who understands my struggles.

The fact that this person is a petty and grumpy Grandpa doesn’t sit well with me, but at least I found someone to talk to without distorting my “Mesugaki” skill.

But you know,

Sure, having someone to talk to is nice, but revenge is still revenge.

I picked up my mace, which I had set aside to focus on talking.

[Girl? What are you planning to do?]
‘I’m in the middle of a revenge plot, Grandpa.’
[Didn’t we clear up our misunderstandings?!]
‘Misunderstandings? I’m not so sure. All I know is you were bullying me.’
[I’ll apologize! I’m just an old man who acted thoughtlessly! I’m sorry! I’ll bow my head sincerely!]
‘You don’t have to apologize. I have no intention of stopping regardless.’

Hey, Grandpa. Do you have any senses left in that mace?

Like touch or smell?

Because I’m really curious about that right now.

So I think I’ll test my curiosity.

What would happen if I shoved the mace head into a trash can?

[Girl! Our time together is not light, so how can we start off like this?!]
‘You should speak properly, Grandpa. After all, you were the one who got us into this mess, weren’t you?’

I really can’t comprehend why a once-great paladin, renowned across the continent, is so full of chatter.

Are you worried, old man?


A few days later, after returning to the territory, I was living under similar conditions as before heading to the dungeon.

Having reached level 10 in the dungeon, the upper limit of my stats had risen.

I was determined to max out my stats before the academy exam, so I continued my training without a moment’s rest.

With the “Iron Wall” skill focusing on defense, I halted my breathing and concentrated more strength into my grip on the mace.

Until now, I could only defend because of the skill gap, but not anymore!

Now the sword revealed its opening.

I could finally land a hit!

[Not yet. He purposely left an opening. Take a step back.]

I was ready to launch my offensive, but after hearing Grandpa’s advice, I stepped back instead.

As I did, the knight raised an eyebrow and flicked his sword again.

Just as Grandpa said.

What I thought was an opening was merely a trap to lure me in.

Though he’s a nagging old man, he also has an undeniable knack for this kind of thing.

If only he could consistently show off such cool moments!

After spending a few days with Grandpa, I realized he’s stuck in the mindset from when he died.

Considering he was a hero nearly 300 years ago, it’s no wonder that ol’ Grandpa’s so out of touch.

This paladin and nobleman nitpicks everything about the world.

Whenever I do anything, he’s quick to say how a girl shouldn’t be doing that.

Saying my stride lacks dignity, that I need to adhere to dining etiquette—the works.

Initially, I tolerated it, but after a couple of days of this, I couldn’t take it anymore.

So when I asked if he wanted to be shoved back into the trash can, he did end up toning it down.

However, he still annoyingly comments on everything I do.

He keeps adding unnecessary commentary, and it’s downright infuriating.

I want to toss this mace that contains his spirit, but I can’t.

His advice is just too handy.

In terms of combat techniques with the mace, his advice could definitely be called the best in history.

It’s like he can see the future, telling me how to move before I even know what I’m doing.

Following his advice, I could tell I was improving at an accelerated pace.

What an incredible weapon that helps me in combat and training!

How could I ever give up on such an overwhelmingly efficient tool?

Even if his nagging makes me think I might start losing my hair, I’ve got to endure it for that efficiency.

Sometimes you just have to put up with the rotten stuff!


While I was fervently engrossed in my spar with the knight, I paused at the distant call of a maid.

“It’s time you mentioned!”


Just when I was heating up, now I’ve got to stop?

I was thinking a solid two more hours of swinging would cool me down.

Sadly, it couldn’t be helped.

After all, I had to attend to things today.

As I lowered my hand holding the shield, the knight sheathed his sword at his waist.

“You’re finishing up early today?”

‘I have somewhere to be…’
“I’m thinking of going outside. You should get ready too.”

Perhaps I should wash off the sweat and change outfits.

I can’t go out looking like a wreck, can I?

I mean, it’s fine for me, but Benedict might just have an episode.

Gotta keep that in mind.


“Miss, you look beautiful today.”

This lousy knight is still at it. Didn’t I tell you to stop saying those pretty words?

