Melody of Mana

Chapter 52 A noble party

The first differences became obvious as we moved towards Lord Johannes' manor. First of all, we were going well into the noble section of the city, and the traffic around us showed it. People were finely dressed as they came in and out of shops and few were walking. Some rode horses, particularly young men, and some were using carriages much like ours.

As we came to more residential parts the houses and close buildings gave way to far, far, larger structures. The yards were still rather contained, but it was obvious these were buildings belonging to the very rich and very powerful. I could catch a few glimpses of the palace as we went along, though it was more often than not hidden from view.

I got more and more nervous as we neared our destination. Eventually I could see what must have been it from the window. The house was huge, with large marble pillars out front that had been festooned with lights. I was fairly sure that was it because of the lights, and because of the line of carriages.

I had completely forgotten that we were coming in as guests, and therefore were not coming in before the other guests. I looked over at my companion in our little vehicle.

"You look a bit nervous. I'm glad that has finally settled in." Jackson observed.

"How rich are they exactly?"

"For nobles? Not too bad, but this is the capital, and they can cause lots of issues for you if they so choose. Try not to look too nervous, that will only make you look bad. Be confident, as it stands the two of us are more powerful than most lower ranking nobility. It's their power and money that are the issue, not magical strength."

"Should I suppress my aura?"

"That's a coin flip, hiding it for no reason might seem a bit rude, but it's also not uncommon. I'll leave the choice to you."

I mulled that over for a few moments while we waited for the carriages in front of us to make their way through. Eventually I decided to let it be, suppressing it was hard and since Lord Johannes knew already I saw no real point to it.

I asked to run over a few of the rules of interaction a bit more. It still came down to remaining non-committal about almost everything, and to be vague about my past. There wouldn't be any direct threats to me at a party, but there was no point in pointing out that I was from a poor peasant family from the middle of nowhere. All that would do is get me the kind of attention that I didn't want.

We disembarked when our turn came and I got a full view of the entrance. The lights I'd seen from afar were small dim orbs, slowly floating around the front with warm, inviting light. Servants and the like ran to and fro, helping everyone out of their carriages and to the entrance where they were greeted and told the nights theme.

Themes seemed to be a running thing with balls as of late. The style had popped up a few years ago and caught on like wildfire. Now every ball was expected to have some sort of thing going on in the background to add decoration, usually expressed through illusions. The contest to come up with the best was fierce, and those who could cast good illusions were considered must haves at all parties.

Tonight's theme was 'the forest'. As such halls and the like had been glamoured so that the walls appeared as trees leading you through and into the main ballroom. Vines twisted along, showing that while it looked like you might be able to pass through certain gaps they were in fact solid walls. They'd even added in a slight warm breeze and the scent that large areas of woodland always had.

I gasped as we entered the main ballroom. The work was magnificent. The sky was far more complicated than we'd gone through, with complicated cloud formations and a few birds flitting across it. The sunlight pouring down as the light outside faded was striking and warm. I could even pick out a few bits of birdsong that I'd heard myself when out with my brothers.

We spotted Lord Johannes easily. He and a woman I didn't know were greeting all of the guests. She seemed about his age and I was guessing was his wife. They smiled at Jackson and I as we approached.

"Ah, if it isn't mister Jackson and miss Alana. I'm so glad that you could make it even on such short notice." The man smiled at us with the trademark warmth his sons had displayed. I didn't think it was magic as such, just that they all had powerful natural charisma.

"Of course Lord Johannes, we were honored at your kind invitation." Jackson smiled back, regardless of how much I knew he didn't want to be here.

"Well, allow me to introduce you to my sister, Geradine. Dear sister, these are the two I was telling you made such a good impression at Ulbert's gathering the other day. Would you be so kind as to see to the young miss?" He quickly drug Jackson off for some private conversation.

The woman looked down at me, obviously making her appraisals she seemed a bit more harsh than the men of her family. Perhaps that was because she was used to girls trying to get their attentions. I suspected that had I been a boy Dietrich and his brothers would have been much harsher with me.

I curtseyed to her in response. "A pleasure to meet you Lady Geradine."

