Master Of None

Chapter 2284: 2284. A Lot Of...

Chapter 2284: 2284. A Lot Of...

The two serpents were not so little. They could not house their bodies the same way that Onyx did in his shadow. However, they were not the small palm sized serpents that Walker could recall. They could easily wrap around his waist three or four times now.

It also showed how one of them could use their dark magic affinity to manipulate shadows and push themselves to move through the terrain much faster for a short while by using everything they had. Or, in this case, moves through the cracks in the rocks to discover something like these ruins.

Part of Walker wondered if their classes would influence their growth. If they remained thinner to be able to move in to the ruins that they discovered or just to slither through smaller caves it would make more sense. Onyx had to grow larger to be able to follow his bloodline but also to combat monsters with the party. Not that he had had a class growing the way that he did.

As much as he wanted to hear about that, Walker knew that the theory about classes affecting growth would and could apply to every single race. Taking the time to think about it could be the rest of everyone's lives. Right now, he had to focus on what was more important. Specifically, healing the two serpents before him.

As the healing light bathed the two serpents, Mordant looked around for any other monsters that might threaten them. However, his dragon senses were telling him that there were not any other spiky rock scorpions here. Instead, he was feeling that this ruin was a little larger than what they had expected.

While it wasn't some magic sense or any unique ability, it was just his hunch. Yet, he knew that it was right. Maybe it was the way that he could look ahead in to the dark passways and feel that they kept going on for a while. Or maybe it was the earth mana around them proving that there was a deeper level to these ruins.

"You two should be mostly healed, but I can't rush your bodies to heal. You are missing scales and will have some lasting scars. Not that I think either of you care. Your third partner seemed not to mind any injuries either from what Onyx said." Walker was sure that all three would show off these scars as the time they managed to discover a unique ruin to help Genesis.

The two didn't say much but Onyx appeared to understand that they were just too tired. They had managed to fight off multiple spiky rock scorpions which were definitely stronger than them. They had even collapsed part of the entrance to these ruins to defeat some of them. Regardless of the situation, they had overextended themselves.

"We will leave you here to rest with a buff from my brother. We will move towards the marked area you have explored and will search for any dangers remaining. Otherwise, we will ensure that this can be properly explored and researched with your lead."

The focus on this wasn't to tell Mordant and Walker that they would not be allowed to explore. Instead, it was to say that neither of the three would be taking a single bit of credit here. They had come to help at their request. As in, they were taking the back row on this.

"I don't wish to have credit. I am honored to be able to assist anyone and everyone who wishes to better the alliance we all spend our blood, sweat and tears growing." Mordant spoke softly. His words betrayed the ferociousness that many dragons were imagined to be at all times. But it would set a tone of respect that could help the ruin hunters in the future if they helped discover any other draconic ruins such as those that housed information about the dominator dragons.

Not that there was evidence there would be more out there. But there was always a small chance, right?

Using his mana sense, Walker was able to tell that there was a slightly larger room nearby. He didn't feel the flow of air around it so there was only one way in and out. He could also see that there was a single line drawn in the dust on the ground to prove that the path had been traveled by the three ruins hunters.

As it was already explored and safe, plus Walker didn't sense any oddities, the three began to move away. Walker had also put up a small wall of earth to make sure that the two resting serpents would be safe even if something did come moving by them while the three explored a little.

"This has to be the room they discovered before they had to begin defending the ruins." Looking at the cracked stone door, they all understood the state of these ruins was very poor. The changes within the world had broken it and most likely, passageways could be extremely damaged or completely collapsed.

Not that this would be the first ruin that the people of Genesis had found which was damaged. They had already figured out that the ruins left behind by the ancient angels were mostly temporary or storage areas. Places for them to hide while there were massive ancient monsters fighting. A safe place for them to be.

"I believe that more ancient ruins of other races will be found as well. They could be everywhere. The world had shrunk in a way due to lack of manas." Mordant was not the first to say this. A few others had mentioned this before.

This was another piece of evidence to support all of this. Which led to many people believing that the world had plenty more to offer. The more that mana returned in higher concentration to the world, the more that ancient bloodlines or ancient aspects of the world might return.

Would it be the very same as ancient times? Of course it would not. However, it would still make a large difference which had to be followed carefully. Some aspects would foster growth and brilliance while others might cause negativity and depression. Managing all of that would be the leader's responsibility.

"I see why they wanted us to come." Onyx had stopped as he was the first one to enter. But just as they had seen before, there were rows and rows of stone shelves.

Some had broken and fallen causing the eggs on them to be broken and begin to turn to dust over the ages. Others held rune markings which had managed to stay intact enough to keep the eggs dormant. However, it was the sheer number of eggs which caused the three ruins hunters to need someone higher up within Genesis to come here.

"There must be three hundred or more here. I would never have imagined." Mordant's awe was justified. No one would have expected that a ruin like this, in such a poor state, would somehow still have so many items saved through the ages. It was miraculous to say the least.

'Amarok egg

This monster egg was once known as one of the more dangerous ancient monsters. Known to remain in solitude for the majority of its life, these intelligent wolf like monsters could easily compete with many of the other smaller monsters of the ancient eras based on their earth and water affinities.

They were experts in using the water mana in the air and the earth mana at their feet to sense prey or predators. They would only ever join together when they were forced to fight a more terrifying predator or when they wished to reproduce.

They had a major potential to become a race within the world if they were not hunted by other monsters due to their unique earth and water dual affinities. Their fur was also collected by the vampire since it was incredibly useful for repelling the light of the day.

These eggs were forced to go dormant due to the complete isolation from water and earth manas when discovered by an ancient race that believed they could be saved or even trained in the future. Even though this never came to be...'

Walker read this all around appraisal out loud. His confusion when he read it was clear though. "If they were so smart, then how did they die out? Wouldn't they have been able to avoid the ancient monsters better than that?" Since Onyx had asked, Walker wished he had a better answer. But they would only be able to tell if they could go back in time. And that was not a desire that Walker possessed.

"If we can hatch them now, they could be the next race and the next monster that returns to the world. I'm surprised they never hatched here. But if this place was isolated because of lack of mana..." Walker trailed off since they all knew what that meant.




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