Memoirs of Your Local Small-time Villainess

Chapter 36 – Introductions 2.0

"Ehm, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly are we doing here?" a bright voice sounded out behind Scarlett as she gazed at the grizzled exterior of a large wooden building. It stood at the end of a narrow street ladled with tight alleyways and older houses. While the neighborhood couldn't quite be described as dirty, it certainly appeared lived in.

Scarlett turned around to look at the short young woman who had asked the question. Allyssa wore a mix of pale blue clothing and brown leather armor that was partially visible through the front of the dark blue cape, along with the lids of flasks of some kind hanging from a bandolier under the cape. She had long blonde hair that was mostly curled up in the hood of her cape, along with a pair of large leather goggles that sat upon her head for some reason.

"Are you here to meet someone?" Shin, the young man that stood next to Allyssa, asked. He was almost a head taller than his colleague, with short black hair; deep, tanned skin; and a hefty scar above his left eye that looked like a claw-mark of some kind. Unlike Allyssa, though, he only wore a light set of brown clothes right now — if you discounted the shield he had strapped to his back and the oddly-shaped sword that hung from his side. Scarlett seemed to recall that in the game it was a type of weapon you could often find in the eastern part of the empire and the Unresting Steppes.

"One could say that, yes," Scarlett answered as she looked over the two new Shielders working for her. She had only first met them the day before so she didn't know much about them. But they looked capable enough, probably. Her eye wasn't exactly trained in these matters, but she trusted in Kat's and the Guild's judgement. They were a bit young if you asked her, but she couldn't really criticize. You were probably considered an adult around fifteen or sixteen in this world, if she were to guess. And she herself had been their age when she had had to start taking care of herself and her sister.

It didn't hurt that the Allyssa girl was apparently the daughter of an influential character from the game. Scarlett had been surprised when she first heard the name Astrey from the girl's mouth, but she sure wouldn't mind the chance of establishing a relationship with Allyssa's father in the future.

Said girl was giving her an odd look right now. "Don't you think you'll stick out too much?"

Scarlett followed Allyssa's eyes down to the dark lavender dress she was wearing. It was one of the less ostentatious dresses Scarlett owned, with a relatively simple cut and not too many embellishments. But it was still the dress of a noble. She did have some 'simpler' clothes—like the travel clothes she often used when she went out with Kat—but in general, she felt more comfortable in this type of clothing when she didn't have to do anything physically taxing. No doubt a consequence of the original's influence.

"That might be the case," she said. "But I see no reason to concern myself with it. Only a fool would attempt anything untoward, and I bear no scruples towards teaching fools a lesson." She swore, if any morning drunk tried something with her, she'd make sure they couldn't sit right for weeks. If she was lucky they might even be a person that was strong enough to have some form of magical defense and she wouldn't have to hold back. She'd grown to enjoy using her pyro and hydrokinesis after all her sparring with Kat.

She turned back to the building before them. The morning sun was still inching higher in the sky, although not much of the direct sunlight made it down to this street because of the surrounding buildings. The particular building she was looking at right now was the pub she'd been given directions to the day before by the man who worked at that jewellery stall, 'The Whishing Cod'. She had wanted to make sure that they arrived at this place early enough so that those who were staying here—because despite having been called a pub in the game it was basically an inn of sorts—had woken up, but not yet moved out for the day. While the companion could be found during most times of the day in the game, she couldn't assume that would be the same here.

Leaving that early did mean that Scarlett had missed the chance to talk to Evelyne about the potential businesses here during the morning, though. And she'd been too tired the night before to push herself through having a longer conversation with the younger Hartford sister. She'd have to do it later on, it seemed.

She began striding forward toward the pub and opened its weathered doors. Inside, she was met by a wide room filled with several tables of different shapes and sizes, the space lit mostly by candles set upon simple wood chandeliers that hung from the ceiling by iron chains. The lower half of the room's walls looked like murals of stones stacked atop each other in an old-fashioned manner, with wooden beams running along them. The upper part was made of a simple, murky white stone that she had seen on many of the buildings in this part of the city. In addition to the tables and the people sitting at them, there was also a large unlit hearth set into one of the walls, along with a bar at the far end of the room beneath a set of wooden stairs. The bar was currently manned by a short stout man who was leaning over the counter and speaking with a guest.

