Me, The Sovereign of the World? [Modern Evolution]

0058 – A Cult Indeed

With fervor in her heart, the stout woman sat among the group, joining their circle. She became one of the devout followers, muttering phrases like "soul shaping," "rebirth," and "spiritual awakening." Eleven devotees had now become twelve.

Together, they murmured prayers to the bearded man with closed eyes at the center, beseeching this proclaimed emissary of the divine. Meanwhile, a man with a buzz cut whispered to the tall, poised woman at the door, "Sis, this is the gal who got lost in the mountains. You take care of her."

After that brief instruction, he picked up a bucket and walked towards a nearby cave. The tall woman, with a smile that was both welcoming and distant, approached Zoe. "Hello, welcome to our Spiritual Retreat."

Her smile seemed warm, but Zoe sensed an underlying coldness. Beyond the buzz-cut man, the bearded figure in the center, and the woman before her, the other twelve seemed consumed by fanaticism, as if they had been brainwashed.

"Hello, I got lost in the mountains, and..." Zoe's expression was a mix of confusion and relief.

The woman responded with a reassuring tone, "Everyone who comes to the Spiritual Retreat is family. You can stay with us until you're ready to leave."

Though she spoke of family, Zoe could feel her detachment. She was clearly skilled in the art of pretense. But then again, who wasn't?

"Thank you! I truly appreciate it!" Zoe exclaimed, her eyes nearly brimming with tears. Her performance was so convincing that the woman couldn't help but console her, forgetting her usual persuasive rhetoric. She mentioned they had prepared a small cabin for her and brought her some porridge made from wild vegetables.

Zoe continued to express her gratitude, overwhelmed by the group's hospitality. Only after the cabin door closed did she let her facade drop, her face instantly shifting from emotional to calm, quicker than a theatrical mask change. It was as if the grateful woman from moments ago had never existed.

Had it not been for the subtle insights she gained after battling a bear, requiring a quiet place to ponder, and her slight addiction to acting, she wouldn't have bothered with such theatrics.

The cabin was simple, with only a wooden bed, a table, a candle holder, and no windows. The single door could be locked from both inside and out. Besides the blanket, there were no modern conveniences.

Sitting casually on the bed, Zoe's gaze grew pensive. This place was far from ordinary. With her heightened perception, she had noticed many oddities.

First, the uniform white robes suggested a shared belief system. Then, the blind devotion of the twelve followers towards the bearded man, treating him as a deity. Lastly, the woman's incongruent behavior; her words were welcoming, but her heart was cold and indifferent.

Zoe subtly detected the faint scent of floral water and modern food on the tall woman, the buzz-cut man, and the bearded man. Despite their efforts to cleanse themselves, the traces lingered, setting them apart from the twelve devotees who reeked of the wild, their minds seemingly brainwashed. These three clearly occupied a higher tier, maintaining modern conveniences that the others lacked. The stark class divide indicated an oppressive structure within the group.

As she pondered the situation, Zoe concluded that she had stumbled upon a hidden cult in the mountains. The incessant murmur of prayers from outside confirmed her suspicion. She opened her phone, narrowing her eyes in thought. How had she, just a simple wanderer, ended up in such a bizarre situation?

Most cults likely hid in remote areas to avoid the law, living in seclusion. Zoe felt fortunate that, unlike others, she had the ability to perceive emotions and thus wouldn't be deceived by this cult. Her iron will ensured she wouldn't fall victim to their schemes.

But should she report them to the authorities? She deliberated. With a solid education, she knew she couldn't let such a group persist. However, reporting them now seemed impractical. They were deep in the mountains, and it would be a hassle to trek out for a signal. Besides, it would interrupt her own retreat into nature.

Perhaps she shouldn't rush into it. After all, aside from wrestling a bear, her trip had been uneventful. Ending it prematurely felt wasteful. She had invested in a train ticket, taxi fare, and a new shirt. It wasn't about the money; it was about not wanting to leave just yet.

Her heightened senses detected movement. Nearing 5 PM, the prayers ceased. The twelve devotees, clutching bowls of wild vegetable porridge made by the buzz-cut man, retreated to their cabins. The bearded man, calling himself the "Venerable One," muttered blessings as he locked each cabin door from the outside. He and the buzz-cut man then entered a cave stocked with modern goods.

The tall woman approached Zoe's cabin with a white robe in hand. After a polite knock, Zoe opened the door.

"Ms. Zoe, seeing your tattered clothes, you must need something new," she said with a smile. "We who retreat to these mountains seek peace and simplicity, so this is all we have."

Zoe was taken aback. "Who are you trying to fool?" she thought. No genuine ascetic would keep twelve brainwashed devotees as slaves while enjoying fine food and drink. She could still smell the liquor the woman had drunk two days ago.

Despite her thoughts, she chose not to confront the woman yet. "Austerity, huh? I really admire your dedication," she said, smiling back.

When a lion plays with dog pups, it’s not for the thrill of crushing them but out of genuine disinterest or boredom. However, if the puppies misjudge the lion's patience, things could get interesting indeed.

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