Marvel’s Master of Heavenly Magic

Chapter 31: A Bit of Skill with Fists

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George closed the magic book in his hands, smiling slightly as he glanced at the three people in front of him.

"Sorry, but I really like this bed, and I don’t feel like giving it up."

"You don’t seem to understand the situation here, do you?"

The three junior wizards stepped forward, their faces full of threat.

"You should know, while the school forbids us from using magic to attack, it never said anything about fists."

From their perspective, George appeared much weaker than them, both in height and build. Besides, they were three, and he was just one.

If George didn’t grasp the situation soon, they were more than ready to teach him a lesson.

"As far as I know, the Slytherin tradition is that whoever is better gets to be the boss. If, in the future, you outperform me in our studies and get better grades, I’ll willingly give up my bed.

What do you think?" George suggested with a smile.

If he could avoid it, he preferred not to fight children.

After all, he was now a proper wizard, and the most important thing for a wizard was elegance. Rolling up his sleeves and getting into a brawl? That was something only warriors did.

"What is he saying? Does he think that a half-blood like him will do better than the three of us purebloods? That’s the funniest joke I’ve ever heard!"

The lead junior wizard burst out laughing, and the other two quickly joined in.

"I’m ordering you right now—take your luggage and that stupid pet, and move to the bed in the farthest corner, or you’ll regret it."

"Fine, if you don’t want to compete in grades, then I guess I’ll have to show you a bit of my skill with fists."

Seeing that his three new roommates had no self-awareness, George set the magic book on the side of the bed and stood up, stretching his arms and legs.

Without using magic or any special abilities, just relying purely on his physical strength, George knew that even if all the first-year students came at him together, he could easily make them cry.

It wasn’t that he had any particularly advanced combat skills; it was simply that his strength and speed far outclassed these junior wizards.

"It seems you really do need to be taught a lesson."

The three junior wizards saw George stand up, and without another word, they rolled up their sleeves and charged at him.

Two minutes later, George was sitting back down elegantly, reading his magic book again.

"I’d advise you not to think about complaining to the teachers or prefects. If word gets out that the three of you ganged up on me and still got beaten like this, your next seven years at this school won’t be pleasant."

"We get it. Don’t think you’re so great. You’re just a bit stronger than us. Next time, we’ll beat you in grades and magic!"

The three junior wizards, lying on the floor with bruised faces and tear-streaked cheeks, immediately stammered in response, their expressions changing. Just moments ago, they were seriously considering reporting George to the teachers and having him punished, but now, thinking it over, they realized it might just make them the laughingstock of the entire school.

So, they reluctantly used the excuse of competing in grades to save face.

"I suggested competing in grades earlier, but you insisted on a fight. Sigh..." George shook his head, making the three junior wizards look even more regretful.

The next morning.

While the three bruised wizards were still fast asleep, George, having already slept a full seven hours, opened his eyes right on schedule.

After a simple wash, he headed to the common room.

The prefect had mentioned the previous day that the class schedule for the week would be posted in the common room after six in the morning.

It was now 7:20, and since most classes began at 9:00, most of the students were still asleep.

There were only a few hardworking upper-year wizards studying in the common room, most likely fifth years, as they had to prepare for the most important O.W.L. (Ordinary Wizarding Level) exams of their school career.

After finding the posted schedule, George noticed that on the first day of term, Slytherin first-years had only one class: History of Magic at 2 p.m., with the rest of the day free for other activities.

However, looking at the rest of the week, it wasn’t always this easy. On Tuesday, they had two Transfiguration classes in the morning, followed by one Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the afternoon.

Wednesday had two Herbology classes in the morning, with the afternoon free.

Thursday’s schedule included Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts in the morning, Charms in the afternoon, and History of Magic again in the evening.

Friday had two Potions classes in the morning, one Herbology class in the afternoon, and Astronomy in the evening.

Additionally, Flying Lessons were scheduled to start in the second week, held on Thursday afternoons after Charms class.

The schedule also listed which houses they would be sharing classes with. Due to limited staff and small student numbers in each house, Hogwarts generally had two houses attend a class together, with around twenty students per class.

For Potions and Flying, they would be sharing with Gryffindor first-years.

For Charms and Transfiguration, they would be paired with Hufflepuff.

And for Herbology, History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Astronomy, they’d be sharing with Ravenclaw.

The locations of each class were also marked on the schedule.

"Only one Charms class?" George muttered to himself after memorizing the entire schedule.

To him, Charms was the most important subject. Most foundational magic principles and basic spells were taught in that class, yet there was only one session a week, the same as the useless Astronomy class.

Thinking it over, though, it made sense. This was the first year, and many students—especially those from Muggle families—were completely unfamiliar with magic. Laying a strong foundation was more important than rushing to learn many spells.

"It looks like I’ll have to rely on myself," George concluded.

The intensity of the schedule was far too light for him. If he wanted to learn more magic, he’d have to dedicate more time to self-study. Fortunately, unlike Knockturn Alley, at Hogwarts, even self-study was far more efficient. Here, if he didn’t understand something, he could ask a teacher, or head to the library to consult the vast collection of free magic books.

"Since I don’t have class until the afternoon, I might as well explore this place."

Rather than continuing to read, George decided to spend the morning wandering around the Hogwarts castle. After all, he’d be studying here for the next seven years, so he might as well get familiar with the place. This way, he could easily find his way around and recognize the classrooms in advance.

First, he explored the entire Slytherin dungeon.

Don’t underestimate the dungeon; the area beneath Hogwarts was vast, full of winding passages. It took him nearly an hour just to walk through it.

There was the Boathouse, storage rooms, the room where ghosts held their Deathday parties, the Potions classroom, the office of the Head of Slytherin, the Fifth Underground Classroom, the Hogwarts kitchen, and the entrance to the Hufflepuff dormitory.

The door to the kitchen was closed, but he could hear house-elves inside, bustling about with magic as they prepared breakfast.

The entrance to the Hufflepuff dormitory was guarded by a stack of barrels, and entry required a specific sequence of knocks, so George didn’t go inside. Instead, he headed up to the Great Hall, ready to grab some breakfast.

(End of Chapter)

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