Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 38: , swamp - escape

Zhao Ji didn't know exactly what to do, but he couldn't sit still.

Slime Acid Breath is the most threatening ability of slime monsters, they can't let them surround the surrounding net. It's better to evacuate first, and the best strategy is to move 36 times, so that the green hills can be left without worrying about no firewood, and words like a gentleman don't stand under a dangerous wall resounded in Zhao Ji's mind. He relented and retreated.

Zhao Ji stepped back in small steps. He didn't turn around. After all, he should have the most slime monsters in front of him. The road behind is closest to the border of the swamp. In that direction, the water depth is weakened, and there are more dwarf trees and swamp plants to cover the slime monster's breath attack.

Seeing Zhao Ji receding, the slime monster moving under the water not far away accelerated. The water surface of the entire swamp was shaking, and the slime monsters no longer cared about moving forward in concealment.

Seeing that the slime monster did not attack directly, Zhao Ji quickened his pace, but although the mud in the swamp was not deep, the suction was indeed strong. Every time you take a step, you have to bring a large handful of muddy water on your feet, and you can't speed up. Fortunately, the speed of the slime monsters is slower. As long as they don't attack, Zhao Ji thinks they should be able to escape back to the ground before the slime monsters catch up.

But luck was obviously bad, when Zhao Ji struggled to pull out his foot and move backward. A slime monster's tentacles protruded from the water behind Zhao Ji, immediately sensed Zhao Ji's movement, and spewed out a ball of slime with a little power.

Zhao Ji didn't notice the slime monster's movement for a while, and the slime monster sprayed it on the back.

Zhao Ji was taken aback, but he didn't seem to feel the corrosive pain, but the clothes behind his back were stuck together with mucus, and he realized that he was hit by the slime monster's spit attack.

Clothes sticking together greatly affected Zhao Ji's movements. But at a critical juncture, it is still important to escape.

Regardless of the more slime monsters in front, Zhao Ji turned around and moved his legs vigorously through the muddy water of the swamp. He separated the stick with a slime monster from Ge left and right to prevent the slime monster from attacking again.

Sure enough, more slime monster attacks came next. Zhao Ji noticed the slime monster's spitting attack in advance, and waved the snake stick and Ge to block the two shots, and then used the swamp plants to cover his body to avoid another attack.

It's too dangerous, you'll get hit sooner or later, and it's not slime but acid that's even worse.

Fortunately, he hadn't gone deep into the swamp in the south of the city before. Not far from the edge of the swamp, Zhao Ji finally got rid of all the slime monsters after struggling through the swamp mud.

Stepping on the solid ground, Zhao Ji quickly found a bush to cover his figure. Looking back, many slime monsters gathered at the edge of the swamp. They were stacked one on top of the other, waving their tentacles angrily. The tips of the tentacles also emitted a little red light.

The sight in front of him made Zhao Ji gasp. Fortunately, the slime monsters don't like land without water, and prefer to stay in the muddy water of the wet swamp. He didn't expect that he would be surrounded by so many slime monsters just after hunting one slime monster. If he hadn't evacuated early, he might have died in the swamp just now.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ji couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Feeling a little heavy on his feet, Zhao Ji looked down and saw that his feet were covered with mud from the swamp, and they were emitting a foul smell.

Hey, think long term.

Zhao Ji returned to his campfire along the edge of the swamp, put down Ge and the snake stick with the slime monster on it, and randomly pulled two leaves next to it to wrap the slime monster to prevent the slime monster from losing moisture.

Zhao Ji came to the side drain to wash his feet again. The water of the Kendall River was extremely cool. Zhao Ji stood in the middle of the waterway of the drain, rubbing his left and right feet against each other to wash away the sticky swamp mud on his feet. .

There was a slight tingling pain on both feet, Zhao Ji looked down, and it turned out that there were some small bumps on his feet. It should be the wound caused by the impact of plant roots or other things in the muddy water when he was in a hurry to escape from the swamp. Fortunately, it was only a bruise, without any skin breaks, so that the wound would not be polluted by the dirt in the swamp mud.

While washing his feet, Zhao Ji took off his clothes and looked at the part of his back that was hit by the slime monster.

The small ball of linen clothes was completely covered with mucus, fearing that the clothes would be torn apart, Zhao Ji carefully pulled away the sticky part of the clothes. Soak the clothes in the river water, wash them gently for a while, when Zhao Ji felt that it was not so sticky, he took out the clothes and looked under the moonlight, most of the slime monster's mucus had dissipated, and he could barely wear it.

Leave the drain and go back to the campfire. After some time of neglect, the campfire was extinguished, but there was still warmth in the ashes. Zhao Ji pulled some dry grass and dry shrub branches around, piled them on the embers of the campfire, and puffed out his mouth to blow.

One stroke, two strokes, a third stroke, and the heat of the embers ignited the flammable dry grass, which in turn ignited the bushes. Zhao Ji poked the campfire with a snake stick to make it burn more vigorously, then put the washed clothes aside, Zhao Ji picked up the quilt and shook it inside, spread the quilt again, and lay down on it.

Reflect on everything just now.

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