Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 23 Fish's Sorting Ceremony

Chapter 23 Fish's Sorting Ceremony

One after another, freshmen stepped forward to put on the sorting hat, and then were sorted into different colleges.

But all of this has nothing to do with Fish, he is contentedly lying at Professor McGonagall's feet in the shape of a cat, taking a nap with his eyes closed, shaking his ears and flicking his tail from time to time, looking very comfortable .

As for the tattered Sorting Hat, of course Fish did not give up, but after trying just now, he was obviously not capable of snatching the hat under Minerva's care, so Fish decided to find another way.

Now, you can only listen temporarily.

Cats are very patient when hunting.

Raising his eyes and looking at the sorting hats of the colleges that were being distributed to other young wizards, Fish quietly continued to lie at Professor McGonagall's feet, but the tail behind his buttocks was wagging restlessly.

Professor McGonagall's eyes stayed on Fish's tail for a moment, knowing that the little guy hadn't given up yet, but now was not the time to educate him, so she withdrew her gaze and continued to call the name on the parchment.

Harry Potter looked enviously at the innocent Fish at Professor McGonagall's feet. As time went by, a series of unnecessary worries emerged in his heart.

What if they make a mistake, maybe he is not a wizard, or his talent as a wizard is very poor, the four colleges do not intend to accept him, and the Sorting Hat will eventually send him back...

Such a mess of thoughts churned in Harry Potter's mind, making him so nervous that he wanted to retch.

However, Harry completely forgot about his special reactions when he met other wizards, and the magical effects that appeared when he held his own wand.

"Draco Malfoy!"

Between Harry's nervousness and Fisher's leisure, finally came to the surname beginning with M. Malfoy walked to the four-legged stool in a grand manner, picked up the Sorting Hat, and almost just touched his head, the Sorting Hat snapped screamed, "Slytherin!"

Malfoy put down the Sorting Hat with a satisfied face, and walked towards the long table belonging to Slytherin.

Immediately afterwards, Professor McGonagall squatted down and patted Fish who was still soundly asleep at his feet.

"Fish McGonagall!"


Fish raised his head and looked at Professor McGonagall with a confused face. He didn't listen to the Sorting Hat's song just now.

"It's your turn, go put on the sorting hat!"

Professor McGonagall pointed to the hat on the four-legged stool and said to Fish.


Fish immediately bounced off the floor, turned into a human, and asked excitedly, "Are you going to give me this hat?!"

"No! Just let you wear it! Don't mess with me anymore!"

"Hey, I'm so boring..." Fish pursed his lips, walked over and picked up the Sorting Hat, but he didn't put it on his head in a hurry, but opened the crack of the Sorting Hat as his mouth, and stretched his head to look inside , "You don't have teeth, so how do you eat?"

"I'm just a hat and don't need to eat."

Even if the "mouth" was opened, it still did not affect the Sorting Hat's speech.

"Really? You are so pitiful."

Fish shook his head, in his opinion, it was too miserable not to be able to eat.

"Put my hat on!"

Professor McGonagall, who was worried about what would happen to Fish, urged loudly.

However, Fish did not obediently obey him. He put the Sorting Hat back on the four-legged stool with the brim facing up, and then jumped towards the Sorting Hat, turning into a kitten and getting inside the hat.


Fish adjusted his body inside the Sorting Hat and let out a satisfied grunt. He was now more determined to get this hat.

"Hey! Little one! I'm not a cat litter!"

The Sorting Hat, which was held down by Fisch, complained in a low voice.

Of course, Fisch simply ignored it.


Fish, who was nestled comfortably, felt a tightness in the back of his neck, and then he was lifted up, and Minerva's stern face appeared in front of his eyes.


Fish didn't dare to make Professor McGonagall angry any longer, so he twisted his body, transformed into a human form and landed on the ground.

Then, without Professor McGonagall's instructions, he picked up the Sorting Hat next to him and put it on his head, and sat down on the four-legged stool.

The huge hat covered half of Fisch's head, and immediately, a small voice came: "Let me take a look..."

"Extraordinary courage... There is no doubt about it. No little wizard has ever dared to snatch me away from a group of professors like you at the sorting ceremony. At the same time, caution and strong Curiosity, talent is not weak, pride from the heart, and good at using one's own advantages, when necessary, can use any means... Interesting, very interesting... So where should I assign you?"

"Meow? Which college do I want to go to, isn't it up to me to choose?"

Fish didn't think too much, and asked loudly.

"Of course, Hogwarts respects the individual wishes of students. My words are just for reference. So, do you have a favorite college?"

The Sorting Hat continued to whisper in Fisher's ear with a small voice that no one else could hear.

"Except for the big cat with a lot of hair next to its head, I'm quite interested in other colleges, meow."

Fish continued to reply carelessly, and did not see that Professor McGonagall behind him turned black instantly after hearing his words.

"Are you sure?" The Sorting Hat simply let go of its voice and chatted with Fish, "You know, Professor McGonagall is the dean of Gryffindor."

"But..." Fish wrinkled his small face, and said reluctantly: "That big cat can't even climb trees well, it feels stupid."

Back then, through that strange box called a TV, Fish saw many different types of the same kind, among which the lion climbing a tree was the most useless, so he didn't think much of this big cat.

At this moment, the faces of all the Gryffindor students turned dark, while the Slytherin students all smiled happily.

Fish continued to point at the Gryffindor flag, "I prefer big cats with spots, they are much more dexterous than this kind of big cats."

"Uh..." The Sorting Hat probably heard such a beautiful and refined reason for the first time, "Well, there are three remaining colleges, which one do you prefer?"

"Let's rule out that big rat first," Fish tilted his head and said after thinking for a while, "There is a kind of big rat that is very similar to it, and its farts are very smelly."

After Gryffindor, Professor Sprout and Hufflepuff's students also changed their faces.

However, Fisch, who was blocked by the hat, didn't see it, and even if he saw it, he wouldn't take it to heart.

"Snakes and birds are both good," Fish licked his lips and said, "I like to eat them, and they are very challenging to hunt."

Even the professors and students of the other two colleges couldn't hold back anymore.

"Wait!" The Sorting Hat realized at this time, "So you like these three colleges because you like to eat their representative animals?!"

"That's right," Fish replied confidently, "Don't the restaurants outside all make signs for the food they sell?"

Fish felt that there was nothing wrong with his understanding.

"Hogwarts is not a restaurant." The Sorting Hat felt that it was necessary for the little wizard to understand the situation. "These representative animals are an honor to the four houses."

"A stupid cat who can't climb trees and three kinds of food...what's the glory in that?"

Fish muttered in a voice that everyone in the auditorium could hear.

"Hmm...Although you have offended all four colleges, you still have to choose one."

The Sorting Hat felt that if the chat continued, no academy would accept this little guy, so it decisively ended the topic and urged.

"Meow?... Then the big cat is fine, at least it's not in my recipe."

Fish considered for a moment, and finally said with a face full of reluctance, compared to joining the food camp, the lion is still half of the same kind...although it is a bit stupid.

"So - Gryffindor!"


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 In fact, Fish was considered to go to the Eagle Academy, because curiosity is also a characteristic of cats, but in the end he chose the Lion Academy, the reason is that as Fish said, it is impossible to go to the academy with food as its logo.


  Not to mention other aspects, but in terms of the skill of climbing trees, lions are indeed one of the more crotch-laden cats.

  Of course, hip pulling is compared with other cats. Lions are really good at climbing trees. Anyway, it is impossible to avoid lions by climbing trees.

(End of this chapter)

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