Marvel's Star Hamster

Chapter 9

Chapter 9
After completing the basic training, Andy felt that he could easily beat his previous self.

This is not Andy's illusion. After completing the basic training, Andy has indeed mastered a lot of power-generating skills.

These power skills allow Andy to easily defeat any fighter.

Of course, if it is on the field, it will not work. After all, I am not a professional athlete, and I will foul if I am not careful.

Andy, who has completed the basic training, needs to train the real basics of martial arts.

Andy, who seems to have inexhaustible energy, officially started to learn the basics of martial arts.

In the projection, the guard is standing at the entrance of a room full of obstacles, with missiles crisscrossing it.

Although it can be seen that those are training bombs, but looking at the swift and violent momentum of those missiles, one knows that it must feel uncomfortable to be hit.

I saw the imperial guard coming and going freely in the room, sometimes gliding close to the ground, sometimes turning around and passing the missiles, and sometimes squatting low and the missiles whistling past his head.

Normal people would definitely be attacked by the missiles inside and escape the room, but for this guard, it was as easy as returning home.

Those missiles seemed to have eyes, always passing by the guards.

And those obstacles seemed to be non-existent, and they didn't stop the guard from moving forward.

From entering the room to leaving, the guard was not hit by a missile once.

The guard in the image stopped in front of a towering wall.

I saw the guard squatting down and suddenly turned upwards, and the guard was raised to a height of more than 20 meters in an instant.

He supported the body with one hand, and lightly kicked his feet on the wall, and his figure rose several meters in an instant.

On the smooth and steep wall, the imperial guard ran on the wall like walking on the ground, and his position continued to rise until he clung to the top of the wall.

Andy could clearly see that when the guard climbed the wall, he didn't have a place to use his strength, and he was so smoothly absorbed on the smooth wall.

After a period of time.

The guards attached to the wall suddenly fell from the wall as if their protective rope had been cut.

But the imperial guard didn't panic in the slightest, as if he was wearing a hang glider, he glides slowly in the air until he landed on the ground.

Then in the video, the guards demonstrated various martial arts foundations.

Watching the guard running in the city, jumping back and forth in various buildings, like an ape playing in the forest.

No matter how dangerous the action is, how tall the building is that cannot be climbed, in the eyes of the guards, it is like a flat road.

Andy fully understands why the physical fitness of professional golfers can only meet the minimum standards of Conclave, and why Tina, who clearly does not meet the standard, can also practice the basic training movements of Conclave.

I want to run unhindered between high-rise buildings like a guard, and jump from building to building like him.

Without a strong body to support it, it is impossible to do it.

What's more, such as spinning and leaping, kicking on the wall, climbing on the wall, gliding in the air, etc., such movement skills cannot be achieved by manpower alone.

Andy saw with his own eyes that when the guard was using a double jump, a strong repulsion erupted from his feet, making him jump again in the air with no focus.

Although these actions are assisted by special devices.

But if there is no body as strong as a guard, those special devices will not only provide assistance.

Like that double jump by repulsion.

If it is used by an ordinary person in daily life, the strong repulsive force will directly break his bones.

Even a person like Andy who has completed basic training cannot completely offset the impact of repulsion.

Fortunately, Andy has already made a training suit using Orokin super nanofibers.

Distribute strength throughout the body through training clothes, and then use the effects of basic training movements to resolve it.

These side effects brought about by the use of special devices will not cause any trouble to Andy.

Andy only needs to manufacture the special device to start training the basics of martial arts.

The guards in the video are armed with Orokin batteries, which are full of energy, and special devices do not need to consider energy issues.

Although Andy has no knowledge of the manufacture of Orokin batteries, he has his own solution. He installed dozens of energy boosters on his training clothes.

They use the method of squeezing and gathering energy to convert the pressure generated by each action into a weak current, and then increase and strengthen the fusion core to form a stable current to provide energy for the special devices throughout the body.

In this way, the special device can be barely used, although it cannot be easily and continuously leaping between tall buildings like a guard.

But the energy stored every once in a while can also allow Andy to make wall pushes, spins and leaps.

As the casting warehouse stopped, Andy installed special devices on the training clothes one by one, and these devices could be switched on and off by brain waves.

The current training clothes look more and more like Orokin battle suits.

The ring structure on both ankles is a repulsion device, allowing Andy to perform alley-oops and provide more explosive power.

There is a gravity device on the chest, which can provide gravity in any direction. The guard can run on the wall and glide in the air.

On the left hand is an energy display specially made by Andy, which can ensure that Andy knows the energy situation at any time.

Wearing freshly baked training clothes, Andy turned on the brain wave transmitters on his ears, and started experimenting with his hands against the wall.

Perhaps because of unfamiliarity, Andy couldn't control the gravity device at all.

After several experiments in a row, Andy failed to find a suitable gravity standard.

Either the gravity is so small that you don't notice it at all, or the strong gravity pushes Andy hard into the wall.

It wasn't until the energy display showed that the energy was exhausted that Andy managed to get some control tips.

After filling up with energy, Andy stuck to the wall like a gecko.

When the gravity device is activated, a force towards the wall acts on him. As the gravity continues to increase, Andy gradually feels that the wall seems to be the real ground.

Use both hands and feet
Andy crawled slowly up the wall, getting higher and higher.

looked around

Andy couldn't hold back the joy of success, and was about to celebrate it.

He just fell off the wall.

Sitting up with support and rubbing his shoulders, Andy thought it was a lack of energy, so he looked at the wind energy display on his left hand.

70% energy left
So why did he fall off the wall?

Looking at the gravity device on his body, Andy thought for a long time.

at last
Andy understood the reason for the fall. These devices are controlled by brain waves.

Before, he had been focusing on the gravity device so that he could succeed. When he wanted to celebrate, his attention had shifted from the gravity device to other places.

The gravity device is not controlled to automatically close, so it must fall from the wall.

The gravity device should be as instinctive as the movement of the limbs and even the breathing of the human body.

Unless it is done deliberately, no one will focus on their every movement or breathing. This is a natural instinct of human beings.

The gravity device is such an effect. Andy needs to get used to the gravity device, turn gravity into instinct, and use gravity to carry out activities naturally.

(End of this chapter)

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