Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 938

Chapter 929 The Battle of Domination (1)

Satellite control center.

“Start array scanning!”

The person in charge of the control center, Advanced Magician Phoenix, shouted.


Put one palm against the rune square board, and input a spiritual force.

The mana wave swiftly swept across the void, and instantly reached five “Sky Eye” satellites hundreds of kilometers high, activating the extremely complex and large rune equipment inside the satellites.

In the next moment, 5 “stars” lit up in the sky.

However, they only lasted just half a second before they disappeared again.

Do not.

They did not disappear, but transformed into another special form that the naked eye cannot see.

“The new type of ‘multi-dimensional magic condensing demon’ gathered by the ‘eye’s, transformed into a condensing magic energy wave, is launched from the satellite’s ‘sensing probe’!”

A magician in the control center pointed to the large black crystal light screen hung on the wall and exclaimed excitedly:

“Oh, the speed of the Condensed Light Demon Energy Wave is really fast like lightning. They have reached the ground, and the’Honaki High Energy Resonance’ has taken effect… Guys, look at the detection light screen…”

Dozens of heads were lifted up together, and dozens of pairs of eyes were tightly locked to this special custom-made light screen with a length of 4 meters and a width of 2.5 meters.

The originally black light screen seemed to be magical, and it flashed through dense spots of light in an instant.

There are large and small light spots, with a total of more than 3000. The smallest light spot is as small as a needle tip, and the largest light spot is as big as a fist. It is so dazzling that it is impossible to look directly at it.

“damn it!”

Phoenix glanced at the value displayed on the far right side of the light screen, and couldn’t help roaring:

“Hey, you didn’t turn on the’filtering’ mechanism. The light spots displayed on the screen are all the awakened-level creatures in the’Elkan’ mountain area… just now this round of white scanning.”

He yelled and waved his right hand.

“Gentlemen, please remember that the lord asked us to search for the legendary dominating creature, not a bunch of awakening-level miscellaneous fishes… Give me an immediate increase in the filter value. I don’t want to see any interference. The point of sight…”

“Ok… OK, Lord Phoenix!”

A young magic weapon [] teacher replied in a panic.

When he was about to control the magic instrument, he suddenly remembered something and asked carefully:

“Your Excellency Phoenix, what is the appropriate filter value?”

The high-level magician who seemed to have a bad temper, roared unceremoniously:

“Man, do you have to ask me about this too small thing? Don’t tell me, you haven’t memorized the mana index table?”

“Ge… Your Excellency, of course I have recited it.”

The young magician wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied tremblingly:

“The value range of the Awakening level is between 10 points and 36 points, and the Extraordinary level is between 100 points and 600 points. There may be errors in the value range of the Profound Level. According to experience, it is generally between 2800 points and 12000 points, in extreme cases. It may exceed 90,000 points.”

“But…but, you should know that the index for extreme conditions is…a bit abnormal. If you set it at 90,000 points, I…I’m worried…”

The so-called “extreme situation” specifically refers to the measurement result before Renault’s promotion to the half-step dominance, which is almost 30 times that of the ordinary Upanishads.

Because this value is so ridiculous to the extreme that most magicians do not believe that the mana level of a normal upright person can reach a terrifying 90,000 points, so it is classified as an “extreme situation.”

The words of the young magician made Phoenix’s anger a little less, he habitually gently pulled the beard of the lower jaw, muttering:

“Well, young man, your concerns are very reasonable… 90,000 points are indeed too high, maybe it has surpassed the level of low-level masters, and it is possible to miss the real master… Well, let me think about it first… …”

The high-level magician pondered for a moment and reported a number:

“30,000 points!”

He looked around again and shouted:

“Change the filter value to 30,000 points, and perform the second array scan!”


There was a neat response in the hall.

After ten breaths, 5 bright stars flashed across the sky again.

Five dark and peculiar waves of magic energy burst out from where the bright stars shine, swept down from hundreds of kilometers in the sky, and reached the ground in no time.

Then, a wonderful change appeared.

Whenever the creature swept by the magic energy wave, a magical resonance occurs between the magic energy in its body and the magic energy wave. It is captured by the magic instrument in the “eye of the sky”, and the result is transmitted to The light screen of the control center.

This time, due to the filtering mechanism, only one spot of light illuminates on the light screen, the size of which is comparable to a fist.

A magician apprentice who was about 15 years old suddenly shouted in surprise:

“Gosh, is this the master?”

Phoenix glanced at the apprentice coldly, and said mercilessly:

“God, are you a foolish fool? Don’t you know that Lord Lord is in the scanning area now?”

The apprentice’s face flushed instantly, and his head hung down in embarrassment.

The other magicians looked sympathetically at the apprentice who wanted to get into the ground.

Everyone in the hall knows that His Excellency Phoenix is ​​known to be harsh, no matter to others or to himself, anyone who makes a mistake in front of him will definitely be severely reprimanded.

Phoenix hummed, and gave instructions blankly:

“Scan the target area at a frequency of 30 seconds/time. Once the target is found, immediately report it to the lord, and send the corresponding’resonance recognition signal’ to the gentlemen next door!”

When he said “next door”, he was referring to the command center of the “Hand of Thanos” space-based weapons.


The magicians replied solemnly.

Elkan Mountains.


The thunder flashed by, shining the mountains and forests like daylight.

Renault sat cross-legged on top of a huge boulder, feeling the strange fluctuations of mana energy, swept down from high in waves at an extremely stable frequency, playing with a white stone scepter in his hand.

The scepter is mottled and primitive, only slightly longer than the forearm, and its head is inlaid with a white crystal.

This is astonishingly the spoils obtained from the robbery of the Father’s Church by Renault, the most extraordinary thing in the human world-the scepter of light.

Compared with the “original version”, the body of this scepter is no longer smooth, with three additional metal rings engraved on the surface with a large number of runes the size of rice grains.

Renault’s fingers rubbed the metal ring and said softly:

“According to the information collected by the military in the most secretive’dark church sanctuary’ of the Church of God the Father, there are two ways of attacking the Holy Light Scepter. It’s’Father’s Wrath’.”

“The great pope once attacked me with the latter. I have to admit that this attack is indeed powerful enough. If it is really hit, even if I am a half-step master, there is a possibility of my fall.”

Hearing this, the Bingmist Bird unconsciously glanced over the bird’s head and glanced at Renault.

Renault smiled slightly and continued:

“However, I don’t agree with one thing. In fact, the Scepter of Light has more than two ways to attack. The gods of the church only delve into **** theology and don’t spend much energy on studying runes, so the scumbags don’t even know. , How great the potential of the holy light scepter is, it actually has a third kind…”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the thick clouds, his eyes widened:

“That seems to be… spatial fluctuations… my God, the’time and space blend’ really appeared!”

After three breaths, the remote communicator placed next to him heard a few “didi” prompts, followed by a rapid sound:

“Lord Lord, the’Sky Eye Array’ has found an abnormal target, and its mana index has reached 40,000 points… No, it is now 53,000 points, and it continues to climb, and the speed is extremely fast… now it exceeds 70,000 points. …No, it’s 80,000 points…”

“Oh my god, there is a second anomalous target…”

Renault grabbed the communicator and shouted:

“The master creature has appeared, all are on alert, waiting for my instructions!”

With a move in his heart, his figure resembled a meteor, swiftly shooting into the rain curtain of the sky.

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