MAZE - The Endless Quest

05 - Not this time

Hera was staring at the translucent window in front of her. She had read everything ten times, but it seemed impossible.

Not her stats, it was well known that every now and then someone did something and the system had to change whatever it was to a more acceptable outcome. She remembered a level four baseball player that stacked a few skills, making his fastball break not only the bat that it hit but also the arm of the batter who was level ten. Soon after that, his skills changed, and he couldn't use that powerful throw anymore.

What made her speechless was the skill. Hidden skills were rare, but a hidden skill that can evolve is absurdly rare. No rule said that hidden skills could not change, but at the same time, she wasn't aware of anyone who had seen one.

She read the skill description more time and took a deep breath before hitting the increase all button. Just like that, all her stats went from 10 to 11. Now, she had 3 bonus points.

What Michael had said the night before rang in her head, "If you have an average 12 on your stats, you can join."

If this was really happening, she could be an explorer today. Not after her next level up.

She pressed the button once more and saw the numbers change. Now she meets the requirement to get in even without a skill. But maybe this evolved skill would count. After all, it would increase her stats by a lot.

Hera pinched her arm to make sure it wasn't just a dream.


She was surprised by how much that hurt, although it made sense, her strength had almost doubled, her brain need some time before being able to adjust. For a while, she would have to be very careful. She got up and started walking towards the bathroom to take a shower. Her sheets were drenched because of the process, most likely. The body probably used a lot of energy to change someone after they level up, and energy generates heat, so the body needs to sweat to cool off.

Hera stopped. How did she reach that conclusion so fast?

She was not a dumb person, but her mind always seemed to take some time to get to the result she wanted. Maybe... her intelligence attribute?

It increased by 4 points. Hera opened her stats and tapped on the attribute to read its description.


Intelligence: increases the mental ability of the user.

The higher the attribute, the faster the stored data, can be accessed.

It also increases the strength of magic based skills.

Current modifier: +2%


Hera knew this by heart, even if she had spent the last five years trying to forget this knowledge. However, she still was surprised the increase had such a powerful effect.

She took a shower to clean all the sweat and tears that covered her from the previous night. The pressure of the water was relaxing. For the first time in years, Hera felt truly happy.

Looking to the side, she saw the creams and moisturizers that a friend had given her a few months back, and for the first time, she decided to use them.

One hour later, Hera came out of the shower, feeling refreshed she looked in the mirror. Her face was still hers, but different. Her skin seemed smoother, and her long blond hair replaced its split ends and greasy look with a cleaner and silkier feel. Even while she brushed it like she always did, the feeling was different.

"This must be the Charisma attribute. It improves our looks and what else again?" she thought to herself.


Charisma: Increases the attractiveness of the user.

Due to its subjective nature, the attribute is based on what the user finds attractive.

It also increases the friendliness of intelligent creatures in the MAZE.

Current modifier: + 2%


The last line was new. Hera was sure of that. She knew the descriptions by heart, and there was no mention of creatures in the MAZE. She reread it to be sure her mind wasn't playing tricks on her.

Intelligent life inside the MAZE. That was something Hera never considered, but it made sense. Such a big place was bound to have created some sort of intelligent life. She took her phone and saw the twenty-three missed calls from her boss, including a few texts threatening to fire her.

"That's fine," she thought.

Before going to the Guild, Hera wanted to quit. Her future is as an explorer. There was no reason to keep any other job available. To her, there was no other option, not anymore.

Hera put on her dark grey jeans, a light blue hoodie, and her black combat boots. She always felt more comfortable with practical clothing. Now that she would be an explorer, people would stop saying things like, "You should dress up more."

She took her keys and bag and went outside her small studio apartment towards the train station. It was time to start her dream.

Quitting her job was the first step, thankfully her boss wasn't there. Today the manager Amelia was in charge. She was a sweet older woman that always tried to help the employees, even when the boss was harassing them. Hera didn't give a reason to quit. She didn't want to be bombarded with questions about it. She just wanted to leave this place.

Amelia tried to make Hera stay, but she knew it was for the best. Hera was a timid, and sweet girl, and the boss took advantage of it, everyone knew. She was happy to see Hera going somewhere else, especially since she had a spark in her eye.