The moment I frowned, I heard Grandpa’s voice emanating from the mace I stashed away.

[The knight speaks rightly. There’s no beauty in silence; you would stand out like a masterpiece.]
‘Grandpa, shut up.’
[Why is it always just me?!]

What kind of guy would be happy to hear someone say they’re pretty?

Grandpa. I’m dressed this way reluctantly; it’s not like I wanted to wear a dress or anything, okay?

But when you act all lovey-dovey, doesn’t it make me mad?

[Shouldn’t you be mad at your knight too?!]
‘I’ve given up on him.’

He wouldn’t stop with the nonsense even after I scolded him multiple times.

Apparently, his vision of a knight includes a guy who throws around cheesy lines.

I was completely at a loss trying to reason with a lunatic, so I decided to ignore the knight’s words.

After all, he only does this at the beginning. Later, he’ll focus so much on protecting me that he won’t say a word.

[Ha. To think you’ve given up. You can’t tell me that you don’t secretly enjoy being called beautiful…]
‘Grandpa, want me to toss you back in?’
[Just shut it.]

There are things you ought to say and things you shouldn’t, old man.

It’s not like I want to wear a skirt!

This was all Benedict’s command.

He usually lets me do whatever else I want, but when it comes to fashion, he’s unyielding.

‘You can wear whatever you like in the mansion, but please dress like a young lady when going out.’

I didn’t want to follow this ridiculous request, and I whined,

I told Benedict I disliked him,

I tried to act cute.

I threw tantrums,

I really tried everything, but he remained adamant.

What can I do?

In the end, I am a person receiving Benedict’s kindness.

If he won’t allow it, I can’t really go against him.

So every time I went outside of the mansion, I had to put on a noble lady’s outfit, which is all too common in fantasy.

Since I’ll have to wear a school uniform in the academy anyway, I told myself that getting used to it early isn’t so bad.

However, the clothes I’m wearing are definitely not the ones Lucy owned.

Her rented gowns were all too gaudy to the point they’d drive me insane.

Even though I had to wear something noble, I had no confidence in wearing frilly dresses, so I asked Benedict to get me a new outfit.

Though it’s still a skirt, it’s lighter than the extravagant dresses, so the humiliation of wearing it hasn’t changed.

I feel like it will take a long time before I get used to wearing skirts.

On the outside, they seem to fit me well, but from my perspective, the comfort level is completely different.

Without the clingy feeling of pants, it feels oddly empty.

Since humans are creatures of adaptation, I know I’ll get used to it eventually…

But honestly, I’m scared of that day.

[By the way, where exactly are we going?]
‘To the church.’
[The church?]
‘Yes. The Church of the Lord.’

The place where you’ve been canonized as a saint, Grandpa.

Shouldn’t I report that I’ve placed Agra under a curse?

Having accepted Agra’s curse, I should claim my due.

If I can be acknowledged by the Church of the Lord for lifting the curse and get my hands on one of their symbols, my reputation should improve a bit, right?


I don’t want to live a lonely life!

Now that I’m in the world of Soul Academy, I want to make friends with several characters I liked!

I know the path ahead is long and harsh, but this is one thing I can’t give up on!

This is basically the only motivation in my life right now!

Before long, we arrived right in front of the Church of the Lord in the Allen family territory.

The Allen family is quite a large one, so the church here is no small deal either.

Two meticulously crafted statues stand at the entrance and a massive door adorned with numerous engravings.

On top of that, there are extravagant stained glass windows that look like they belong in a museum.

Suddenly caressed by awe at this church, I realized just how grand the Church of the Lord is.

Even when I saw it in the game, I thought it looked amazing, but seeing it in real life is simply staggering.

How much did it cost to build this place?

“I apologize. We are still preparing for the service. Please return later.”

As soon as I stepped into the church, a priest who was waiting near the entrance spoke to us.

It was still early, so he was trying to send us away, but when he caught sight of my face, he gasped in shock and stumbled back.

“…Lady Lucy Countess?”

What’s up with this reaction?

Is it just me or does it seem a tad extreme?

It doesn’t feel like he’s just reacting to my bad reputation.

Did Lucy do something to him?

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