Marvel’s Master of Heavenly Magic

Chapter 28: The Coming Rise of the Book King

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Is George’s body in this world considered a genius?

Not really. In terms of memory and comprehension, it's actually quite average.

However, his body in the Marvel universe, inheriting Professor X’s genes, is indeed a genius in terms of memory and comprehension.

If that were the only factor, he wouldn’t be confident about becoming the most formidable and gifted student in Hogwarts’ history.

His confidence comes from two main sources.

Firstly, he doesn’t just have one brain. While he has only one consciousness, by skillfully operating two bodies, he essentially has the capacity to run two brains simultaneously for memory, analysis, and understanding.

For example, when his avatar in the Harry Potter world encounters a math problem, if only the avatar does the calculations, it might take twenty seconds to solve it mentally.

However, if the main body in the Marvel universe joins in the calculation, with both brains working together, it could be solved in less than ten seconds.

Similarly, when studying or learning a new spell, having two brains working together is significantly more efficient than just one. At that point, he can rival some top geniuses.

To facilitate this, he has adjusted the main body’s schedule. In the future, while the avatar attends classes during the day, the main body will act as a second brain at night in the Marvel universe to enhance learning efficiency, and then catch up on sleep during the day.

Secondly, in the days before school started, he did something else.

He used the supercomputer in the basement of the X-Men Academy to digitize all the books and textbooks he had encountered in the Harry Potter world.

He also plans to digitize all the knowledge points from his future classes and the books in the school library.

Two brains operating in tandem make him a top genius, but even that doesn't grant him perfect memory.

Not even the greatest wizards in the wizarding world can remember every single word from every book they've read.

However, now that all content has been input into the supercomputer, he only needs to search for keywords, and the relevant information will immediately appear.

Therefore, during the upcoming classes, if he forgets something, he can use the supercomputer to search for it and quickly find the answer, ensuring he earns full marks.

In exams, any theoretical knowledge will be no different from an open-book test for him.

Over the next seven years, he plans to outshine all the young witches and wizards, including the renowned Hermione Granger, who won’t be able to surpass him.

As for why he’s doing this?

It’s to gain more resources and better magic. Only by being outstanding can he secure more privileges.

If Hermione weren’t so exceptional, she wouldn’t have received the Time Turner.

If Voldemort weren’t so exceptional, he wouldn’t have garnered so much admiration from wizards, the favor of teachers, and mastered so many powerful dark spells.

Thus, he also aims to be exceptional, excelling in all areas, ideally so much so that even Dumbledore might suspect he is the true savior of the world.

Although that possibility is rather slim.

"You guys think, how can they accurately sort us into the right houses?

Could it be through some sort of test? I’ve only read a lot of magical history; I haven’t studied anything else."

Colin looked somewhat uneasy.

Wizards born to Muggle families generally lack magical foundation. If it’s a test of that sort, he really doesn’t know anything.

"Ron told me it’s a very scary test, but I don’t believe it. How could the school possibly do something dangerous to students?

If it were true, I don’t think Ron could pass it."

Ginny had a nonchalant attitude towards any test, believing she was far stronger than her timid brother Ron.

Luna maintained her usual dreamy demeanor:

"Although my father never told me exactly how the sorting works, he did say that the entire process is very simple, and we will be sorted into the house that suits us best. So there’s no need to worry."

"Oh, that’s good to hear. Which house do you all want to be in?"

Upon hearing this, Colin relaxed and then became excited.

"I want to be in Gryffindor. Harry Potter is in Gryffindor, and it’s said that the greatest wizard, Dumbledore, is also from Gryffindor."

"I also want to be in Gryffindor. My brothers are all in Gryffindor."

Ginny replied with a slight blush.

The real reason she wanted to be in Gryffindor was that her favorite, Harry Potter, was in Gryffindor.

"Any house is fine," Luna and George said in unison.


At that moment, a sudden shriek pierced the air in the small cabin. A group of ghosts had appeared, floating through the walls, startling the young witches and wizards.

The ghosts, giggling and chattering, made comments about the students before dispersing when they saw Professor McGonagall arrive, vanishing as quickly as they had appeared.

"Now, form a single file and follow me," Professor McGonagall instructed sternly. She led the young witches and wizards out of the cabin and toward the grand hall on the other side of the castle.

"This place is truly magnificent."

As they entered the grand hall, George’s eyes widened in awe.

The first thing he noticed was the thousands of floating magical candles suspended in midair, followed by the stunning, enchanted starry sky scene projected on the ceiling.

Below, there were four long tables, each representing one of the houses, and each table was filled with witches and wizards from all seven years.

The tables were adorned with gleaming gold plates and goblets.

At the head of the room, there was another long table where the school’s teachers were seated.

The most prominent figure, appearing the oldest and most distinguished, was undoubtedly Dumbledore, flanked by Flitwick, Sprout, Lockhart, and others.

However, he did not see Professor Snape, the head of Slytherin House.

Upon reflection, he remembered that Snape was likely patrolling the castle, searching for Harry and Ron, who had made headlines in the Daily Prophet.

Due to the house-elf Dobby’s concern that Harry might encounter the dangers of Tom Riddle’s diary this year, he had sealed the entrance to Platform 9¾, causing Harry and Ron to miss the Hogwarts Express.

They were forced to use Arthur Weasley’s modified magical car to get to Hogwarts.

Unfortunately, due to Ron’s inexperience with driving, he forgot to use the invisibility feature when they first took off, and the magical car was spotted flying through the air by several Muggles. This incident was reported in the Daily Prophet.

At this moment, Harry and Ron were likely already at the school but had missed the Sorting Ceremony.

Turning his gaze to the windows around the grand hall, George spotted two boys peering inside. They were quickly pulled away by a pair of large hands.

"Poor kids, I’ll give them a moment of silence!"

Harry and Ron’s capture by Snape likely meant their immediate future would be quite unpleasant.

Although Snape would protect Harry because of his love for Lily, Harry's mother, he also harbored deep-seated animosity towards Harry because of James, Harry's father.

(End of Chapter)

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