She smiled, I'd apparently passed on some level. "You as well miss Alana, my nephew spoke quite highly of you, but I was rather loath to believe him. I'm glad that I was mistaken." She slowly led me over to one side of the room, nodding towards a small bar looking area by the back. "We won't be beginning our dances for awhile yet, but you should try one of the refreshments we've prepared. A rather new dish from out east. This particular version has some quite fanciful fruit mixed in." At this point I could see Lord Johannes returning and she nodded to me, "Alas I've other guests to greet, but I do hope we can talk later."

As I moved towards the small bar I took note of those around me. Many of the people here had magic of some kind or another, though I couldn't tell who had what. There were perhaps twenty casters in total, and only one or two with auras comparable to mine. One man in the corner had one that blazed like the sun and was painfully bright, and a girl around my age who gave off a sensual purple mist.

The people here were noting me too, I could see questioning gazes from several of the men on the other side of the room. The women though had mixed responses. A few of the older ones were keeping a close eye on me, much as Geradine had. The younger ones though, most of them were sending outright hostile glares at me, as if I were some intruder there to steal their treasures. I supposed that to them competition for the limited number of noble husbands certainly was unwelcome. Not that I actually wanted one of those right now.

There was a small group of teens near the bar slowly eating small scoops of ice cream from cups that I could swear had been grown into shape. Their discussion was intense, each taking a bite then having words with the others. As I approached the two twins motioned me forward to join them. This it seemed was the area where socializing between the sexes would be permitted at this party.

"Our father procured this treat, and tells us that the flavor is a fruit, but nobody seems to be able to divine what kind. Care to give it a try?" Armond offered as the waiter prepared me a small cup as well, with what looked like a silver spoon in it.

"I don't see why not." I looked at the gathered group, recognizing Quinta and her friends from before.

The small bite I took flooded my mouth with flavor, and nostalgia. The treat was perfectly smooth and firm, with a tropical taste that seemed a mix of all the things one would expect to find on a deserted island, mango and banana.

"Oh, that's a bit unexpected." I had to cover my mouth as I thought over it.

"Any guesses as to what it is? We're thinking something from overseas. Dietrich said he had an Elven fruit once that tasted sort of like this." Rieg grinned as he put forth his opinion. I noticed his brother wasn't here just yet.

"It tastes like paw paw, and I hate to tell you but that's from just a bit east. It might even grow nearby."

"You've had it before?" The girl with the purple aura asked.

I had to process this particular girl for a few seconds. She was, if I was any guess, almost my age, with thick brunette hair. Her dress was far, far simpler than I would have thought would be permitted here with the only jewelry a small pendant hanging from around her neck. That I recognized instantly with it's man and woman motif as a symbol of the order of The Lovers.

"Oh... Yes, my brothers knew of a tree and would harvest it every fall. It was a rather nice treat we only got a little of every year."

"In the fall? You mean it isn't a spring fruit?" Armond seemed quite surprised by that one.

"Yes, it produces fruit for only a short time in the fall. I only ever knew of the one place it grew though, it seems they grow near streams. I wonder wherever your father managed to get enough to make so much ice cream from."

Everyone looked toward the waiter, Armond and Rieg both had raised eyebrows.

"The young miss is quite correct. Lord Johannes did indeed acquire this treat made from paw paw fruit, a rather less common treat that grows in this region, if only rarely." I almost pitied him, having to work this closely to so many of the nobility. The gazes he got from some as he declared my success were not particularly kind.

After I'd finished the dessert I quickly moved off to speak with others. I wasn't sure who all was here but I was hoping that it would help to pass the time. As I was speaking to an older woman who it seemed was a merchant specializing in spices I saw Dietrich enter from the side. After he shared words with his father and aunt he scanned the crowd, giving me a small smile and nod as our eyes met.

I wasn't really sure how to feel about him. He certainly was charismatic, rich, and if I had to give an honest assessment handsome. I suspected in a few years he would be a rival to many male models from earth, and he certainly had a lot going for him. That said I also felt like he was way, way too good at getting me to do things not necessarily in my best interest. Like revealing my aura, or coming to this party.

As I was mulling this over several heads turned towards the doors. Then men near them first, those who looked like they were tougher reacted very fast but it soon spread. There was the sounds of some kind of large clamor, followed by a bloodcurdling scream.

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