Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 971

Chapter 962 Age of miracles

Lunar ephemeris is 756 years, the month of remaining winter.

Misty Islands, Black Dolphin Island.

In this new territory of the Federation, the names of most islands are related to “dolphins”.

Since the important meeting of the “Dragon Palace Space City” proposed a 2.2 million super immigration plan-the “Ocean Paradise” plan, various construction projects on Black Dolphin Island that had been carried out unhurriedly suddenly embarked on a project. Fast lane.

No, it should be a “highway”.

A construction worker wearing a silver helmet knelt on one knee, pressing his right hand tightly on the bare rocky ground, and his body was constantly flashing with extraordinary levels of magical energy fluctuations.

Another engineering manager wearing a red helmet squatted beside the “silver helmet” and waited quietly.

According to the project management system, different types of work on the construction site must wear safety helmets of different colors to distinguish their responsibilities. However, only one type of “silver helmet” is qualified to wear it-the extraordinary.

In the past 7 years, Renault has created numerous “miracles gates”, endlessly “creating” extraordinary people, especially in recent years, as the number of “miracles gates” has increased and averagely As many as 600 extraordinary people are born every month.

In the harvest month of last year, Odin Island held more than 20 “extraordinary spiritual enlightenment rituals” in one breath. More than 1,000 awakened persons successfully promoted to extraordinary, which is almost equivalent to all the extraordinary in the human world a decade ago By!

In today’s Human Federation, the total number of transcendents has exceeded 40,000.

In the 100 years before Renault crossed, less than 10,000 people were born, which is less than a quarter of the 10 years!

Most extraordinary people have joined the army, but there are also many extraordinary people engaged in various civilian industries. For ordinary people, seeing extraordinary people is no longer a rare thing.

“Well, the underground in this area is almost all rocks formed by solidification of lava, which is the ‘igneous rock’ mentioned in the textbook under the Supreme Crown…Hey, there seems to be something wrong here.”

“Silver Helmet” suddenly raised his head and said quickly:

“It is recorded that the geological environment of the 4-11 block is not very stable. There are 2 cavities at a depth of about 30 meters with a volume of more than 2,000 cubic meters. Cement must be poured to reinforce the foundation…”

The “red helmet” quickly recorded the other party’s words.

The “Silver Helmet” stood up and ordered:

“I’ll get the’grouting channel’ out first, and you will place the flagpole and notify the construction team No. 3.

“Yes, Lord Leslie!”

The “Silver Helmet” strode more than ten meters to the southwest, pressing both hands on the ground at the same time, and a stronger wave of magic energy surged in his body.

The hard rock instantly turned into soft mud, and it squirmed quickly. After just a dozen breaths, a stone cave with a diameter of nearly half a meter appeared, leading directly to the deep hole.

The “Red Helmet” exhaled and walked to another position.

The “Red Helmet” placed a red triangle sign next to the cave, activated the short-range talker, and shouted:

“Your Excellency Leslie found two large underground cavities in Lot 4-11. Please drive the’grouting truck’ over to fill the cavities!”

“Okay, let’s come here!”

Before long, a magic engineering vehicle weighing tens of tons, hauling a huge metal tank with a diameter of more than 10 meters, “boomed” and drove over.

Two construction workers wearing “yellow helmets” jumped out of the car, inserted a thick flexible metal tube into the cave, and shouted back:

“Lindberg, turn on the mud pump!”


The metal tank shook lightly, and large stocks of gray-white cement slurry came out of the metal pipe quickly, pouring into the black-lacquered stone cave.

More than 600 meters away, on a leveled open space, it is a completely different scene.

Dozens of giant metal frames are standing majestically on the ground, neatly arranged in three rows, at a glance, they look like a group of giants standing on the island.

Each metal frame is built by thousands of steel bars of different lengths and thicknesses, and its height reaches an astonishing 20 meters, the length is close to 20 meters, and the width is no less than 15 meters.

Around one of the half-built frames, dozens of construction workers are busy.

A “blue helmet” technician looked down at the drawing, pointed to three 20-meter-long alloy beams, and said respectfully:

“Your Excellency Noah, Your Excellency Mom, Your Excellency Mackintosh, please erect these three alloy vertical beams upright and weld them to positions 43-44 of the frame…”


The three “silver helmets” each grabbed a three-finger thick alloy beam, and suddenly rose from the ground, pulling one end of the alloy beam to fly high, and finally erected them.

“Keng! Keng! Keng!”

The upper end of the alloy beam hit a beam on the top of the frame, making a few crisp sounds.

The “Silver Vest” quickly picked up a “Thermal Welding Torch”, aimed at the joint part, activated the rune square plate, the blazing red light shone, and the metal instantly melted and melted into the frame.

On the ground, welding workers wearing yellow helmets welded the lower ends of the alloy beams under the instructions of the technicians.

The “Silver Vest” rides the power of the wind element in the air, and works with a group of welders to weld the alloy beams to the base as a whole, continuously expanding the volume of the metal frame.

