Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 955

Chapter 946 Disaster Buster

Misty Islands, Grey Dolphin Island.

The so-called “Misty Islands” are the misty seas that have been obscured by boundless fog for thousands of years.

Seven years ago, Renault slaughtered two dominator-class “floating whales” smuggled from a different space. After showing strong force, the “great shepherds” of the Gray Dolphins happily took refuge in the new human Dominate first.

Afterwards, the Grey Dolphins eliminated the “Magic Mist Array” according to the agreement and dedicated relevant technologies to Renault.

After the sea of ​​fog dissipated, the Misty Islands were able to see the sky again.

The land area of ​​this archipelago far exceeds that of the Tide Islands, including three large islands with an area of ​​more than 2,000 square kilometers, and more than 30 islands with an area of ​​more than 200 square kilometers.

The “Gray Dolphin Island” is the largest of these islands, with a total area of ​​6,300 square kilometers.

In addition, the endless stream of underground lava is still continuously creating land. In the foreseeable future, all the islands will be joined together sooner or later, eventually forming a new continent.

Of course, the premise is that mankind has not lost the war to prevent the void demons from draining the energy of the earth veins.

However, because the fog has existed for too long, the surface of most islands is deserted, with bare stones and no vegetation at all.

After Haichao took over the Misty Islands, the first thing was not to emigrate, but to organize a large number of people to transplant soil from other places, plant trees on a large scale, and improve the ecological environment of the island.

After three years of hard work, tracts of verdant forests and stretches of green grass have appeared in the Misty Islands. With the help of the gray dolphin who are proficient in water systems, freshwater rivers have appeared on this land.

As the gray dolphin island with the largest land area, it is of course a key transformation target, and it is also the first island to be transformed.

Until now, the population of the entire Misty Islands has risen to more than 600,000 people, not much less than that of the Tide Islands.

The “Third Satellite Control Center” is one of the institutions that moved to Gray Dolphin Island earlier.

On this day, Angela, the “Prime Minister” of the Human Federation, appeared in the lobby of the control center. A white ice mist bird stopped on her shoulder, turning her head from time to time to look at her obviously bulging belly.

This little bird is naturally the embodiment of the power of law-Eskimo.

Since Angela became pregnant, Renault has entrusted this little bird to take care of his wife. Although this boy is a little stupid, he works extremely hard and follows Angela every day.

Beside Angela, the person in charge of the control center, Intermediate Rune Magician Glinton, was enthusiastically explaining the situation.

“Under the honor of the Prime Minister, the third satellite control center is responsible for the ‘disaster detection satellite’ operating in the orbit of the Blue Star… Oh, I have to admit that this kind of magic satellite is really a great invention.”

“Before it was born, our army could only use hand-held’disaster detectors’, or’large airborne detection devices’ loaded on transport planes, to detect corrupted auras, that is, **** alienation demons, left behind. The infectious breath.”

“You must know that the efficiency of these two detection methods is quite low. They can only take into account the main cities and towns of the human world. For remote areas with inconvenient transportation, the existence of Alien Demons is often found after the disaster begins to spread.”

Anji stretched his hand and stroked his lower abdomen, nodding slightly, but his eyes were out of focus, and he obviously did not listen to these “truths” seriously.

But she concealed it very well, and Greenton didn’t notice this, and was still talking:

“However, the birth of the’Disaster Exploration Satellite’ has changed everything…it can launch a special kind of magic energy wave to the ground, using the principle of’Orito Iterative Resonance’ and the principle of’two-phase magic resonance’, Detect the smell of corruption over a large area.”

“According to the order of the Supreme Crown, we launched 216’disaster exploration satellites’, covering the high-altitude orbital space, covering all areas of human activities, including three continents and four ocean areas, all day long. Scan.”

“Once the corrosive atmosphere is detected, the control center will notify the military as soon as possible through a dedicated communication line, and send the coordinates of the infected location…The military’s rapid reaction force can block the infected area in time and discover “coordinates”. , To treat the infected.”

At this point, Greenton’s tone became proud.

“After the satellite detection system was put into use, the number of’magic disasters’ in the human world began to decline exponentially… I remember ten years ago, that is, 749 years in the moon and ephemeris. It was the most frequent occurrence of’magic disasters’. In 2015, the number of recorded “devil disasters” was 422, and the number of innocent civilians who died was more than 20,000.

“Starting from the 751 year of the lunar and ephemeris calendar, the number of’magic disasters’ per year has dropped sharply. In the year of the lunar ephemeris, there were only more than 100 occurrences in 752. There were less than 3 disasters, and the death toll was less than 100… Inside us, many magicians call it the’disaster nemesis’!”

These detailed data made Angela a little serious, and she smiled and praised:

“You guys did a good job!”

