Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 30: come! Hurt each other!

   Boom! Boom!

   One by one grenades were thrown in from outside the city wall, and the casualties of the Blackrock Town defenders began to increase rapidly.


   A violent explosion suddenly sounded, and even overwhelming the roar of the grenade, the entire Blackstone Town trembled, as if an earthquake had occurred.

   The upper half of the rock wall on the left side of Heishi Town quickly cracked, and then in the horrified eyes of the defenders, it collapsed and was blown into a huge gap that was more than five meters wide.

   The rock wall was broken. Although there was still half of the metal wall below, it obviously couldn't stop the attack from outside.

   A truck stopped at the gap, and soldiers from Crescent City poured in like a tide.

   Wei Tao took the lead and rushed into Heishi Town.

His arms are blessed with mechanical arms. It is a pair of streamlined exoskeleton mechanical arms. The green energy circuits etched into the metal by special means, like mysterious runes, give people a powerful visual impact, just a glance , Qi Yuan felt a heavy pressure from these exoskeleton robotic arms.

   This is the real mechanical weapon. Compared with it, whether it is a butcher or a skull crusher, it is like a child's toy!

   Seeing Wei Tao's appearance, Si Tu let out a low growl, and even abandoned the broken skull, picked up a large two-handed sword that was as tall as a person, and greeted him.

   Wei Tao flicked both hands, and two silver metal short sticks with the thickness of arms extended from the mechanical arm.

   The rune-like energy lines became brighter, and a blazing white electric light suddenly gleamed between the palm of the hand and the metal short stick.

   The sizzling electric light was bright and dazzling, and quickly spread to the entire short stick until the shadow of the metal short stick was completely invisible, like holding two white lightning bolts.

   Wei Tao grinned, waving two white lightnings, and greeted Situ who was charging by himself.

   Qi Yuan looked at Wei Tao through the scope, the blazing white electric light was very dazzling, making it much more difficult to lock the target.

Not only that, Wei Tao seems to have some extraordinary ability in the perception domain. Even in the battle with Situ, he can perceive the danger of coming to the outside world. Whenever he is locked by the crosshair, he will move quickly. Qi Yuan continues to test. After several times, I couldn't lock the target.

   The soldiers of Crescent Town are still pouring in. The defenders of Blackstone Town can still resist for the time being, but as the number of soldiers in Crescent Town increases, the pressure of confrontation is also increasing.

Qi Yuan did not rush to take the shot. Before targeting the second-tier target, shooting rashly would only expose himself. Ordinary enemies, even the first-tier, it would be useless to kill more. The opponent's second-tier transcendents were the battle. The workhorse.

Yi Shoulong, Yi Shoucheng, Hu Hao, and Eleven have all joined the battle. Ordinary fighters are in the hands of the two of them. They are completely cutting melons and vegetables. However, New Moon Town is not without strong ones. Soon they will meet each other. Here comes their opponents.

   Hu Hao was entangled by a shadow-like enemy, while Bald Eleven blocked a woman holding a double blade.

   The most powerful brothers are Yi Shoulong and Yi Shoucheng.

   Together, the two of them pressed down a burly man like a giant bear.

  He is the strongest fighter under Wei Tao-the bear!

Grim Bear’s weapon is a terrifying two-handed hammer. Judging from its appearance, the weight of this hammer is definitely more than 300 kilograms. Whether it is an enemy or a house, it becomes glass under his hammer. Ordinary fragile items will fly everywhere and the walls will be broken as long as they come into contact with them.

   Yi Shoulong and Yi Shoucheng did not dare to take advantage of the edge, they could only avoid the attack of the heavy hammer.

   The two swept like flying, and the daggers left deep blood troughs on the enemy's burly body, but they could not stop the other party's destruction, but made him roar and attack more and more violent.

   "The second-tier strength enhancement means that the speed is a little short, otherwise you can completely crush the Yi Shoulong and Yi Shoucheng brothers, and you are the only one!"

   Qi Yuan moved the muzzle and locked the brawny man who was entangled with the Yi family brothers.

  The enemy has entered Blackrock Town. The deep roots here cannot delay the enemy's footsteps. There are only two shots or even one shot at most, and they will definitely be locked by other enemies.

  Since Wei Tao could not aim, he could only retreat and send the bullet to the strongest enemy outside of Wei Tao.

   The bear who can be one enemy two is obviously the most suitable target!

   The crosshair targets the burly bear.

I saw him hit the ground with a hammer and hammered a large broken pit on the ground. The powerful force impacted to form a shock wave. The ground cracks spread to the surroundings. Under the force recoil, the violent bear also paused briefly. The muscles of the horns trembled slightly, and they quickly shrugged off the powerful impact from the hammer!


