Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 35: , filth - sewage sewer blowdown

Zhao Ji tidied up his equipment. Ge's dagger was securely fixed, the snake driving stick was also pinned to his waist, and the thin hemp rope that used to bind the bedding was also hung on the right side of his waist. A few torches were put aside, and Zhao Ji sat beside a small campfire surrounded by a few stones he picked up just now. Not much, fresh weeds and twigs dotted and then there was quite a bit of smoke.

After sorting out his equipment, Zhao Ji picked up the potatoes that had been stuck by the campfire and covered with branches. After breaking open the hot potatoes, steam came out. After a busy day, Zhao Ji ate them in small bites, regardless of the fact that the potatoes without dipping sauce and sauce had no taste at all.

There was a faint rumbling sound from the sewage outlet in the distance, which was particularly obvious at this moment in the dusk.

Zhao Ji ate the remaining potatoes in two bites, and the skins of the potatoes crackled when thrown into the campfire.

Gently poking the torch away from the campfire with his foot, Zhao Ji got up from the quilt and walked towards the drain that made the sound.

He estimated that this time and this place should be the sound produced by the water tower in the upper city to flush the city sewer twice a day. It was not far away, Zhao Ji came to the sewage outlet in two steps, and he stood a little farther away, because Zhao Ji was afraid that there would be filth splashing out when it rushed to the sewage outlet.

The rumbling sound became louder, and the sewage outlet seemed to be the trumpet of a trombone, and all the generated sounds rushed out from here. Although the sewage hadn't come out yet, the stench from the sewer was first squeezed out of the sewer by the impacting water flow.

Zhao Ji stood a little farther away and could feel a real stench rushing out of the sewage outlet, rushing all the way to the swamp below. The wild thatch and some water-loving shrubs in the swamp were blown down in one direction.

As the stench from the sewers was discharged, Kendall City accumulated a daytime filth, which spewed out with a strong current, and the muddy yellow water flowed straight into the swamp along the sewage outlet, chasing the stench ahead.

Seeing this, Zhao Ji felt sick to his stomach. The strong irritation from his nose and eyes made him nauseous and retched, and he almost vomited out the potatoes he ate just now. Zhao Ji regretted eating so early just now.

There was no way, although he was standing a little distance from the sewage outlet, and the filth spewed out just now did not touch him at all, but Zhao Ji still felt like he was covered in feces and urine.

This feeling was so strong that he jumped into the drain next to him, scrubbed his arms, legs and feet with river water, and washed his face and head by the way. The cool water of the clean Kendall River soothed Zhao Ji's body and mind .

Zhao Ji returned to his campfire, sat down on the quilt, and then stretched his hands and feet towards the campfire, hoping that the temperature of the flame would dry the water droplets on his body.

While wiping his wet hair with a dog skin quilt, Zhao Ji regretted that he was just curious to see the sewage outfall. Even Zhao Ji reflected on the afternoon when he jumped into the sewer drain to catch the slime monster. At that time, seeing that there were all dry and hard feces in there, and many of them stuck to the ground were balled and pushed away by dung beetles. Zhao Ji jumped down without feeling how dirty it was. Now that he saw how the sewage outlet was discharging sewage, Zhao Ji looked at his feet with disgust.

And his shoes.

Zhao Ji really didn't want to see those shoes with wooden soles and hemp edges. Then he kicked the shoes aside, and Zhao Ji ignored them.

Zhao Ji lay on the quilt, staring blankly at the sky above his head, which slowly changed from dark blue at dusk to black at night.

Looking at the sky full of stars and all kinds of strange celestial bodies, Zhao Ji decided not to hunt slime monsters in and out of the sewage outlet, unless it is really impossible to hunt in swamps.

Randomly add some burning materials that can be found nearby to the campfire, so that the campfire will not go out. Zhao Ji checked his equipment again. The body was smoked, and the wrists, ankles, and neck were even smeared with the plant sap of insect repellent plants. UU reading

This time Zhao Ji also took several self-made torches in his hand. He decided to stick the torch on the edge of the swamp, just in case.

The moonlight is good tonight. Among the three moons, two moons are crescent moons, while the other moon is a small full moon, almost turning into a round silver plate. The light from the moon tonight can help Zhao Ji identify the ground. Tomorrow should be the full moon of this moon, so tomorrow should be more suitable for hunting, and Zhao Ji decided to focus on investigation tonight.

There are at least a few key points to figure out tonight. Zhao Ji walked towards the swamp while thinking about the task for tonight.

The first one is whether the slime monster will be active at night. After all, Zhao Ji has never paid attention to some monster activities here before today. He was either recuperating from his injuries before, or following the social inertia of his previous life, he worked for others in the city to make money and pay back the money. Therefore, he still has to go through a process of seeing is believing for the local people's information about monsters. This is a little bit of his work experience Zhao Ji.

The second is what Zhao Jizhi noticed during the day. During the day, someone said that the slime monster he hunted that came out of the sewage outlet was very big. This sentence made Zhao Ji remember it in his heart. He just wanted to see if there was any difference between the slime in the swamp and the slime in the sewer. What is different, if any, and will it affect his hunting plans.

The third is the slime monster's night hunting method. The method at the sewage outlet must be useless in the swamp. After all, there are no large rocks in the swamp, and they all sank to the bottom of the swamp. He'd have to find at least one reliable hunting method at night, and if he didn't, his gambling days would be tight. Maybe he, Zhao Ji, had to kill the slime monster by throwing stones.

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