Master the Dream World

Chapter 137

Chapter 137 Qinglong regiment’s gods and demons bree

Alive, everything, dead, nothing, the dough is a ball!

Countless cultivators ran away in the front, and countless space warships were chasing behind them, and from time to time, a space destruction technique was used to beat them.

The space battleship army rushed into the realm of comprehension all the way.

On this day, many unknowing people didn’t know what was going on in this world, and suddenly they saw a large number of unknown things appearing in space. The things they launched, the stars, the moon, etc. were all shattered.

If the strength of the cultivation world hasn’t reached the level of returning to the void, they don’t know what happened in this world.

The sorrow of the weak, without the right to know, did not know that the world had changed until the Azure Dragon regiment ruled the entire cultivation world, it should be the universe has changed.

The universe of the Azure Dragon regiment moves horizontally and horizontally across the entire Cang Ming Realm. As time goes by, the cultivation world and important strongholds in the star regions have been completely occupied by the Azure Dragon regiment. The next step is to vigorously promote technology in this world. And the art of practice, various academies have risen from the ground.

Swish swish-a large number of cosmic battleships pierced through space and entered the dimensional layer, heading to the link point of the Cang Ming realm and the Dongsheng star realm, the abyss star realm, the abyss star realm, which is the main traffic point connecting the Cang Ming realm and the Dongsheng star realm. The distance between the Dongsheng star realm and the Cangming star realm is about 30 million light-years. Therefore, the teleportation array in the deep star realm is also very important. Therefore, where is the Qinglong group arranged a large number of virtual particle bubble bombs and 1,500 Tens of billions of space warships prevented the invasion of Dongsheng Star Realm.

Dongsheng Star Realm is a star realm with a profound heritage, and its area has reached nearly 10 billion light-years in size. There are three subsidiary star realms around Dongsheng Star Realm, one of which is Cang Ming Realm, but Cang Ming Realm has Was beaten down by the Qinglong group.

The three sects of the Dongsheng Star Realm also once again convened hundreds of powerful sects to discuss jointly dealing with the scientific and technological civilization of the Cang Ming Realm.

Said to be the three major sects, in fact, many of them are no less than dozens of sects comparable to the three major sects of the cultivation world.

There are reasons why the three three sects are the three. The first is that they like to appear frequently and are well known. The second is dozens of sects of similar strength. Every thousand years, there is a friendly junior exchange meeting, which is that sect. The juniors are powerful, so naturally they are called the three sects.

The prosperous, huge starry sky has a huge starry sky continent of nearly one billion kilometers.

Here you can see the flying swords, the faintly cultivating powerhouses, and you can also see sci-fi-like space battleships, floating speed vehicles, and buildings that are millions of meters high.

This continent is called Dongsheng Star Boundary, and this continent is where dozens of powerful forces are located.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, people on a continent thought that the world was a round sky. But one day, people driving hundreds of space warships came from outside the world and attacked the Dongsheng continent, but they did not expect that individuals in this world The power was very powerful, and finally was beaten by the people from Dongsheng Mainland. From then on, they opened up the vision of the practitioners of Dongsheng Mainland. After hundreds of millions of years of expansion, today the sphere of influence in the cultivation world has reached more than 20 billion lights. year.

However, today they feel threatened, technological civilization, they have seen, but they have never seen such a powerful technological civilization, in the past battle with technological civilization, even if it is a powerful technological civilization, any of their dozens of major forces A powerful player with hundreds of billions of soldiers can easily destroy a scientific and technological civilization that is hundreds of millions of light-years in size.

But now the situation is a bit opposite. This group of scientific and technologically civilized space warships is very powerful. Not only did they lay down the silicon-based tribe in a short time, they also wiped out hundreds of billions of masters of cultivation. How is this not surprising? How can I not feel the threat?

Today dozens of big forces are sitting in a valley with fairy aura for a meeting. It is said that it is a valley, but in fact it is just outside. The various defense formations here do not need to be space-time, and even more powerful.

Let’s take a look, this is the news we got from Cang Ming Realm. Li Daniu waved his hand as he said, dozens of jade slips flew into everyone’s hands, and everyone’s face changed after holding the jade slips.

This technological civilization has actually become a climate, which has threatened the safety of our cultivation world. We must dispatch an army to completely destroy them. Otherwise, with their productivity, they may have the power to destroy our cultivation world in less than 100,000 years. We don’t allow this kind of thing to happen.

Although everyone feels that this technological civilization has become a climate, in their eyes, they can now be destroyed at any time. We must know that we can convene an army of more than ten trillion yuan, and each is a return. Masters above the virtual level.

Dozens of big powers, who doesn’t have hundreds of billions of masters in their hands? In addition to other small and medium-sized forces, aristocratic families, and dynasties, it is not too simple to raise an army of ten trillion.

send troops

Send troops and destroy them directly.

We asked Daozong for 50 billion troops.

Our Heavenly Thunder Sect also has an army of 50 billion.

Our Galaxy Sect also has an army of 50 billion.

We have 50 billion Buddhas from Tianmen Temple.

We God taught an army of 80 billion.

We…Fifty billion army.