It's been a few hours since Hera left home, and she was about to change her life. Or at least that's what she expected to happen. After taking a few deep breaths, she walked through the front door of the guild.

She looked around. The guild was bustling, young people who seemed to be excited were sitting in one of the benches. A group of kids wearing the same uniform seemed to receive a tour from one of the attendants. Hera's eye seemed to gravitate towards a strong-looking man with suntanned skin and thick grey chops walking towards the locker room.

The man gave a powerful impression on Hera. She wondered why no one else seemed to pay any mind to him. Brushing that aside, she walked toward the counter.

"Excuse me."

A dark-haired woman was sitting on the other side of the counter. She gave Hera a big smile.

"Hello! Welcome to the Explorers Guild, I'm Carol, what can I help you with?"

Hera always got surprised when someone treated her so well, even if it was part of the job.

"Oh, hi, I'm Hera... I'm here to join the guild," she said, trying her best to show some confidence.

"That's great Hera, do you have your card? I can check the system for your information with it," Carol got up from the chair so she wouldn't have to speak so loudly.

Hera gave her card to the attendant and kept looking around, seeing the guild with a different light.

Since she found out her stats, this place seemed to be dreadful and scary. It was the source of her worst memories. The moment her life went wrong.

But now it seemed warm, happy, and full of hope. She chuckled, thinking about how she was too young to be thinking like that when Carol said.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have any job openings available at the moment, but I can put you on the waiting list," The attendant smiled and handed the card back to Hera.

"Ah, No.. I mean, I'm here to become an explorer," Hera said, embarrassed for not making things clear.

"Oh, sorry, but according to our file, your level 1 stats don't meet the criteria to become an explorer. Since the Devil Hunt, we need to have some minimum requirements in order to have safer conditions," Carol gave a soft smile. She was used to turning people down like that.

"But... I'm level 2." Hera said, activating her card.

The cards only show any info for its owner unless they are activated. It was just the basic information, the name, level, and job. Most people would have it as a civilian.

Carol frowned. The system said that Hera Kingsley was level 1, and she could only change that for the first time in a guild. However, there was no record of her ever doing a level up, and the guild never got that part wrong. Today was a terrible day. She had been dealing with problems since the beginning of her shift.

Apparently, there was at least one more to deal with.

"I'm sorry, but there is no record of you increasing your level. If you wish to pay for a level up, you must come back after making the appointment online."

Hera blinked a few times. Her level was 2. The card said it.

"But, I'm level 2."

Carol gave her a stern look.

"Hera, I understand that you must really want this, but we need to trust the people that become explorers, we can't have someone that would change the information that shows in the card just to get in."

Hera never heard about being able to change what the cards said. And she leveled up. It wasn't her fault the guild records were missing.

"But I..."

She started talking, but Carol cut her off, raising her hand.

"Look, you can make an appointment to level up, you can leave, or they can escort you out. I apologize for being rude, but we have a full day today, and I don't have time to deal with stubbornness."

While she spoke, two burly men approached Hera by the sides. They looked like bouncers from clubs and escorted her to the exit. Because of their presence, she felt too intimidated to say anything. However, when Hera saw the big open doors get closer, she stopped walking.

"I'm not going," she said.

The two men looked at each other, and with a sigh, the one on the right spoke.

"Look, miss. It's better if you go, we don't want to make a scene."

Her hands were shaking. It would be the third time she left the guild being robbed of her dream. And this time, it would be unfair. She met the requirements and had a skill. It was her right to apply to be an explorer.

"I'm. Not. Going. Let me talk to Helena," she said.

With the mention of the name, Carol got up and was about to call the security back, but the following events happened too fast.

The man that spoke to Hera grabbed her arm and started to push her towards the exit. Hera, being pushed, focused her entire body into pushing the man back, slamming her feet in the ground as hard as she could. She felt a tingling sensation covering every part of her and then focusing on her legs.

She intended to push back, to stop the man from taking her outside. But something else happened. The moment her feet slammed into the ground, she was launched towards him. After the impact, he went flying backward with her. Both hit the ground and slid towards the counter.


Hidden skill unlocked: All In (Active)


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