Master Of None

Chapter 2303: 2303. Where To Focus

Chapter 2303: 2303. Where To Focus

"The misty forest. It is one of the largest and strangest areas we have discovered." The very first suggestion came from Alma. It was natural that she and the elves would focus on the forest which had appeared.

However, there was an odd balance of information about this area. "The mists that cover the forest are specifically there due to the higher temperature within. The larger trees cause the moisture to build up during the day the very same as a rainforest. That goes as part of why we can not see in to it even in the heat of the day."

"The likelihood of different monsters being there is very high. Especially monsters that will act or are plants. They could grow without control for longer than we should allow."

This was a very clear threat. Many plant monsters would grow predatorily compared to other normal plants. They would eat monsters, intelligent races, and even one another to keep growing. These sorts of plants lived within the elven forests so it was nothing new.

Yet, the idea that there were some which would be able to keep growing more and more was not a new idea. There had been monsters in the past that had grown and buried roots very deeply causing them to be extremely hard to get rid of. The dangers only increasing over time.

"We can wait on your forests. There is a another aspect of the old water elf village which has been torn apart by the expansion of the world. There is an entire underwater ruin and wilderness area with underwater caverns." Current had personally witnessed this area and felt the changes in water mana there. That's how he knew there was a risk there.

"Those caves can not be explored by just anyone. If we pursue that area, we may be finding that we focus too many mages and buffs on those who can not normally breathe underwater. Those with the qualifications should begin preliminary exploration and monitor the area. Any other nearby water sources can be examined for cavern entrances as well."

Out of all places, it was Ignus with the calm and organized rebuttal to what Current was worrying about. However, he looked toward the communication crystal as if he knew what would be said next after him.

"Ignus and the fire elves also brought another location to my attention. It's similar to the forest, but it involves the volcanoes and the magma fields." Alma's voice trembled slightly at this. She didn't have fear for this, but instead, it was respect for the strength of flames there.

"The flames there are raging. Magma and lava are spreading at a rapid rate taking up larger areas on the outskirts of the burning plains. Even worse, the volcano at the center appears to have grown in height by double the side and is spreading ash to the nearby lands. So far, that ash is still allowing the sun through, if it does not..."

Everyone understood that the expansion of the volcanic mountains and the magma plains was extremely bad. Not simply because of the heat, but because the ash falling from the volcano could be toxic to those living nearby. If it expanded even more, it could block the sun causing other damages as well.

The plants needed that light. The people needed that light. But what about the rain? Would it become contaminated with the ashes in the air and bring it in to the water causing the water to become toxic? Killing everything within?

While these were natural dangers, the growth of them was not normal. It had to be caused by more than the world expanding since the world would not allow itself to become so treacherous that it would be entirely consumed by one volcano.

"This sounds like the best place to start in my opinion. I also know that we have places in the Sigil continent, the unmoving clouds nearby one of the floating cities. Then there is the shifting caverns of thorns and darkness." Walker sighed a little, "the naming is getting out of hand, but it fits from the little I have seen."

"All of these places are still remaining the same. Mordant and I have information as well, about a place we went looking in to." He saw that Mordant understood the intentions here. "We made an ally of a monster called the shadow eating octopus. Due to unusual circumstances, it was thrown through an unusual path of shadows to appear within the world then trapped when the world broke. It starved itself of dark mana until it finally had a chance to grow. Now, it is intelligent enough from learning about ancient writings on stone near where a bridge to the elemental planes once was."

"That means that Walker and I know of a place where a bridge to the elemental planes will be. A place that affected the earth mana and began to affect the dark mana even though the bridge was not formed yet."

This caused a few murmurs to come from all of the representatives. They had not considered that some if these places would be affected by what was once bridges to the elemental planes. If this was the case, then those places could open a bridge at any time since the manas would be condensed enough.

"The first bridge was not able to cause a large phenomenon. We felt the flow of manas change, however, we did not see disasters or other dangers. That does not mean we will see the same. We must also be prepared to feel the radical changes in mana yet again. That is why we must learn from the elemental planes and how they handle the changes there." Su's voice spoke up with determination to protect.

"We already know from our experiences that those like Walker travel outside of the elemental planes and drag new planes together. They must have certain control and methods to balance the elemental planes. As will the true sages and those working with them. We can learn those eyes and balance the manas of the world when a bridge appears."

She was using what they already knew to support everyone and everything that could move forward from here. "That's why we need to find those places too. We can focus on the volcano and break it down to size while others start to observe and figure out if a bridge will appear elsewhere." It sounded simple the way that Remey put things.

"Those who are unable to go out in to the wilderness will begin enhancing defenses. Those who can explore will be grouped appropriately under representatives. Those who can scout will do so under another representative. And those who can potentially sense the places bridges used to be or will appear will learn directly from Walker." Markus Raven put everything in a short and sweet few sentences for everyone.

He had grown a significant amount and now stood confidently in his place as a representative of the human kingdoms for the king and queen. He had stepped away from finances after training the pair of demons who had the appropriate skills. And through his personal journey, he had found a path of leadership he'd never imagined.

"You are wrong with one thing. The Echidna race will be the best to sense the places where bridges used to be. While they will be focused on the mana and elemental plane which they had last been in connection with, all manas will react to those places. Natural mana is still there as a true base of the bridges to the elemental planes. And the echidna race is the best at sensing it. Even those who can not wield natural mana can vaguely sense it."

While an underlying panic still set on everyone's minds and hearts, Walker was sure that this was enough to calm their inner storms. Especially since they had plans to hold on to. Plans which those races of Genesis could latch on to as their hopes and dreams.

They had all worked very hard to create a place within the world and even beyond that which could offer safety and brilliance. Giving it up would be a tragedy. So, they would find ways to make it an immortal existence. Not just their generation or the next, but all generations could rely on what they built here and now.

This was the message which the representatives were going to bring down to the people they stood for.

"Ignus, it's safe to say that you will be taking the lead in heading to your territory. The fire elves will also play a hand in this since they were near your old village." Walker saw that Ignus had been waiting to hear this. He was prepared to go back and see what changed in the fields of magma and flowing lava.




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