In this way, dozens of other forces each contributed tens of billions, and in a short period of time, they raised an army of more than one trillion.

Everyone saw that although it was still far away from ten trillion, everyone looked at each other and smiled, isn’t there still a family, a dynasty, this time sending troops can also consume those unstable factors.

People in the cultivation world, the players of the Qinglong group, and the people of other worlds, look the same, if there are any, then the costumes are somewhat different.

When the Dongsheng Star Realm was about to dispatch a ten trillion army, the Qinglong group was also very anxious. It was a ten trillion master. Taking the Xuxu as an example, the Xuxu level cultivator only needs hundreds of people. Destroying a space warship with space technology can easily destroy a space warship if it comes to the catastrophe period for ten times.

Although it was not so calculated during the war, and the army of space warships was very intensive, but it does not mean that the masters of cultivation are not good, they also have a good formation, waiting for the Star Air Force to use weapons, a development for hundreds of millions of years The cultivation civilization, you call them cultivation, science and technology civilization is all right.

(Without the numbers, you can compare the 40,000 years of cultivation, the technological civilization of cultivation.)

There are also tens of thousands of worlds owned by the Azure Dragon Group. Among them, there are various civilizations such as cultivation, magic, fighting spirit, martial arts, technology, and so on. After the Dongsheng Star Realm mobilizes its army, the pressure will naturally be great. .

But fortunately, they have to mobilize the army, and then the running-in between the various forces also takes time, at least thousands of years.

During this period of time, in order to increase its strength, the Qinglong group mines the planet in a large area, melts the planet, and absorbs the energy of the star.

Faced with the lack of masters on its side, the Azure Dragon Group launched the Gods and Demons Farm Project, which is to select millions of various forces that have not reached the first level of civilization from the world they have mastered to carry out the Gods and Demons training plan. , This plan is very cruel.

Failure is the destruction of civilization on the entire planet.

Su Yu, who was in a third-rate university, collapsed due to the Tiankeng incident, fell into the Tiankeng, and appeared in a vast and dangerous primitive deep forest.

At the same time in each world, Ye Chui, Ye Zhong, Wen Yu, Ye Han, Du Di’an, Shen Cong, Yu Qian, Fang Jin, Tang Yu, Ling Mo, Qin Tiange, and hundreds of people with strong luck in various worlds, They were all personally selected by the Qinglong group and placed on a starry sky continent the size of two light-years. Of course, there are more than tens of thousands of individuals in civilizations with profound luck. Brought to this huge continent.

All kinds of ferocious and cruel animals, zombies, zergs, corinthians, monsters, fierce ghosts, zombies, undead, dynasty and empires have been released from tens of thousands of worlds. They all don’t know. I changed a world without knowing it, and didn’t know it.

This continent is in a world that has just been discovered, and this world is in the stage of evolution. The time flow is very fast. It has been tens of thousands of years inside one day outside.

Boom, the four great monks’ legions and tens of billions of space warships are stationed in the dimensional mezzanine above this continent.

Their task is to always observe the people who have deep luck below, and drop them some airdrops from time to time, that is, adventures, gold fingers and other items.

Of course, the final thing is to observe whether they are malicious towards the gods, the gods are the Azure Dragon Group.

If the Qinglong regiment wants to train masters, it is naturally impossible for the masters to have obvious malice towards themselves.

If there is obvious malice, the four major cultivators will teach them to be good people.

Hundreds of well-fortuned and civilized people have been told that they have come to the farm of gods and demons, and their goal is to fight for hegemony in civilization and lead their civilization to the pinnacle of this continent.

And to lead civilization to the pinnacle, then individual heroism must be indispensable, that is, to force those who have the capital to cultivate to a very high level to work hard, squeeze their own potential, and ultimately be used by the Qinglong regiment.

Of course, the soul origin can also quickly cultivate masters, but the soul origin is hard-won, let alone the hundreds of top masters need the origin?

But to cultivate a master of cultivation, you don’t need a lot of soul origin. With resources, and a world where time passes quickly, everything is not a problem.

There are also players who go to those spiritually rich worlds to practice, but it is too hard and requires abundant resources. This is a problem that cannot be solved by one person. Furthermore, those players wait for the soul source to come and silently read to upgrade, and it will immediately be a problem. Great master, who is willing to go to other worlds to torture his body, exhausted?

Su Yu, who was listening to the song, suddenly heard the sound of help. Su Yu, who took off his headphones, saw a group of green, naked, short monsters clutching Ban Hua’s head, and then hit Ban Hua’s head with a stick. Go down.

Su Yu was frightened and anxious. He didn’t understand what was going on. It seemed to knock people out with a stick, and then take them home to be a mother-in-law. It seemed like primitive people should do it?

However, at this time, the monster once again smashed down, and a red and white object came out of Ban Hua’s head.

Oh my god, our iceberg goddess, Banhua was beaten to death by two monster sticks like this?

Su Yu looked left and right, then picked up a broken desk leg.

Su Yu, who had a weapon in his hand, also felt quite at ease.

PS: (pink and tender book, ask for recommendation tickets, all kinds of requests)

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