Marvel's The Dark Knight Rises

Chapter 9 5 years

Chapter 9 Five Years
Violent explosions, gunshots, suddenly sounded in the dark night, but then stopped quickly, shouting, nervous panting, and heavily armed people walking through the dark alleys, all of which showed the tonight's turmoil. not calm.

The right arm could no longer use any strength, a piece of shrapnel was deeply embedded in the arm, the blood vessel had been punctured, and as a large amount of blood flowed out of the body, Li Yue only felt that his brain became heavier and heavier.

Gripping the injured area vigorously, Li Yue staggered forward in the alley, the voices behind him were getting closer, and he knew clearly that he couldn't stop!

As long as he stops, everything he has done in the past five years, the law and order in Brooklyn and even the New York area will return to what it was five years ago, and those scum who have been hiding underground will make a comeback!

"It turns out that everything I have worked hard for five years is under the control of "those people". What have I done?!"

With difficulty, Li Yue took out the grapple gun from his belt, and pulled himself from the dark alley to the roof of an old apartment building. His vision became more and more blurred. Li Yue opened his mouth wide and tried hard to breathe.

He felt the paralysis of his nerves, and the unknown healing factors in his body seemed to be fighting some kind of toxin to save his life.

"Al, Alfred, save me! They have poison in their bullets, I, I feel like I can't move, damn it"

"Keep breathing smoothly, I am determining your position according to the locator, master, hold on!"

Li Yue raised his head and looked up. The Brooklyn night sky was, as usual, covered by thick dark clouds, but the projection of the huge bat in the sky seemed to cut through the pure black sky!It has become one of the symbols of the region and even the city.

"I, I'm cold, Fu, I want to take a break, just, just take a break."

"Keep on! My lord, I've already set off, don't forget, you are the 'devil' in the night of Brooklyn! You shelter the people of New York, they don't have a second Batman! If you fall, who will come? Support all of this now?"

Li Yue's lips were unconsciously closed, and a painful expression flashed on his face. The pure black battle clothes were covered with small cuts and tears, and his entire upper body was already soaked in his own blood.

"We, we have all been deceived. They are not the so-called underground drug lords at all. Five years of investigation and five years of crackdowns are just the bait they threw out. Your previous suspicion was right, Ah Fu! They purpose, purpose"

Intermittently explaining, Li Yue still didn't finish his sentence in the end, his chest felt tight, and he passed out directly.

"Master? Master!"

Alfred's eager inquiry came from the headset, but there was no response at all. The thunder suddenly appeared in the sky, and the rain fell again.
"If you were given another chance to choose, would you still do it?"

"I will! If those damned scum can't be judged, then I will judge them myself!"

"But now, you have failed."

"Failed? I failed. No, I didn't fail! I've found out who 'they' are. Unless I die, I will definitely uproot 'them' from New York!"

"But you alone can't do such a thing, just give up."

"No, I'm not alone. Standing behind me is the whole of Brooklyn and New York."


The sun was shining on the eyelids, and he subconsciously raised his hand to cover it. A sense of weakness and pain woke him up from his lethargy.

A few fragments of dullness and memory became the first feeling in my mind at this time.

"Shot, explosion, how long have I been asleep, Fu?"

Li Yue rubbed his temples, and asked a little confusedly.

Alfred put down the water glass in his hand, and opened the floor-to-ceiling curtains in front of the bed. In an instant, the rare sunlight in winter shone in sharply.

"It's been two days, master, Steve and James came to look for you during this period, but I sent them away with excuses."

Li Yue nodded, but then he seemed to remember something, he looked at Alfred suddenly, and said in a hurried tone; "That's right! Write it down for me, Ah Fu, 'they' are"

"Hydra, my lord, I already know."

"Huh? You know what?"

"In the past two days, you often yelled 'Hydra' when you were unconscious. I'm not that stupid, and I can't even guess this."

Hearing this, Li Yue just sighed lightly, leaned heavily on the pillow, and recalled the battle two days ago in his mind.

One, a trap that was set for him long ago?
Yes, "trap", using this word to describe it, couldn't be better.

A batch of so-called large quantities of "drugs", a counterfeit "underground drug lord" who is said to have been hiding for a long time, and an abandoned factory building.

It was such a crude "trap" that couldn't be simpler, but it almost cost me my life.

At least hundreds of professional soldiers, perhaps recruited from Germany, or recruited from the United States, have really killed people, organized professional soldiers, plus a large number of high explosives planted under the abandoned factories.

If it wasn't for charging the suit to the "Level [-]" state in advance.
Those explosives alone cannot be defended by oneself!

