Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 986

Chapter 977 Encircle

The commander of the underwater fleet, Major General Bloomfield, saw a large number of alienated sea monsters emerge from the passage, and issued a loud order:



Dozens of “Dark Night Valkyrie” submarine-launched magic sense guided weapons flew out of the underwater launch unit on the side of the submarine and swept toward the sea monster group at high speed.

Although the “Valkyrie of the Dark Night” is called the “Valkyrie”, its principle is quite different from the “Stab of the Valkyrie” and “The Spear of the Valkyrie” used by the Air Force.

The latter two use traditional jet engines. The former is actually an alien version of the “supercavitation torpedo”. A “magic liquid phase cavitation generator” is installed on the front end, which can remove the liquid around the projectile. , Temporarily transformed into a kind of magical water vapor.

Therefore, the “Dark Night Valkyrie” is actually moving in the air, not in the sea.

In addition, it also comes with a simple “magic fluid engine”, which works together with the “cavitation generator” to push the maximum speed to over 330 knots in one fell swoop, which is an ultra-fast speed of over 600 km/h.

This is simply a real “flying”!

Such a terrifying speed far exceeds the swimming speed of the sea monster, and even the Profound-level sea monster cannot get rid of the Valkyrie with its speed.

Whenever the sea monsters stared at by the “Night Valkyrie” are unavoidable, the only thing they can do is to delay this weapon in any way.

“The’Water Demon Sensing Head’ of the’Valkyrie’ senses that there is a magical energy reaction in front, and the sea water flows abnormally…”

“Detecting high-intensity water element fluctuations, the sea monsters seem to have joined forces to create a super giant water shield that covers the channel at the bottom of the trench…”

The operators of the Valkyrie reported one after another.

At this time, in the combat command room, the number of red light spots displayed in the three-dimensional image has exceeded 500, and it is climbing at an extremely fast speed.

Obviously, the sea monster army hiding in the deep sea cave is coming out of the nest, trying to kill this submarine fleet.

Bloomfield sneered:

“Arouse the’Ultra High Frequency Abnormal Pulse’ and break the water shield!”


Within each Valkyrie, there flashed a strong wave of mana in an instant, dozens of strange mana waves that were invisible to the naked eye shot out from the projectile and hit the water shield in the blink of an eye.

The giant water shield released by the sea monsters suddenly collapsed like a balloon poked with several large holes by the tip of a needle.

Not only that, the sea monster was surprised to discover that the seawater in the nearby area had undergone strange changes, as if it had transformed into another strange substance, and its own mental power could hardly drive the seawater.

The sea monsters can no longer manipulate the water, they have only one method left-hand-to-hand combat.

However, melee fighting with the Valkyrie is no different from looking for death!

Dozens of Valkyries swarmed up and accurately hit the huge sea monsters.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The projectile exploded, and a muffled thunderous noise spread across the sea for hundreds of kilometers.

The Valkyrie was filled with more than 2 tons of “high-energy fire magic explosives”, and the huge amount of heat released by the explosion instantly ventilated the seawater within tens of meters into steam.

The sea monster hit by the Valkyrie was either gasified or cooked.

This is just the first wave of kills.

The second wave is the shock wave caused by the explosion. Due to the difference in density, the power of the shock wave of an underwater explosion is many times stronger than that of an air explosion.

For the simplest chestnut, throwing a lighted firecracker into a large tank full of water and an empty tank, the results are quite different.

If it is an empty water tank, after the firecrackers explode, the explosion sound just sounds particularly loud. The water tank itself will not cause any damage, but the large water tank filled with water will instantly fall apart.

This is the power of underwater explosions!

The shock wave generated by each Valkyrie explosion caused terrible damage to all sea monsters within a radius of 300 meters. The tough bodies of the sea monsters, like soft dolls, were torn to pieces by the shock wave.

After this round of attacks, more than half of the sea monsters that rushed out in the first wave died, and the red light spots displayed in the three-dimensional images became sparse.

Even the mountains on both sides of the trench could not bear such a terrible shock wave. The falling rocks rolled down, and the muffled sound could be clearly heard several kilometers away.

There was a burst of cheers in the command room.

“Good job!”

“Hey, the sea monsters are no match for the Valkyrie…”

In fact, the technique used by the Valkyrie to break the water shield came from the Gray Dolphin.

This alien race with a long history has extremely in-depth research on the element of water. After Renault surrendered to the Gray Dolphin tribe, he obtained their accumulated eyeball skills.

Combining it with existing technology, the magicians have developed a large number of underwater combat weapons, pushing the territory of the Federation to the inaccessible deep sea area.

With more and more powerful magic weapons emerging, every Federal soldier is now deeply aware that pure magic martial arts have been completely eliminated.

The ruler of the battlefield is no longer a powerful person, but an infinitely powerful magic weapon, and the capable person has retreated to a supporting position.

Before the birth of the Valkyrie, the Upaniers still had the confidence to be longer and shorter with conventional weapons such as fighter planes and chariots, but after the emergence of the Valkyrie, no one dared to say this.

This is the inevitable result of technological progress.

However, the sea monsters did not seem to have any fearful emotions, and they continued to gush out.

After a few breaths, the number of sea monsters drilled out of the cave exceeded 1,000.


Bloomfield shouted again.

The second batch of Valkyries drilled out of the launch tube, turned into a death arrow that harvested life, and shot at the sea monster group at high speed.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Hundreds of sea monsters were torn apart, large swaths of blood floated to the surface, and the corpses sank at the bottom of the canyon.

In the next 2 minutes, the submarine fleet blocked the sea monster’s “door”, dropped the Valkyrie for three consecutive rounds, and killed more than 1,500 sea monsters. Layers of corpses piled up in the trench, almost like a slaughterhouse. .

“Under the Major General’s crown, the speed at which sea monsters emerge is much slower than before. In each round of salvos, fewer sea monsters are killed than in the previous round…”

The officer in charge of the radar center shouted in the communication channel.

Bloomfield immediately understood the meaning of this sentence. There is no doubt that the devil’s servant army finally couldn’t bear such heavy casualties, and began to slow down the rate of gushing.

The Rear Admiral pondered for a moment, and when he was about to speak, a few strange bangs suddenly sounded in the distance.


“Under the Major General’s crown, 18 kilometers northeast, a large number of sea monsters were found, the number is close to 100…”

Bloomfield hurriedly turned his head to look at the three-dimensional image, and saw that in another trench, large red dots suddenly appeared, and the number was becoming more and more.

However, before he had time to make a decision, the officer reported in a hurry:

“There are also sea monsters in the southwest…”

In the three-dimensional image, the third red dot appeared.

Three red dots form a triangle, which happens to surround the group of submarines in the middle.

The underwater fleet is surrounded!

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