Marvel’s Master of Heavenly Magic

Chapter 40: George’s Trump Card

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George also heard the footsteps. After a brief hesitation, he walked directly to the rooftop entrance, stretched out his hand, and closed the iron door. Then, he began casting a spell on the door handle.


The Transfiguration spell was cast successfully, turning the door into a large fist-sized lock that securely sealed it.

He wasn’t worried about the ordinary people below; it was just that killing too many would inevitably leave traces.

“Let’s go.”

Locking the iron door temporarily blocked the rooftop, preventing the lackeys from coming up. George then cast a Levitation Charm on Leon.

“Wingardium Leviosa!”

Leon watched as George’s hands made strange gestures, and then, with a flick of George’s finger, his own body began to float like a balloon. His heart was filled with astonishment.

This was the first time he had experienced something so magical, and his respect for George deepened.

Reaching out to grab the floating Leon by the shoulder, George leaped off the rooftop of the sixth floor. Using his abilities, he landed steadily in the dark alley below.

The Levitation Charm was one of the fundamental first-year spells, and George had been focusing on studying and mastering it for some time.

Although he couldn’t make himself fly, he could use it in combination with his magnetic abilities to move larger objects. In battle, it was also a good control skill, especially against opponents like X-24.

With a Levitation Charm, he could reduce X-24's weight, and then, with his magnetic powers, manipulate him like a toy.

“Do you still need my help?” Leon asked through gritted teeth.

“You’ve already helped enough. From here on, I can handle it myself,” George replied.

Chebel was dead, and with Leon’s influence and reputation, it wouldn’t be difficult for him to turn the Chebel family into the Leon family if he wanted to.

As for Chebel’s son, he was nothing more than a useless good-for-nothing who only indulged in pleasure.

Leon didn’t want to owe this mysterious man any more favors, knowing that they always came with a price. So far, he still didn’t know what George ultimately wanted from him.

“Then take care of the Chebel family quickly. Don’t come looking for me; I’ll find you if needed.”

George nodded and slowly floated upward, disappearing into the night sky.

After helping this much, if Leon still couldn’t survive, then he wasn’t fit to be George’s agent in the first place.

Meanwhile, in the world of Harry Potter, George’s clone encountered an opportunity to strengthen his relationship with Snape. This opportunity came on Thursday afternoon, during the first flying class after Charms.

Snape, being one of the most powerful wizards in the school, second only to Dumbledore, had created the Sectumsempra curse, which was like the magical version of the Six Veins Sword.

Once struck by the Sectumsempra curse, its dark magic nature made it impossible to heal with normal restorative spells.

George considered Snape to be the professor with whom he most needed to build a good relationship, especially since he was in Slytherin.

In addition to earning points for Slytherin to win the House Cup, helping the Slytherin Quidditch team achieve victory was one of his other goals.

Quidditch, being the wizards’ favorite sport, could also help George enhance his reputation among the students.

The only downside was that it might take up some of the time he could spend learning spells.

However, after some thought, George decided it wasn’t a waste. Practicing flying with a broomstick would help him adapt to flying better in the future—a skill he absolutely needed to master.

Though Apparition was useful, it could be disrupted by anti-Apparition magic. In special circumstances, flying was a more reliable option.

But why was George so confident in his Quidditch skills?

He had never ridden a broomstick before, so he wasn’t sure if this body had the talent for it.

However, it didn’t matter. His body already had a physical advantage, and more importantly, he had a trump card prepared long ago.

The first-year Slytherins had flying lessons with Gryffindor.

At 3:30 p.m., the young witches and wizards from both houses were already gathered on the lawn outside the castle.

Many of the children from wizarding families were eagerly sharing their thrilling experiences of riding broomsticks.

Most of the stories were clearly exaggerated: racing eagles, flying across the sea to France, or nearly colliding with a Muggle airplane.

"George, I may not be as good as you in other subjects, but I won’t let you score any points in flying class!" Ginny, brimming with confidence, walked up to George with Colin at her side, proudly patting her chest.

George chuckled at her declaration and replied, "I’ve never ridden a broomstick before, so I doubt I'll score much of anything."

Ginny had flying skills that were on par with Harry’s. When she was six, she even snuck into the broom shed at home and stole her brothers’ broomsticks without ever being caught. However, this time, she might still end up disappointed.

"Alright, children, form two lines. I’ll hand out the broomsticks now," said Madam Hooch, the instructor for the flying class, as she dragged over a stack of more than twenty old broomsticks.

"These are so old!"

George couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when he received his broomstick. Several branches were sticking out in odd directions, making the broom look rather worn.

These broomsticks likely dated back decades to the Cleansweep series, significantly inferior in speed and performance to the modern Nimbus series.

"Place your broomsticks on the ground, and follow my instructions to learn how to control them. Remember, it's all about belief. The more unsure you are, the less likely they’ll respond."

Madam Hooch spent the next half-hour teaching the young wizards the proper spellwork and techniques to control the broomsticks before moving on to the practical portion of the lesson.

"Now, extend your right hand over the broom handle and say the command."

The young wizards followed her instructions.

Those with previous experience on broomsticks had their brooms jump right into their hands. However, for those handling a broom for the first time, things didn’t go so smoothly. Some brooms rolled on the ground without rising, while others wobbled into the air only to fall back down. Some brooms simply lay still, indicating the spell had been mispronounced entirely.

"This doesn't seem too difficult."

With a single motion, George extended his hand, and his broomstick instantly flew into his grip, surprising even him.

He suspected it wasn’t necessarily due to an innate talent in this body, but rather that his enhanced mental powers greatly boosted his spiritual strength, giving him an advantage in controlling the broom.

In fact, his powerful mental abilities made learning other spells just as efficient. Sometimes he wondered: if his second-level psychic abilities already offered such a boost, what would happen if Professor X had wizard blood? His magic-learning efficiency would be terrifying.

And then there was Phoenix Jean Grey—though she probably wouldn’t even need magic. After all, the Phoenix Force was already one of the most formidable powers in existence.

"Alright, now we’re going to try flying. When I blow the whistle, push off the ground with both legs. Push hard!"

Seeing that everyone had managed to get hold of their broomsticks after some effort, Madam Hooch moved on to the final stage of the lesson.

At the same time, George subtly guided a thin, hair-like wire from his sleeve, which wrapped itself around his broomstick.

(End of chapter)

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