"I caught a few 'tongues' during my escape after the factory explosion, and I couldn't be more familiar with the unique skull logo on their armbands. Ah Fu, I didn't really know until now that I am What a world to live in, Steve, Buck, and now Hydra."

The gloom gradually piled up on his face, as if Li Yue could no longer control his emotions, he continued a little irritablely: "I have lived here for more than ten years, and I have selectively forgotten it! Ah Fu, I am deceiving myself I told myself that two of my closest relatives, one named Steve Rogers and the other named James Buchanan Barnes, their names were just a coincidence! Coincidence! And the 'Steve' I knew ’ and ‘James,’ it’s totally different, you know!”

"But old Rogers died, died in the poisonous gas on the battlefield! Sarah also contracted tuberculosis while treating patients, and finally died without treatment! The plot is exactly the same as in the movie. All of this told me, I'm fucking living in this goddamn world! A goddamn world I've seen in movies!"

Li Yue stubbornly scratched his head. He stared at Alfred who was standing silently by the side. After a while, he seemed to be discouraged, and sat back dejectedly: "Now, there is another I've been aware of these hydra since I got the superhero template. It's the Marvel universe, right? Whether it's the movie universe, or the comic universe, what can I count? Even if I know it, it's lurking in New York In the underground world, it is not an American drug lord at all, but a branch of Hydra in the United States. What can I do? I have been fighting criminals for five years, but now! I have nothing at all. no"

"But you have created a relatively good law and order situation in New York today, sir."

After a long silence, Alfred said so.

Li Yue was taken aback, then shook his head with a wry smile: "It's not like that, Ah Fu, if 'they' want to destroy everything, just like they did two days ago, they can kill me without much effort , everything I’ve done in the past five years will come to naught sooner or later, you don’t understand.”

"You are wrong, sir."

Alfred shook his head firmly and said: "You look too highly at the current energy of these Hydras, maybe let them continue to lurk, in the 21st century, they can have a huge influence in all aspects of the United States , but at present, their branch in the United States is nothing more than a 'new' organization, and. "

Alfred looked at Li Yue calmly, and comforted him: "I am just an 'assistant system', and may not be able to answer many of your questions, sir, but please believe that my duty is only one point. , that is based on your will to provide you with the greatest protection. In other words, I am not loyal to the 'dream machine', but to you, so some questions, not because I don't want to answer you, but because of authority or It's other factors, I can't tell you 'directly'."

Hearing Alfred's words, Li Yue's heart warmed up, and his impatience gradually calmed down.

"I know, thank you, Ah Fu."

Alfred waved his hand, "This is what I should do, sir, that's right! James is about to go to the front line in Europe in two days. He got the final grade of A+ in the boot camp. This is all because he came yesterday I told you when I was looking for you."

Li Yue was taken aback, he sat up from the bed, and asked, "Buck, is he still going to join the army? That's right! Steve, what is he doing these days?"

Alfred thought for a while, and said: "He has been rejected by the army conscription office many times. Master, you have been too busy in the past six months. I think you need to find out some things about them yourself. Okay, maybe you need to talk to Steve, he has a lot of obsession with joining the army."

Li Yue touched the wound on his scarred arm, nodded thoughtfully: "I will, but, you know, Steve has always been very assertive and stubborn."

"Yes, that's why I asked you to talk to him. You and James, after all, are his only 'relatives' now. Also, in the past five years or so, since you got the right to use the bat suit , you have been in a very busy state, my lord. After five years of living as 'Batman', now, it's time for you to briefly put those criminals aside and take a break. Come with us, and Together with your 'family', and later, I will join you in avenging those Hydras."

After finishing speaking, Alfred turned around and walked downstairs, leaving only Li Yue who was sitting on the bed, his eyes becoming a little dazed, and he was silently dazed.

Perhaps it was because he stayed in the dark for too long, Li Yue found that he was becoming less and less used to the life full of sunshine. Also, how long had it been since he had a good communication with Steve and Buck? pass?
"Bruce Wayne may never be tired, but I don't seem to be able to. I'm really tired."

Feeling the gradually recovering strength in his arm, Li Yue smiled wryly and shook his head, but his eyes gradually regained firmness.

"If you want my life, Hydra, it depends on whether your teeth are hard enough."

Thinking about it in his heart, Li Yue finally let go of his mental burden and lay down heavily on the bed again.

"Comics? Movies? Well, but whatever it is, don't try to ruin my current life easily! Maybe, I can"

While thinking wildly, Li Yue only felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and after a while, he fell into a deep sleep again.

 There was a little mistake, it has been modified, sorry~
(End of this chapter)

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