Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 988

Chapter 979 Fleet

After receiving the order, the Air Force and the Navy immediately began to modify the pylons of the fighter aircraft. The 4th Air Division of the Air Force and the 1st Air Division of the Navy, which were stationed in the Haitian, were the first to complete the modification and take off from the airport or aircraft carrier as soon as possible.

When the large fleet reached the sky above the target sea area, the number of alienated sea monsters detected by the third satellite control center had exceeded the astonishing 60,000 mark.

On the scanned cloud image sent by the satellite control center, every pilot can see a shocking red color. More than 60% of the sea monsters are still desperately chasing the submarine fleet, while other sea monsters have begun to spread to the surrounding area and hunt marine fish. , Filling the belly that has been hungry for a long time.

Obviously, after sleeping in the abyss cave for a long time, many sea monsters have been hungry, and the instinct to eat has taken up all of their minds, making them no longer obey orders.

The commander of the fleet, Major General Laurian, issued an order:

“Synchronous satellite data, enter the target parameters! Please be careful to avoid selecting the same target!”


The submarine has an underwater detection radar, which can provide position data to the Valkyrie of the Dark Night, but the airborne radars of the Silver Eagle and the Sea Eagle cannot scan the depth of one kilometer underwater and must rely on satellite data.

“Silver Eagle 1214 Squadron is ready!”

“Silver Eagle 1108 Squadron is ready!”

“The Seahawks 308 Squadron is ready!”

“The Seahawks 305 Squadron is ready!”

Reports echoed in the communication channel. Major General Laurian reached out and touched the light screen on the left side of the console, and an image filled with airplane patterns jumped out.

Two lines of numbers are written directly above the image:



The former means that of the 120 Silver Eagle fighters in the fleet, 86 have locked their targets and can be launched at any time, while the latter means that 74 of the 105 Seahawks have completed their projection preparations.

The numbers kept beating, and after counting the breaths, all the fighters were ready to complete.

Colonel Laurian took a deep breath and shouted:

“Put the Valkyrie!”

Accompanied by the violent engine whistling sound, more than 200 “Dark Night Valkyrie” detached from the wing pylons and fell to the sea like raindrops.


Several tons of projectiles fell from a height of one thousand meters, hit the water, and ignited waves tens of meters high. The pilot in the back seat activated the magical control helmet to start the Valkyrie’s propulsion engine.

“Guru Guru… Guru Guru…”

Countless bubbles were created by the “magic liquid phase cavitation launcher”, and the Valkyrie swiftly shuttled through the water in the way of “supercavitation”.

After the projectile passed by, it left a striking path of bubbles, and then the bubbles expanded and burst, rushing toward the sea, forming a bubble trail on the water.

Looking down from the sky, the sea is full of trajectories.

The communication channel was quiet, and every pilot was waiting.

The commander of the 2nd Fleet’s submarine formation, Major General Bloomfield, looked at the three-dimensional image, and suddenly hundreds of blue triangles flashed, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The officers in the combat command room couldn’t help cheering.

“Oh, the rear support has finally come…”

“The Valkyrie in the submarine has consumed 85%. If the support is 20 minutes later, there will definitely be a submarine sunk by the sea monster…”

“The submarine dragged the group of sea monsters for more than 100 kilometers, and I was very worried on the way…”

The officers discussed for a short moment, and then focused their attention on the three-dimensional image again. They saw a large blue triangle falling from the sea, shooting in groups to the sea monsters, and the distance between the two sides was rapidly shrinking.

The sea monsters noticed that the situation was not good, and they scattered in all directions like a swarm of bees.

“Damn it, these monsters have also learned well, knowing that they can’t gather together…”

“They have been attacked many times by the Valkyrie. It is impossible not to remember…”

“After the sea monsters disperse, a Valkyrie can only kill at most 4 or 5 sea monsters, or even less. It takes at least 10,000 Valkyries to kill all sea monsters…”

Thousands of magical energy waves, flashing crazily from underwater, the sea seemed to be boiling, and there were thousands of turbulences instantly, shooting head-on towards the Valkyrie.

This is how the sea monsters deal with the Valkyrie.

Although the “ultra-high frequency abnormal magic pulse” launched by the Valkyrie can create a “vacuum zone” of water elements and prevent the sea monsters from using their abilities, it cannot calm the turbulence that has already occurred.

The Valkyrie herself will be engulfed by turbulence, and her swimming speed will be greatly slowed down.

However, just slowing down, the Valkyrie is much faster than the sea monsters, and they are still inevitable in the end.

This is the advantage of guided weapons.

Bloomfield glanced at the three images and shouted in the communication channel of the submarine fleet:

“Everyone, the colleagues of Silver Eagle and Sea Eagle are sniping the sea monster, all speed up and get rid of the sea monster’s pursuit!”


“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The thunderous loud noises came from the bottom of the sea one after another. The shock waves generated by the explosion pushed the sea water from below 1000 meters to the surface of the sea, stirring up this sea area like boiling water, followed by large patches of blood, which were mixed in between. With a lot of meat, it looks quite disgusting.

The data from the satellite control center has been updated once, and the new number is 65384.

“More than 200 Valkyries have eliminated more than 800 alienated sea monsters, which is a little less than expected.” A pilot said quickly.

“According to this calculation, after all the Valkyrie casts are completed, only 3000 sea monsters can be destroyed at most…”

“The Federal Ministry of Defense has allocated 360 Silver Eagles from 4 Air Force aviation divisions and 335 Sea Eagles from naval aviation divisions from the Tide Territory, Starfish Island, and Xinghai Continent. Nearly 700 fighters are required. Only one wave can destroy all sea monsters…”

“This is just the ideal situation. When the number of sea monsters decreases, they will definitely hide away and become more and more scattered. It takes more time to hunt them…”

Commander Major General Laurian interrupted the discussion in the channel:

“Prepare for the second round of launching!”

Groups of fighter planes quickly passed over the sea, dropping one Valkyrie, and blowing up continuous thunder on the bottom of the sea.

Twenty minutes later, the fleet cast all Valkyrie. At this time, the number of sea monsters had been reduced by more than 2,900, but there were still sea monsters gushing out of the abyss cave, but the number was much smaller than before.

Afterwards, Major General Laurian gave an order, and the fleet turned its nose and returned collectively.

After returning to Haichao, all fighters will be reloaded with ammunition and rush to the battlefield again.

As soon as the first batch of fighters left, the second batch of more than 200 fighters from Haixing Island arrived over this sea area and threw the mounted Valkyrie into the sea to continue hunting alien sea monsters.

The more than 500 Valkyries carried by the second batch of fighters only killed more than 2,300 sea monsters, and the results were 20% less than the first batch.

After 35 minutes, the third group of aircraft from the Xinghai Continent began to take over from the second group of aircraft and attack the underwater sea monsters.

If 10 years ago, these more than 60,000 powerful sea monsters were enough to sweep the four oceans and completely cut off sea lanes, and even the coastlines of the major kingdoms would be destroyed, and countless civilians would die.

But in the face of modern rune weapons, the sea monster is nothing more than a large target.

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