After 15 minutes, the main body of the metal frame was completed.

A “red helmet” headed by grabbed the intercom and shouted:

“The main structures of 46 buildings are all welded and ready for the next step!”

“Roger that!”

A few minutes later, more than 100 “yellow helmets” swarmed.

The workers quickly climbed up and down on the surface of the alloy frame, and welded pieces of woven metal nets or pieces of metal prefabricated parts for different purposes to the frame.

Although the sea breeze is still heavy at the end of winter, the workers are sweaty and busy.

There were two “silver helmets” mixed in the crowd. The two jumped up and down quickly on the frame, constantly tapping the thick steel bars, and occasionally reached out to grab a welding position, and their bodies flashed with slight magical energy fluctuations. .

Their movements seem inexplicable, but if you use X-rays to see through the inside of the steel bars, you can clearly find that wherever the two have processed the metal, the metal flows automatically, and the defective places are quickly repaired.

There is no doubt that these two “silver helmets” are extraordinary people in the metal control department. They are responsible for inspecting and repairing welding defects.

“In all of the more than 15,000 welding positions, 134 false welds and 12 missing welds were found!”

A “silver helmet” said in the intercom after completing the inspection.

“Oh my God, there are almost 20% more welding problems than 45 buildings. The work of these guys is really sloppy… Hey, the amount of the “Quality Award” this week will definitely disappoint them…”

The “Red Helmet” replied while recording the data:

“His Excellency Charles, Your Excellency Pat, thank you both for your assistance!”

“You’re welcome, Mr. Simpson, this is our job!”

This process takes a long time, and it took more than half a day for the workers to complete the work.

The surface of this 20-meter-high metal frame is covered with metal nets. From a distance, it can be clearly recognized that it is a 6-story residential building.

From the moment the foundation was laid, only 48 hours passed, and the skeleton of the house was completed, and the speed was fast enough.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and dozens of high-power magic searchlights were erected high, illuminating the huge construction site as bright as day.

The “Red Helmet” named “Simpson” shouted into the phone with a tired face:

“On the first floor of Building 46, you can start pouring concrete!”

“Roger that!”

In the roaring sea breeze, two concrete pump trucks drove over the temporarily constructed road, stopped next to the 46th building, and started pumping concrete into the formwork of the first floor.

Another “Red Helmet” walked to the right of Simpson, stuffed him a bottle of nutrient, and said:

“After being sprinkled with coagulant,’Matron Quick-drying Cement’ will be completely solidified in 5 hours and reach the predetermined strength within 8 hours, without curing at all, and then the second layer can be poured…at this speed, at most Within 60 hours, this house will be poured.”

Simpson unscrewed the cap, took a sip of nutrition, and replied:

“Dreiser, 60 hours is just an ideal situation. The amount of construction in this new city is too large, and the demand for various building materials is very large. The supply of some raw materials may not be able to keep up in time… My personal estimate is 80. It’s not bad that it can be completed in hours.”

The “Red Helmet” known as “Dreiser” smiled and said:

“80 hours is also great. After pouring, you can lay pipes, fire-fighting facilities, install doors, windows, railings, etc., as well as simple interior decoration… I think new immigrants from the mainland can move in within half a month. This brand new residential building is now.”

After a pause, he suddenly sighed:

“Ten years ago, I never thought that in just 2 weeks, a house as high as the Baron’s Castle could be built. This is incredible!”

Simpson stared at the concrete being poured into the wooden formwork and replied:

“Man, I think it only takes 10 days at most. The time required for follow-up work is not as long as you think… This kind of standard residential building has a total of 24 houses, each with an area of ​​65 square meters, and a construction of 30 people. Team, it will definitely be done in 5 days!”

Dreiser shrugged:

“Well, buddy, I haven’t touched the interior decoration, maybe you are more accurate.”

Then he asked:

“I mean it seems to me that I intend to build a new city with a capacity of more than 200,000 people on Black Dolphin Island within 4 months. Do you think this is possible?”

Simpson thought for a moment, then smiled:

“I have done simple calculations before, and I think the possibility is very high… As far as I know, the number of new immigrants to Black Dolphin Island should be 250,000. If a residential building can accommodate 100 people, the total need 2500 residential buildings.”

“By apportioning this number to every day, the task can be completed by completing more than 20 residential buildings every day…”Haichao Engineering Construction Group” adopts an assembly line construction mode. 4 construction sites are started at the same time, with more than 4,000 people… It went smoothly and the materials were supplied in a timely manner. The completion of 30 buildings a day, or even 40 buildings, is not a big problem…”

Dreiser opened his mouth wide at hearing:

“If you say that, maybe it won’t take 4 months. A huge city will rise on this bare stone island? My God!”

“of course!”

Simpson patted his colleague on the shoulder, with a hint of excitement in his voice:

“Man, you have to know, this is an era full of miracles!”

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