Me, The Sovereign of the World? [Modern Evolution]

0002 – A Cursory Observation

The door to the modest rental room clicked shut with a soft thud.

Zoe Carter leaned her back against it, her face set in an expression far more serious than usual. Something felt off—peculiar, even. Her fingers brushed across her abdomen, tracing the defined lines of muscle. They weren’t overly pronounced, but certainly more toned than she'd remembered.

A pause lingered in the air.

Without a second thought, Zoe bolted to the bathroom, eyes locking onto her reflection in the mirror.

The woman staring back at her was... different.

Her hands flew up to her face, and as she looked closely, the changes became undeniable. Her fingernails, once brittle and uneven, now gleamed smooth and pristine. The teeth in her mouth—those that had once been marred by decay—were now perfectly aligned and pearly white. Every blemish, every imperfection on her skin had vanished. It was as if she had undergone some miraculous transformation, shedding her old self like a snake outgrowing its skin.

Zoe's breath caught. Her hair, once sparse from countless late nights hunched over a computer screen, had grown thick and lustrous. No longer were there stray silver strands betraying her age. How had she missed such dramatic changes earlier in the day?

After all, she'd gone straight to the clinic upon waking, oblivious to the stark difference in her own appearance. But now—now, it was painfully obvious. She was rejuvenated, reborn.

Her hand brushed her smooth cheek, disbelief pooling in her mind.

Without a shred of hesitation, Zoe began to strip down—first the coat, then the shirt, trousers, and underwear, until she stood completely bare before the mirror.

The figure staring back at her was familiar, yet utterly foreign.

Her skin, smooth as porcelain, showed not the slightest hint of roughness. Areas that typically gathered dead skin—her knees, her elbows—were now flawless. Every bit of body hair, save for the thick locks on her head, had disappeared entirely. It was as though her body no longer had need of it.

Zoe's gaze travelled downward, her mouth falling open in silent awe. Her physique was nothing short of athletic—sleek, muscular lines that spoke of strength and power. Yet, it wasn’t overbearing. Her figure remained feminine, her proportions perfect in a way that bordered on the impossible. Her chest, once small and saggy, now bore the faintest of curves—just enough to be noticeable. Broad shoulders, tight abs, strong, sculpted arms—her entire body looked as though it had been chiselled by an artist.

She could’ve graced the cover of a fitness magazine, no question about it.

But she wasn’t fooled. Zoe knew this wasn’t the body she'd lived in for years. She wasn’t one of those effortlessly fit women. If anything, she’d lived a largely sedentary life, especially after university. Her days had been filled with hours in front of a screen, drowning in the escapism of web novels and rarely leaving the confines of her flat. The thought of having such a physique, one akin to a professional athlete, was laughable. Just a few days ago, climbing a single flight of stairs would have left her winded.

And yet, here she stood.

Zoe stared at the mirror for what felt like an eternity, her mind racing. Finally, she shook herself from the stupor, a determined gleam in her eye.

She rushed into the living room, frantically searching the drawers and cabinets for the tape measure and weight scale she had purchased ages ago but barely used. Today, however, would be different. Today, she would uncover the full extent of whatever miracle had befallen her.

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