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Chapter 525: After Stories

Chapter 525: After Stories


A man who had a ragged beard came out of the Hidden Dungeon. Yet he was dumbfounded when he witnessed the scenery outside. 

"What the heck!?"

Jake Raynold cursed as he realized that he was standing on top of the mountain. However, the view was creepy as fuck. 

Instead of seeing luscious trees, he sees nothing but rocks all around. There was no vegetation, there were no living beings. Only cold swift of wind and rocks. 

Life was none to be seen. 

A big part of the planet was corrupted and it was impossible to heal it. 

Jake Raynold was gone for six years but because he was staying inside the Hidden Dungeon, the period he was gone was seven times longer. 

He was gone for 42 years, spending his time completing the Rooms. It was a long time. Yet he was confused when he saw nothing but dried blood inside the Room 99 and 100. 

And now that he came out of the Hidden Dungeon, he was welcomed by the dreadful view. 

"The Hidden Dungeon will not last long and I'm the only one who survived."

Jake Raynold swallowed a mouthful of saliva and took a step. 




"Hm, they are weak."

Mikael coldly said while staring at the three young boys who were swinging wooden swords. 

"They are still young, you can't expect them to cut rocks with their strength."

Niña rolled her eyes while sitting next to him. 

"I don't care, they are my kids, they have to be strong."

Mikael replied as if he did not say anything wrong. He sipped his coke, the one with cocaine, and shook his head in disappointment. Lately, he felt bored. He didn't have anything to do, except his wives...

"Mikael, King Shenten asked me if you want to attend their wedding."

The Saintess, Andromeda, asked him a question.

"You mean Shenten and Titania? No, I don't want to go."

Mikael immediately answered. He would rather spend his time inside his house than join someone's celebration. 

Mikael's family was living in the house he bought from Chairman Renato. It was a large place and he could see the sea. Unfortunately, because the planet was corrupted, there was no beauty to appreciate. Anyway, at least Mikael achieved his dream to live in his dream house. 

"What about I give them my Sins?" Mikael mumbled while staring at his three sons. 

"Are you insane? Just like I said, they are still young! How many times do I have to say that you can let them do what they want? Humph!"

Niña scoffed.

"Easy there, they are the ones who said that they want to be like me. So I taught them how to be like me, they have to train hard."

"I don't care, you will not sleep in the bed tonight!"

"N- Niña? Come on. You know that I can't sleep in the couch. Besides, you have to ask the others too. What about you Andromeda? I'm sure you don't want to see me sleeping in the couch right?"

Mikael was acting pitiful. However, Andromeda was already used to his devilish way. 

The Saintess just shook her head. 

"I'm sorry but you are guilty this time. Fulmine is my son and I don't want to see him suffer."


Mikael sulked.

He had five children, two daughters, and three sons. 

Niña had one daughter named Kaela, she was the oldest. 

Princess Belle had a son and his name was Hendrik. 

Saintess Andromeda had twins and they were Fulmine and Liliana, a son and a daughter. 

Furrneka had a son named Costel, he was the youngest of the five. Costel was still four years old.

That's right, Mikael was currently training his three sons who were not over five years old! He was a bastard of a father! 

Thankfully, his sons inherited his physique and they were stronger than normal children. Furthermore, they had strong resistance to corruption and they were not affected by the corrupted environment.

Swinging wooden swords was not hard for them. In fact they were having fun, perhaps they inherited Mikael's love for battle too. 

"Where's Belle and Furrneka?"

"Furrneka is visiting her grandfather while Princess Belle is busy talking with Chen Yu. Are you really sure you want to start a war?"

Niña and Andromeda looked at him and Mikael just shrugged. 

"I'm the strongest being in this universe, but I want more than that."

"... Hayst."

The two women sighed. 

"Now, I want to invade the other universe!"

"I should not have told you about the Multiverse."

Niña lamented. 

"I have to talk to Yatagarusu too! He knows a lot about Multiverse!"

It seemed that their journey was still starting. 

Mikael Tibano, the Demon Lord of Wrath, Pride, and Lust, was going to start another massacre. 



Suddenly, two cute little girls approached Mikael. They were holding their dolls and smiling innocently. 

Mikael smiled. 

"My two cute princesses! Daddy's here!"

Niña and Andromeda just laughed watching the scene. 

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