“Prime Minister, thank you for your compliment…”

Grinton responded flattered somewhat. When he was about to continue the introduction, a magician operating a satellite suddenly shouted:

“Your Excellency Greenton, the No. 66’Disaster Exploration Satellite’ has discovered something unusual in the’Berry Ice Field’ of the’Snowthorn Republic’!”

Greenton was stunned for a moment, and looked at Angela involuntarily.

The Miss Prime Minister quickly made a gesture to him, and whispered:

“Mr. Greenton, please!”

Then she took a step back and quietly watched the operation of the control center.

Glinton bowed slightly before saluting, then turned his head and shouted:

“Transfer the’scanned cloud image’ to the big screen No. 2!”


The large screen No. 2 that was originally pitch black instantly lit up, and there appeared a strange pattern composed of color clusters. Most of the color clusters were gray and a few were blue.

Grinton glanced at the big screen and locked his eyes on a certain blue color blob. Only three dim red spots were flashing in it. They didn’t look obvious. If they weren’t for a sharp eye, they might have noticed it at all. Less than.

He frowned and asked:

“Is the location of the red dot located in the northeastern part of the’Thorn Icefield’?”

“Yes, sir!”

Greenton asked again:

“Which scanning mode is used by satellite 66?”

The magician operating the satellite immediately replied:

“Full-frequency scanning mode, this is the mode with the largest scanning range!”

Greenton shrugged:

“But its detection accuracy is also the lowest! The red dots on the’scanning cloud map’ are too dim, not necessarily a precursor to the release of alienation energy from the’coordinates’, and it may also be affected by anomalous interference sources… so I need to be more accurate. Scan to confirm the results just now.”

After a pause, he asked loudly:

“Who can tell me how long it will take for the next ‘disaster exploration satellite’ to arrive over the ‘frozen continent’?”

“There are 26 minutes left.”

A magician quickly gave the answer.


Greenton nodded, and issued a command with a serious face:

“Everyone, please be prepared. Once the new satellite arrives at the predetermined location, immediately switch the scanning mode to the ‘penetrating high-precision scanning’ mode, focusing on scanning the northeast of the ‘thorny ice sheet’!”


The hall was quiet, only a group of magicians were busy nervously, and some apprentices ran in and out.

Greenton breathed a sigh of relief and introduced to Angela:

“Under the Prime Minister’s crown, the’disaster detection satellite’ has several different scanning modes, among which the’full-frequency scanning mode’ is the default regular scanning mode, which can scan an area of ​​more than 800,000 square kilometers at a time.”

“The’penetrating high-precision scanning’ I mentioned just now is another scanning mode… the’high-energy magic energy’ waves emitted by this mode can penetrate rocks as deep as 2 kilometers, or nearly 3000 meters. Deep sea water, and its detection accuracy is extremely high, even the slightest corrosive atmosphere can be accurately sensed… Its disadvantage is that it has high energy consumption and a small scanning range, which is only 150,000 square kilometers. ”

“In addition, in the polar orbit of the “Blue Star”, the Federation has deployed a total of 22 “disaster scanning” satellites. Their main task is to monitor the northern icy waters and the Snowthorn Republic on the permafrost continent around the clock.”

“Every half an hour or so, a “disaster scanning” satellite will pass over the target area to perform a scanning mission…”

Angela asked curiously:

“If I remember correctly, the power of the ice element is the nemesis of the Void Demon Race. The’Frozen Land’ is the coldest continent. Now it is the new year. It is the season with the highest concentration of ice elements. The Demon Race is also the coldest continent. Will it create a’devil disaster’?”

Greenton organized the language and replied:

“Miss Prime Minister, you are absolutely right. The environment with higher ice elements is indeed not good for alienated demons… But the purpose of demons seems to be more to create chaos and kill as many humans as possible.”

“As far as I know, in the past 3-4 years, although the number of ‘coordinate objects’ discovered in the ‘Snowthorn Republic’ is less than in other regions, there are always two or three ‘coordinates’ found every year…”

Angela blinked, showing a thoughtful look:

“Maybe there is another possibility that the demons want to figure out the situation in various places and prepare for future invasion…”

When the two were talking, in a polar orbit at an altitude of 720 kilometers, a magic satellite was passing through the vast space at a super high speed of nearly 8 kilometers per second.

After more than 20 minutes, a continent covered with ice and snow appeared below the satellite.

The command center, which monitors the position of satellites at all times, immediately began to perform detection missions.

“Activate the satellite, locate the scanning area!”


“Adjust the scanning parameters, increase the energy output frequency, and switch to the “penetrating high-precision scanning” mode!”



In the next moment, a powerful wave of magic energy shot out from the crystal at the bottom of the satellite and landed on the white land.

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