   Qi Yuan suddenly pulled the trigger!

   When the familiar gunfire sounded again, the surrounding second-tier fighters trembled at the same time, not knowing if the gun was aimed at him.

   Even Wei Tao's movements were slightly stagnant, and he was almost hit by Si Tu's big sword.

   The sound of gunshots curled up.

The violent bear, who had just lifted the heavy hammer and was about to continue his attack, suddenly stiffened. He lowered his head, and through the transparent wounds on his chest, he vaguely saw the black muzzle of Death Harvest, and a pair of ice-like muzzles. Eyes.

How could this be?

   Where did my first-tier enhanced defense go?

   The heavy hammer dropped his hand and fell to the ground. The bear was puzzled and unwilling, and fell forward to the ground, slowly losing the signs of his life!

   "Grumpy Bear!"

   Wei Tao let out a painful and angry roar.

The Grim Bear is his most powerful subordinate. Although his mind is simple, his physique is comparable to that of a beast. He originally has a strong basic strength, coupled with the second-order strength enhancement, making the Grim Bear even more than the ordinary second-order. Powerful, if it is not for speed enhancement, it only has one level, and the blizzard can even confront Situ head-on!

   Wei Tao originally thought that he could crush Blackrock Town by coming out of the nest, but he did not expect that a sniper with such a terrifying strength would appear here, killing his two powerful men in a row!

   "Kill him for me!"

   Following Wei Tao's roar, a thin figure suddenly emerged from the crowd, like a flexible ape, jumping horizontally among the ruins of the roof, and quickly leaned in the direction of Qi Yuan.

   The figure was extremely fast, jumping and flying in the air, almost only saw a vague shadow, Yi Shoulong tried to intercept, but was easily thrown away, completely unable to keep up with the opponent's speed.

   "Second-level speed enhancement!"

   Qi Yuan glanced at the figure, and then left the roof with Death Harvest and hid in the room below.

   The most dangerous sniper was pushed back, and the offensive of New Moon Town suddenly became stronger. Yi Shoulong and Yi Shoucheng were tightly entangled by the other two second-order transcendents, and they couldn't get out to support Qi Yuan at all.

  The disadvantage of the number of people in Heishi Town gradually became apparent. Although Qi Yuan killed the opponent's two second-tiers, it was still not enough to change the balance of power between the two sides.

With the rapid increase in the number of casualties, Si Tu became more and more impatient, swinging his big sword repeatedly, but was blocked by two blazing white lightnings in Wei Tao's hand, unable to break through the defense at all, every time the weapon collided. , There will be a fragment of electric light spreading along the two-handed sword, bringing an unbearable tingling to the body.

The biggest variable, Qi Yuan, has no chance to shoot. A sniper can only wait to die when facing a second-order speed-enhanced raid. Even if Qi Yuan still has first-order defense enhancement, it can’t change the ending, but it’s too much. Just kill a few knives.

   Lost Qi Yuan's firepower suppression, the battle will soon collapse!

   In the dark room, Qi Yuan put down the death harvest, holding the butcher in one hand, and the saber scoring from Luo Kui's corpse in the other, quietly waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

   Soon, a thin and small figure rushed in from the window, his eyes quickly locked on Qi Yuan, and his eyes were obviously a little surprised.

   The sniper didn't even continue to escape!

   Does he want to fight melee with himself?

   Qi Yuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then raised the butcher to aim at the target, and suddenly pulled the trigger!


   The dull gunfire echoed in the small room, making the eardrum tremble.

   The skinny monkey screamed, and he didn't dare to resist the butcher's attack. The moment Qi Yuan pulled the trigger, his body had already dodged, like a shadow, letting a bullet attack.


   The wall behind the skinny monkey suddenly burst, and the bullet that penetrated out of the group sent a hole the size of a fist on the wall.

   can penetrate the wall with just one shot, no wonder he can kill the bear with one shot!

   The thin monkey suppressed the shock in his heart, and quickly flew away after Qi Yuan shot.

   No matter how powerful a sniper, after losing the safe distance to shoot, his extraordinary ability is just a display!

   As the distance between the two sides quickly narrowed, the thin monkey almost saw the fear on the target's face, that was the best tribute to death!

   However, he soon discovered the difference in the prey in front of him.

   Not only was there no fear on the opponent's face, but instead he retracted the hideous butcher, raised the saber in his hand, with a suppressed excitement on his expression, as if to say to himself: Come on! Hurt each other!

   Is he still capable of fighting domain?