She scanned the room, taking in its inhabitants. She hadn't been entirely certain it was true, but as she'd been told it did indeed seem like this place was pretty active in the mornings. The tables were at least half full right now, with over probably thirty people spread across the room. As her eyes roamed across the space she saw a team of men drinking while playing dice, a woman with long hair and her back turned to the entrance playing a light tune on some instrument in her hands, a pair of men in thick brown robes that looked to be busy eating breakfast, until her gaze finally locked onto the figure of a young man sitting alone at one of the smaller tables in the corner of the room. Wearing simple grey clothes, he had a lean but athletic build and looked to either be a young adult or in his late teens. Though he almost seemed to lean into himself with the way he sat, as if very poorly trying not to catch anyone's attention, he had a very distinct appearance with his wild, neck-length hair that was a stark white.

She found him.

Her entrance appeared to have caught the attention of some of the pub's patrons but she completely ignored that as she turned back to the two Shielders that entered behind her. "Find a table and buy something to eat if you did not do so before we left. I will compensate for any costs," she said as the two looked at her.

"What about you?" Allyssa asked.

Scarlett looked back at the lone figure in the corner of the room. "I have some matters to discuss with that individual."

Both Allyssa and Shin glanced towards where she was looking. "Oh. Well, alright then. Just... give us a sign if you need help with anything, ok?" Saying that, Allyssa pulled her fellow Shielder along and they found seats at one of the nearby tables. Scarlett then returned her focus to the companion and started walking towards him.

She genuinely hadn't been expecting to find him this fast. Yes, he was found here the majority of the time in the game, but it had never been clear why. When it was a game she just assumed it was due to convenient game design. No real reason needed. But his backstory said that—at this point in time—he took on a lot of different jobs here and there, doing what he could to earn some money without catching too much attention. As such, it was only reasonable that in real life he wouldn't always be found in this place. But here he was.

Perhaps she should just consider herself lucky, as it would save her all the time it would have taken trying to track him down by herself.

When she neared his table, his head immediately shot up from the tray of sausages and potatoes he'd been eating to her. He stared at her with clear yellow eyes that almost seemed to glow a little. She met his gaze as she walked up to the chair opposite him, contemplating the crumbs and dust on it for a moment, before sitting down.

"...Who are you?" he asked her warily. There wasn't even an attempt on his part at trying to act casual.

"I am your future employer," she said, putting her hand into the black pouch hanging off her waist and pulling out the [Mark of the Gale], placing the bone-like ring on the table between them.

His eyes went wide at the action, staring at the white ring. Several seconds passed without him even saying a word. Suddenly, his hand moved like the wind and grabbed the ring, his mouth agape as he held it aloft in front of him. Scarlett leisurely drummed her finger against the table as she let him inspect it until, finally, he seemed to remember her presence. He immediately put the ring back on the table and sat up straight, looking uncertain of what to say. "That's... that's a nice ring."

A small smile bore on her lips. "That it is." She had seen a scene similar to this in the game, yet it was interesting seeing it play out in the flesh. This was the first example she had seen of anything character-related from the game translating so directly to this world.

"Why do you have it? I mean—" He scratched the side of his cheek as he glanced to the side. "Why would you take something like that out?"

"To return it to you."

He stopped, his eyes moving back to her. "What?"

"To answer both of your questions," Scarlett said. "I sought it out in order to return it to you."

He stared at her for several more seconds. "What?"

"I sought the ring out in order to return it to you."


He didn't question her words, which she hadn't expected him to do either. In the game he had been able to tell when people lied—at least to a certain degree, though she didn't know where the limit was—so she had planned this encounter based on that premise. It was important that she gained at least some of his trust.

"Are you not its rightful owner?" she asked, gesturing towards the ring.

He pulled his arms back from where they had moved close to the ring. "N-No, I don't know what you're talking about. I've never seen it before."

She shook her head slowly. "I never said that you had. But I believe it is a bit late to claim you are not aware of what it is."

She picked it up, seeing him jolt slightly as she touched it, and brought it up to her face to look at the carvings on the inside. "'The brood of Grehalyr howls — The gale answers — King of the peaks — Brook no pretenders.'" She watched his eyes slowly widen once more as she recited what she remembered the carvings saying, though she might have got a word or two wrong. "To me it appears as if not simply anyone should hold this artifact. Then is it not only right that you have it?" She looked at him. "After all, you are not simply anyone."

"...Who are you? How can you read that?" he asked much more seriously.

"I am Baroness Scarlett Hartford and, as I said, your future employer." She turned the ring around between her fingers. "As for your second question: the truth is that I am unable to read it myself. I have, however, seen a translation of it. Although I cannot entirely speak for its accuracy."

"I've never heard of you," he said after a moment. "What do you want with me?"

She raised an eyebrow and signaled to the ring in her hand. "I believe I only a moment ago told you I intend to return this to you?"

