Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 983

Chapter 974 240 km/h destroyer

In the 756 year of the lunar calendar, the first ten days of the month of the Orioles.

Star blue ocean.

At this time, the storm season has just passed, and the temperature has risen from less than 5 degrees at the end of winter to more than 10 degrees.

Half a month ago, the lifeless sea surface suddenly glowed with vitality. Schools of fish, large and small, returned to the shallow water from the deep sea again. They attracted all kinds of sea beasts and sea monsters, as well as countless seabirds.

Tens of kilometers away, a group of ocean-going magical fishing boats from the Jinling Republic of the Xinghai Continent are operating in this fertile fishing ground.

Large metal nets were thrown into the water, and nets full of fish were pulled onto the deck. This harvest scene made every worker smile full of joy.

This is the beginning of the new year’s fishing season.

When the low-temperature warehouse is full of fish, the fleet will return to the Xinghai Continent day and night, transport the sea fish to the “seafood sorting center”, and distribute them to department stores around the country through a developed logistics network, and finally enter thousands of households. The dining table allows civilians to eat cheap and fresh sea fish.

Longfellow was the worker on one of the 2000-ton fishing boats.

In the days of the original Jinling Kingdom, this young man who was just 28 years old used to be a hard worker. He followed his father to carry goods at the port and wharf, earning a meager salary, and barely maintaining a life of starvation.

Since the Jinling Kingdom was restructured into a republic and joined the Human Federation, Longfellow joined the Ocean Fisheries Chamber of Commerce under the Haichao Chamber of Commerce, and suddenly lived a happy life that was unimaginable before.

“According to the’Magic Fish Detecting Radar’, there is a school of medium-sized fish at a depth of 60 meters. The number of marine fish is between 200,000 and 350,000, and the average body length is about 2.5 meters. It is predicted to be a red ridge minnow. ‘…The swimming direction of the fish school is northeast, and the speed is 36 km/h…”

Accompanied by the sound of the broadcast, the 100-meter-long all-steel fishing boat slowly deflected by an angle and turned to the same northeast direction as the school of fish, and the hull tilted slightly.

Longfellow leaned against the ship’s side, listening to the broadcast intently, with obvious envy in his eyes.

“Hey, if I only learn to operate the’fish-detecting radar’, I only need to sit in front of the radar every day. The wind can’t catch the rain and the rain is very easy. I can get a salary of more than 70 silver nars every month. , 50 silver narrs more than me…”

Longfellow’s companion, Wilmot, sighed uncontrollably.

Longfellow curled his lips and said disdainfully:

“Hey, buddy, you actually want to compare with Mr. Sinil, who is an elementary magician… Besides, with your stupid brain than’Poppyfish’, can you master the knowledge of runes?”

The “Poppy Fish” in his mouth is a unique marine fish in the Star Blue Sea.

Its head has a peculiar fin-like structure called “mimic ring fin”. Under normal circumstances, the mimic ring fin is fully retracted and close to the body to reduce the resistance when swimming.

The most interesting thing is that when the poppy fish encounters a predator, it will not escape like a normal marine fish. Its mimic ring fin will instantly bloom like a peacock on the screen, turning into a black barrier with a diameter of up to 3 meters. To intimidate the enemy.

At this time, from the perspective of the predator, the size of the prey seems to have grown several times larger. For the sake of caution, most predators will give up attacking the poppy fish after a confrontation.

However, this trick seems extremely stupid to humans.

No fisherman doesn’t like this kind of silly sea that doesn’t know how to run. As long as a net is thrown down, the bobby fish can be caught extremely easily. It is no different from picking it for nothing.

Therefore, in the culture of Xinghai Continent, Bobby Fish is synonymous with idiots.

Hearing his companion compare himself to a bobby fish, Wilmot replied angrily:

“Damn, I really don’t have the talent for rune literature, can you read the basic rune literature books in the bookstore?”

Longfellow shrugged:

“At least I don’t want to become a magician in my mind. I have set a reasonable goal for myself. This year I plan to save a sum of money to study at a sailing school. I hope to become a first mate or a captain…”

At this time, another voice sounded on the broadcast:

“Fishing team, ready to go to the net, the depth is 90 meters!”

Longfellow felt he grabbed the short-range talker and replied loudly:


He gestured to his companion:

“Go to the stern and watch, I’ll put the net!”

Wilmo nodded characteristically, and rushed towards the stern of the boat, not forgetting to raise a **** before leaving.

Longfellow activated a magic motive, and the “buzzing” sound immediately rang, driving the winch to slowly rotate, and putting the giant metal fishing net entangled in a ball into the water little by little.

After one and a half minutes, Longfellow glanced at the graduated compass and shouted into the intercom:

“The fishing net has reached the predetermined depth!”


The broadcast rang again:

“Start the’magic fluid engine’ and chase the fish!”

“Roger that!”

The fishing boat immediately began to accelerate. Longfellow only felt his body fall forward and hurriedly supported the console. Based on his feeling alone, he judged that the boat speed had reached 50 knots at this time.

As early as 7 years ago, when Renault took the “Xuelong” extremely low scientific research ship to the north for the first time, this ship applied this technology, which turned the hull into a “magic-like fluid.” , It greatly reduces the sea water resistance, greatly improves the ship’s speed and reduces the noise. (See Chapter 829)

Now this kind of engine has been popularized, even fishing boats are equipped with this engine.

Fifteen minutes later, Longfellow received new instructions:

“Close the net!”

Longfellow quickly adjusted the magic motive to the maximum power position and activated it.


In the familiar vibration, the fishing net was lifted inch by inch.

Before long, Longfellow heard Wilmot’s excited cry:

“There are indeed red ridge minnows in the fishing net. I saw the red stripes on their backs… Oh my God, this net is really accurate. I bet there are at least 500 red ridge minnows in the net. , The total weight is not less than 70 tons!”

Longfellow couldn’t help grinning from the corner of his mouth.

He knows that this month’s bonus is guaranteed.

The workers on the fishing boat did not know that in the deep sea area more than 1,000 meters deep below, an underwater fleet consisting of more than 20 submarines was sailing fast in the dark water.

These huge metal monsters can sail at an astonishing speed of 85 knots or more, which is 150 kilometers per hour, or 43 meters per second, which can definitely be regarded as “underwater hurricane” speed.

But they seem to be extremely quiet, and their sound is significantly lower than the background noise of the ocean.

This is due to the awesome “super magic circle fluid engine”, which is an upgraded version of the “magic fluid engine”.

Since the Gray Dolphin became a vassal of the Federation, this underwater race that has proliferated in the ocean for countless years has helped the magicians to make huge improvements to the “magic fluid engine”, increasing its efficiency by several steps. .

Of course, the “super magic ring fluid engine” is currently limited to military warships, and civilian ships can only be equipped with the lower grade “magic fluid engine”.

In fact, for a submarine, the speed of 85 knots is only the cruising speed. If it sails at full speed, the speed of the submarine will break through the terrible 120 knots mark in one fell swoop.

Surface ships have higher speeds. Take the “Storm-class” catamaran destroyer as an example. Its cruising speed exceeds the 95 knots mark, and its maximum speed is 135 knots, which is a super high speed of 240 km/h.

In this case, no one can stand on the deck.

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