   When the distance between the two sides was close enough to attack, the doubt in the eyes of the thin monkey instantly turned into a hideous!

   I have a second-order speed, and I can behead you with a single blow. What can you use to fight me!

   The skinny monkey's body suddenly turned around. Behind Qi Yuan, he drew an arc in his hand and slashed towards the unprotected neck.

   But the speed is fast to a certain extent, and the damage it brings is no less than the powerful force. The dagger in the skin of the skinny monkey is like this. Even if he does not even have the first-order strength enhancement, the rapid dagger can also complete the decapitation of the enemy!


   The thin monkey gave a low cry, and the dagger struck Qi Yuan's back of the neck. As expected, the flesh and blood flew around. The scene of the corpse separation did not appear. Instead, it made a sound of gold and iron.

   This knife was enough to decapitate an ordinary person and severely inflict a first-order defense attack, but it was only able to break through the opponent's skin, leaving only a small blood mark.

How could this be?

   Is he a robot?

   or second-tier enhanced defense?

   Without waiting for the thin monkey to react, a huge force came back from the blade, which not only caused the dagger to come out of his hand, but it was also difficult to maintain the balance of the body.

  A killing intent flashed in Qi Yuan's eyes, the saber in his hand drew an arc of death, and he turned to kill behind him.

   In the middle of the sky, the skinny monkey whose body was out of balance shrank, and he couldn't adjust the position of his body at all to dodge.

   In a hurry, the skinny monkey raised another dagger and faced the saber knife from the slaying!

   This person is a monster!

  The identity of the sniper is just cover!

   He deliberately lured me to come and kill me!

   His speed is not fast!

   As long as I dodge this knife, I can escape!

   The sudden change made the thin monkey no longer dare to despise Qi Yuan. Numerous thoughts appeared crazily, but soon, the fear in his eyes turned into despair.

The saber slashed on the dagger, and a powerful force comparable to a violent bear suddenly burst out. The thin monkey felt as if he had become an isolated and helpless monkey, but the enemy in front of him was covered with a drape. Tyrannosaurus in a sniper coat.

   The dagger collapsed when touched, and the saber cut across the body without any pause.

   In the middle of the air, the skinny monkey watched the dagger take off and fly out, then his arm fell off his body, then his lower body left, and finally turned around with a dull impact, sinking into darkness forever.

   Second order speed?

That's it?

   Qi Yuan glanced at the corpse on the ground, and couldn't help being shocked by the power of the talent tree.

Only the combination of Tier 1 steel defense and Tier 1 steel power can easily kill an awakened person who has strengthened Tier 2 speed. Although there are reasons for being caught flat-footed, this kind of thrill of standing up and crushing opponents, But it is impacting the heart.

   Qi Yuan touched the wound on the back of his neck. The wound was so shallow that he couldn't even use a dressing.

   "First-order transcendents, there should not be a few who can threaten me."

   Qi Yuan silently lifted the death harvest placed in the corner, walked to the gap made by the butcher, and raised the muzzle.

  Since the opponent's surprise attack and beheading failed to kill him, someone else should die!

Although Qi Yuan killed two Tier 2s in succession, Crescent Town’s Tier 2 combat power and numbers still dominated. After entering from the gap, Heshizhen has been pressed hard to fight, although there is no battle line collapse for the time being. , But the balance of victory has slowly tilted towards Crescent Town.

  The wild hunters who saw the bad things got out of the battle one after another. They didn't have the courage to co-exist and die with Blackstone Town. They were forced to join the war before, but they were only frightened by Situ's strength. Now the situation is unfavorable, and there is no psychological burden to choose to quit.

The only thing to worry about is whether Crescent Town will retaliate after taking down Blackstone Town, but the probability of this kind of thing is very small, because the gathering point of people is valuable, whether it is to resist the enemy’s attack or go to the mine. Enough manpower is required for mining.

   Situ and Wei Tao fell into a bitter battle, and several second-tiers in Heishi Town were also dragged by the opponent's second-tier.

   The other Tier 2 that has lost its containment are almost killing opponents in battle. Except for a few Tier 1 transcendents who can barely contain them, ordinary soldiers face Tier 2 Awakeners and are completely crushed.

   A man holding two guns stood on the wall and shot the soldiers in Blackstone Town continuously with the double guns. His marksmanship was extremely accurate. Basically, every time he pulled the trigger, a soldier in Blackstone Town would fall.

  Occasionally, soldiers shot at him, but the bullet fell on his body and couldn't penetrate the body's defenses.

   "The second-tier defense is strengthened!"

   Qi Yuan squinted his eyes and pushed in an armor-piercing bullet, and the crosshair locked the target's forehead.

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