"That's all?"

"No. Did I also not make my intention of hiring you clear?"

He blinked, as if he just now realized the meaning of her earlier words. Knowing him, he probably did.

"I went through quite a bit of trouble to acquire this," she continued. "It would truly be a shame were you not to accept it."

His attention seemed to continually shift between her and the ring, as if he was unsure what was the most important. He eventually stopped with his focus on her. "Do you know what that is?" he asked.

"I do," she said.


She smiled at him. "Suffice it to say that I uncovered it during some of my research."

He eyed her for a while. "You're lying."

Oh? He could tell that much? It wasn't a complete lie on her part—more akin to a half-truth with her being vague with what 'research' actually entailed—so she hadn't been sure whether he would notice or not. It did make her wonder how that ability of his actually worked. She would assume it had something to do with hearing or smell, but there was bound to be some magic to it too considering how neither of those were entirely reliable sources.

Letting out a low sigh, as if she was reluctant to share more, she spoke. "While I am not lying, it is accurate that my words were not the whole truth. That is not something I can share with you at this time, for reasons beyond simple secrecy. I can however tell you that I am aware of your history, as well as your current situation."

She looked at him quietly for a few seconds. "You can rest assured that I wish you no harm. In fact, I wish to offer you a deal that would be in both of our favor. I think you will find it is a far better alternative than aimlessly completing odd jobs here in Elystead." She put the ring back on the table between them, his eyes moving down with it.

"So you just want to hire me?"

She gave a short nod. "Indeed."

"For what, exactly?"

"Simply to be under my employ," she said. "I have need of someone of your talents. I would not have you waste away in a place such as this when there is so much potential in you. Potential which I am willing to develop, for the benefit of both you and me." She pointed at the ring. "You can wear it. Consider it a sign of faith on my part."

He gave her a bewildered look before slowly moving to pick the ring up again. Once more he moved it between his fingers, looking almost reverent of the artifact, before finally putting it on his right hand's middle finger. The ring immediately shrank in size to fit and a strong wind blew around the table, ruffling the hair of both of them. Scarlett had to mentally force herself to ignore the stares the phenomenon gathered as she began fixing her hair and observed the young white-haired man's eyes light up for a brief moment. Then he was just staring out into the empty air, completely oblivious to his surroundings. Scarlett wasn't sure what he actually experienced from equipping the ring—that had never been made clear in the game—but she assumed it was something important to his backstory.

It took a while, but eventually, he returned to the present, his gaze slowly shifting to her.

"I-I never believed I would find this. I gave up on it long ago. You..." He looked at her, then the ring. "T-Thank you."

Scarlett fought away a frown as she corrected the last of her disarrayed hair. "I am glad that my gift was satisfactory. And what do you have to say to my offer?"

His expression changed from that of gratitude to uncertainty once more. "I...I don't know. I have things I have to take care of. People that..." He trailed off. "I don't know if I can trust you."

Well okay, it wasn't that easy then. But she hadn't expected it to be either.

"Under normal circumstances, the work you would perform would only include escorting me. Occasionally I might require you to aid in the exploration of ruins and the like, fighting certain monsters along with others under my employ, as well as completing other minor tasks I give you," she said. "However; food and lodging will be provided by me, as well as any necessary equipment. In addition to that, you will also be paid 500 solars every month."

"500?!" he exclaimed loudly enough for the group of men playing dice a few tables over to look over at them, joining the assortment of eyes that were already watching them. Well whatever, it wasn't as if any of the people here mattered right now.

"That is what I said, yes." She'd had an inkling that would convince him some.

He hesitatingly looked at the ring, seeming to consider it for several seconds. Finally, he gave a quiet nod. "Ok. I'll do it." Then he gave her an intense stare. "But this better not be some kind of trick."

Her eyes narrowed. "Is that a threat?"

He paused, blinking for a moment, before suddenly bringing his hands up in the air in front of him. "Oh, n-nono, I didn't mean it like that, definitely not like that," he hurriedly said. "I just meant that if it was then I couldn't continue working for you and would have to quit even if you're paying really well and know who I am and about the ring but I definitely didn't mean to threaten you or anything I promise."

It was weird seeing him like this, being so close in real life to how he was at the start of the game. And to think this doofus would run around like a mad dog by the end of the game, beating people up left and right. Bad people, yes; but still people.

"Then I believe we have an agreement," she said as she watched him calm down. "Perhaps it is time that you introduce yourself as well, now."

"Ah." A look of realization came upon his face. "I'm Fynn. Just Fynn. I'll, eh, be under your care? Or would it be the opposite?"

