Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 76: Different fighting styles (part 2)

Teacher Lang's criticism was severe, but the sentence was clear and pointed out Chen Feng's biggest sticking point. Chen Feng was convinced that he lowered his head to accept the instruction, and looked at Chen Feng's deflated appearance.

After the lesson, Teacher Chen Fenglang began to comment on Hongshui Bin: "You are very spiritual. You don't stick to your moves to integrate your own ideas. There are not many students who can start to show their own style like this."

There was just a trace of sorrow on Hongshuibin’s face, and Teacher Lang’s words turned: "But your problem is that you are too free and too focused on offense. If you were on the battlefield just now, Chen Feng would certainly die under your offensive. But then you will soon follow him and ascend to heaven."

"Ah? It's not that serious, right?" Hongshui Bin was stunned, and Chen Feng also showed a puzzled expression. Why did Hongshui Bin's advantage just now suddenly follow in his own footsteps?

Teacher Lang casually pointed at the students who were training next to him: "Just now, even if you succeeded in killing Chen Feng by Hongbin, you would still be seriously injured. At this time, anyone who came by the side could harvest you. , You said if you die like this, will you be wronged?"

Hongshui Bin jumped anxiously. If he is a famous general, forget it. If a miscellaneous soldier passes by and takes his own head, it is totally unacceptable: "Of course I am wronged. It is too shameful that I won't be easy to harvest. "

In order to let them understand the problem more intuitively, Teacher Lang went to the center of the two to resume the fight between the two: "Chen Feng was already unstable before, and Hongshui Bin took advantage of the situation to attack. But when Chen Feng was there When he finds that he can't avoid the desperate fight, Hongshui Bin can no longer go head-to-head. This is the advantage of Hongshui Bin, why should head-to-head and lose both? Hong Bin only needs to retreat slightly, Chen Feng's desperate counterattack will let him in If you lose your balance when your body is unstable, you can go forward and defeat Chen Feng without any effort at this time."

Teacher Lang's prompt made Hongshuibin get the hang of it. He knocked his head to annoyance and said: "Yes, I didn't expect it, I was so excited, I only knew to rush forward, thank you Teacher Lang for the reminder."

Teacher Lang waved his hand to stop Hongbin’s thanks, and asked the two of them to think about how to solve their own problems: "The problems you have have already been explained. Think about it before you start training. But then again, you two have two extremes. A team may have a miraculous effect."

Teacher Lang is a person who goes straight and doesn't circumscribe. Although the words are embarrassing, they are reasonable. Chen Feng and Hongshuibin have no time to be embarrassed, and they both silently think about how to adjust and improve.

After a long time, Chen Feng’s thoughts gradually became clear: "Since Teacher Lang said that I am not adaptable, I will try to change the action in combination with the actual situation. It happens that the opponent is the waterfront. You can observe and learn his changes in the fight. From the perspective of overcoming our shortcomings The combination is really good."

Now that I have decided, I have to try it. On the side, Teacher Lang has been away for a long time. Chen Feng raised his head and happened to see Hongshui Bin looking at herself with glints: "Come on! Waterfront, this time let you see something different. I!"

Hung Hung Bin squeezed his hands, squeezed his fists and made a creaking noise: "Then I will come~ I won't give you another chance this time~" He flew up immediately after saying this.

The two once again fought into a group. Although both realized where their problems were, it was not so easy to solve them. Chen Feng tried hard to adapt to the environment to change his moves, and Hong Bin tried hard to restrain his desire to attack, but always backfired. Each felt uncomfortable. From the perspective of others, it was a mess.

After the battle for a while, there was no chemical reaction at all. Chen Feng took the lead to leave the battle group and make a stop gesture: "Shuibian, wait, it feels too wrong, it won't work."

Panting and brushing the sweat from his forehead, Hong Hung Bin nodded in agreement: "It's too awkward. It's like becoming another stranger. I don't know what to do next."

"Didn't you both grow up together? Think of yourself as each other and try to imitate each other's thinking for practice." The sudden voice made both of them stunned, turning their heads to look in the direction of the sound. Teacher Shi Lang stood beside the two again, giving instructions.

"Mr. Lang, how did you know that we grew up together?" Hongshui Bin's brain circuit is quite unique, and he actually raised an irrelevant question.

"I have read the information of all the students in the class." Teacher Lang revealed the topic coldly, and asked the two to start again: "Let's start, I will just look at it for a while."

"Since Teacher Lang said so, let's give it a try. After all, he is an experienced teacher." Chen Feng closed his eyes and recalled the Hong Bin he had known since childhood, imitating his actions and took the lead in attacking. Unwilling to show weakness, Hong Hung Bin learned from Chen Feng's previous moves and started defense.

Don't say it, the two changed their minds, and there really was a completely different effect: at the beginning of the practice, Hongshuibin took the initiative and has been making various attacks on Chen Feng; now it has become a different scene, Chen Feng changed like a violent storm and attacked Hung Hsung Bin, and Hung Hung Bin floated around like a small boat in the stormy sea.

Teacher Lang has been watching for a long time while silently applauding: "Although it is a little bit jerky in simulating each other, it has already caused a tremendous change in behavior. These two children have very good talents, and they will be able to grasp the essentials quickly after a little mention. We can focus on observation in the future."

Thinking of this, Teacher Lang shifted his eyes to see Pan Yuguo and Murongxuan who were also in fierce fighting. Both closed their lips and flew up and down trying to find and break through each other's flaws. The deadlocked scene was wonderful; look at the other side. With wonderful leg skills, Zheng Zhirong's dangerous Nangong Mengdie was forced. Nangong Mengdie's feet left afterimages in the air as if they had never fallen to the ground. Although Zheng Zhirong's situation was dangerous, he could always break Nangong Mengdie. The rhythm gives myself breathing space.

"It's been a long time since I saw so many students with obvious talents appearing at the same time. I remember that the last time I had such a scene was when I formally learned the operation of mecha." Teacher Lang looked at it and gradually recalled the past. , Scenes after scenes came to mind.

Chen Feng felt that he had completely become a Hongbin. Not only was it a variety of incredible tricks, but also his tone of voice changed: "Ahhhhhhh! Shuibian watched me attack your bottom plate." It hits the shoulders directly.

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