"I imagine there will be cases of both." She brought a hand into her pouch to pull out ten silver coins worth 100 solars. "This is a small advance you can use as necessary."

She'd made sure to have some coin on her to solve any immediate problems until she could earn some more from the Cabal Adept's equipment or another dungeon run. And Fynn should definitely need the money at this point in time.

He looked at the coins for a moment, before picking them up and putting them into one of his pockets. "Thank you."

[Quest completed: Recruit companion — Fyntrarth Grehaldrae]
{Skill points awarded: 5}

Scarlett stared at the window that appeared before her. To think there'd be a quest for this. And it gave 5 skill points too.

The companions had been a pretty important part of the allure of 'Chronicle of Realms'. All of them had pretty extensive backstories and questlines, with their own unique classes and dialogues that could affect how the story went at times. While you could only ever have four of them in your party, there had been ten different possible companions—or rather eleven, but the last one was one that you eventually had to get no matter what—that could be divided into three categories. Those who were 'good' and would only stick with the player in a 'good' run; those who were 'evil' and would only stick with the player in an 'evil' run; and those who could be 'neutral', if you didn't really go for either of those alternatives in the main story. The split between the companions had essentially been even, with five of the companions being available for a good run and five for the evil run. Three of the companions from both of the categories had also been possible choices for neutral runs.

Fynn had been one of the pure 'good' companions, but that was only insofar that it was the only one of three possible main routes where you fought directly with the Hallowed Cabal.

"So, uhm, what now then?" he asked, suddenly glancing around the pub.

"Meeting with you was the lone reason I had to visit this place," Scarlett began. "Next, we leave and..." Her words came to a halt and she snapped her head to the side.

"Leave and wha—"

"Silence." She raised her hand into the air as she looked around, inspecting the room.

And oh she lived, that she did~
She bilked, she duped,
and she kept her way~
Tilde, never once did she keep her say~
She was a scamp, a cheat,
but she kept you astray~

The low and soft singing spread out across the room, not quite overtaking the clamor of the pub's guests, but carrying a distinct tone nonetheless. A tone that Scarlett recognized.

Her eyes locked onto the source of the singing at the other end of the large room. A back covered by long, curled brown hair with the neck of a tall instrument sticking out to the left. It was the woman Scarlett had seen playing when she first entered the building.

She turned back to Fynn. "Further conversation will have to wait," she said and pointed towards the table near the entrance where her two new Shielder hires sat. "Those two are Shielders contracted by me. You may introduce yourself to them. New matters have come to my attention that I must attend to."

"What? But I don't know wh—" She stood up and began walking across the room. "Oh okay, I guess I'll go and say hello?" she heard him mutter as she moved away. The quest was already completed anyway.

She kept her eyes on the back of the woman who was singing, concentrating to separate the singing from the rest of the noise around her.

Tilde once tried to be a li'l honest~
Her attempts all flew out the window~

Scarlett was certain now. This was a song that sometimes played in taverns in the game. She'd heard it countless times.

The eyes of the group listening to the woman's playing turned to Scarlett as she approached. A couple of them seemed to notice her clothing and quietly turned around to their own tables. Some of the others had awkward expressions on their faces.

Just as Scarlett stopped behind her, the woman stopped her music and turned around. She wore a simple white shirt with a thin brown vest over it, and in addition to her long, wavy hair, the woman had clear violet eyes as well as vague freckles across her nose and cheeks. She almost seemed to frown for a brief moment when she first saw Scarlett, but as soon as it had appeared the expression was gone, replaced by a smile playing across the woman's face.

"Come over to admire my singing? There's always place for more in the crowd," the woman said. Then she looked back at the people who were pretending not to pay attention. "Especially now that I seem to have lost some of them."

Scarlett stared at her, taking in the woman's appearance. What mattered here wasn't that she recognized the song from the game. What mattered was that she recognized the voice.

This woman was another of the game's companions.

"It can't be? Did I strike you mute?" the woman suddenly said, staring at Scarlett with an exaggerated expression and her hand covering her mouth. "My, this is a first even for me."

"You are Rosalina Hale, are you not?" Scarlett asked.

The woman grinned as she leaned her instrument—which looked like some variant of a hurdy-gurdy with a longer neck—against the side of her chair and leaned forward over the backrest. She rolled one of her arms in the air before her as she dipped her neck in a mock-elegant curtsy. "It seems my reputation precedes me. It is indeed I, Rosalina Hale, balladeer extraordinaire." She turned her head up, a large grin on her face. "Though people usually just call me Rosa. But it's always a delight meeting another fan of mine."

She leaned her elbow on the back of her seat, resting her chin against her palm. "So, what'd you come over here for? It can't be you actually want my autograph? I'll have to warn you that I don't sign body parts, and I don't have a brush either."

Scarlett frowned. "Is that a request people actually make?" She didn't even know they had autographs here.

The woman shot her another smile. "Not really, no. But sometime's got to be the first, am I right?"

Scarlett looked at her for several seconds, feeling the irritation bubbling up. She hadn't considered it, but this... was going to be grating with the way her personality currently was.

"So it is in actuality more of a fixation on your part, rather than the legitimate desire of any alleged admirers," she said soberly. "If so I suggest you keep any further such fascinations to yourself. I have other matters to discuss with you."

Rosa wore an amused expression. "Well, color me intrigued. Not only did you see through my dastardly intentions, but you also have business with me? I hope I'm not in any trouble."

In 'Chronicle of Realms', Rosalina Hale had been one of the good/neutral companions that Scarlett had had in her party for her first playthrough. While Rosa came with her own problems, she had been one of Scarlett's favorite characters in the game and had a unique support class, which was why Scarlett had considered looking for her in the future. But even though Rosa could be recruited in several different places in the game, 'The Whishing Cod' had never been one of them.

Scarlett truly hadn't been expecting to run into the woman this early. In fact, what were even the odds of meeting two of the game's companions in the same place like this? Two of the more reasonable ones, to boot. That was one heck of a coincidence. Should she just consider herself lucky?

"Do I have something on my face?" Rosa put her free hand to wipe her cheek. "Maybe I shouldn't have had that gravy earlier."

"...You simply reminded me of someone," Scarlett said, watching the woman flick her hand as if she'd actually removed some of the non-existing sauce. "But it is of no matter. As I said, I have something to discuss with you. A proposal."

Rosa's brows rose. "A proposal? How scandalous. We barely know each other."

Scarlett gave the woman a long look. Right, this is about what she should have expected. "I see you are quite carefree."

"Ehhhh, I dunno about that," Rosa said, now running her finger over the backrest. "I prefer blithe. It has a better ring to it."

"I see," Scarlett slowly responded. She felt very odd seeing Rosa like this. One part of her wanted to chastise the woman for her manners, the other didn't really mind and actually enjoyed seeing Rosa in real life like this. "In any event," she eventually said. "My name is Scarlett, and I have need of your services. I would ensure that you are paid handsomely if you were to come under my employ for the near future."

Rosa looked at her with slight surprise. "You want to hire me? What for? I know what I said, but I don't really do solo performances."

"I would not ask that you perform," Scarlett said. "I am aware that you have other qualities to offer."

Rosa's forehead furrowed. "...I'm not sure I'm smelling what you're cooking here."

"Then I suggest a probationary contract. Further questions can be answered in the future, but if you agree to my terms you will be compensated with 500 solars every month, as well as several other benefits." Several of the people nearby reacted at her mention of 500 solars. She hadn't been expecting to hire another person this soon so she might be stretching it here—Evelyne probably won't like it at least—but this much shouldn't be a problem. And she didn't want to throw away this chance of getting her hands on another of the game's companions. With Rosa's help it would also be much easier to clear one of the dungeons near Elystead that had an item Scarlett wanted.

"500 solars? Now that doesn't sound too bad." Rosa looked at her for a second. "Probationary, you said? I'm not your stays-in-one-place kind of gal, but I'll listen to whatever it is you want me to do here for you. Who knows, maybe it'll be fun?"

"Good," Scarlett said, beginning to turn around. "Then you can follow me. I shall explain further what this would entail."

Rosa got up and picked up her instrument, spinning around to give the people she'd been playing for a wave. "Sorry, looks like the show's over. You guys were great, though. I was really feeling it."

Then traipsing over to Scarlett, Rosa had a slight sparkle in her eyes. "Ok, let's see what interesting stuff you have for me then. Just don't get too sad when I jump the ship if this turns out to be some kinda frolicky rabbit-orgy cult." She shivered. "I'm not doing that again."

Scarlett looked at her. She was half-tempted to ask whether that was a joke or not. "...I do not anticipate that to be a problem," she said as she started walking towards the entrance of the pub where Fynn appeared to have introduced himself to the other two at one of the tables. "Although I also cannot promise that it will always be interesting."

"That's fine." Rosa smiled beside her, leaning her hurdy-gurdy look-alike over her shoulder. "For this kinda coin? I'll make it interesting."

[Quest completed: Recruit companion — Rosalina Hale]
{Skill points awarded: 5}

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