Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 25

Chapter 26 Jerry, Hermione And Neville

During the chat, Hermione also gradually discovered that Jerry was actually the same person as herself. Although he did not have as many textbooks as he had memorized, he had a lot of his own opinions on magic theory and knowledge of various spells.

Immediately, I became interested, and at the same time, I recognized Jerry more in my heart.

The so-called “talk is not speculative, a thousand cups of wine are less than a confidant!”

The more Jerry and Hermione chatted, the more engrossed they became. Before I knew it, I didn’t even notice that the Hogwarts Express had started to leave the station.

“You… hello, is there anyone here? The other places are full!”

At this moment, a stuttering voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the magical communication between Jerry and Hermione.

On the aisle of the box, the little wizard with a round face and a slightly chubby face was holding a golden-backed toad in his left hand and a suitcase in his right hand. From time to time, his eyes glanced at the empty seat opposite Jerry and Hermione.

“No one, you can sit across from us!”

Jerry smiled back.

The boy immediately happily pushed the suitcase to the corner of the box, then sat down with the toad in his arms.

“I… my name is Neville Longbottom, this year’s freshman, you can call me Neville!”

After the boy sat down, he introduced himself nervously.

“Jerry Carmen!”

“Hermione Granger!”

Jerry and Hermione looked at each other, and they could see that the boy opposite was a little nervous, so they introduced themselves with a smile.

Perhaps feeling the kindness in Jerry and Hermione’s tone, the boy gradually relaxed and joined Jerry and Hermione’s chat.

However, since Neville hadn’t previewed the textbook, the three of them stopped talking about magic at this time, but talked about their birth and family situations.

When talking about his family, Neville, who was a little nervous, was no longer so restrained.

“I was brought up by my grandmother, but my family has always treated me as a Muggle for so many years, and my uncle Algie always tried to force me to show some magic when people were unprepared…”

Next, Neville recounted the tragic experiences of being thrown into the Black Lake by his uncle Algie and nearly drowned, and nearly falling to his death when he was thrown from upstairs.

Hearing Jerry and Hermione exclaim, the elders of the pure-blood wizard family really know how to play.

In fact, according to Jerry’s understanding, Neville’s parents seem to be Aurors. In the first wizarding war, he was caught by the Death Eaters and tortured to madness with the Gouging Curse, and was admitted to St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Injuries.

His grandmother cast the “Forgetting Curse” on Neville, who was only one year old, in order to make Neville forget the cruel scene of his parents being tortured. It may be because Neville was too young at the time, which caused side effects after being cast on the Forgetting Curse. The mind has become very forgetful.

In other words, can a one-year-old child really remember things?

Jerry has also heard people say that Neville is actually the son of the prophecy in Professor Trelawney’s prophecy, because Neville’s parents are both Aurors (policemen in the wizarding world), and they beat Voldemort at least three times, and Neville Also born in July.

Even when it was born, it can use magic to wrap itself in a blanket.

If it weren’t for the damage of the mind caused by the after-effects of the “Forgetting Curse” and the inability to successfully control the magic in the body, Neville’s magical talent might not be worse than Voldemort’s.

However, these are not really important things to Jerry. He doesn’t care who is the son of prophecy.

How to seek benefits and strengthen his own strength through the general plot direction he knows is what he has to consider.

After Neville finished talking, Hermione also began to chat about her childhood life before she received the admission letter, and the changes after receiving the admission letter.

Unlike Neville, who came from a pure-blood wizarding family, Hermione lives in the suburbs of London. Her parents are dentists, and they are a pair of ordinary Muggles who do not understand magic.

Maybe it was because she wasn’t born into a wizarding family that Hermione always wanted to prove herself.

However, the income of the dentist is considerable, and her family belongs to the kind of happy and harmonious type, so she actually lived a very happy childhood.

After both of them finished speaking, they turned their attention to Jerry at the same time.

Jerry was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted:

“I am an orphan. I was abandoned in an orphanage since I was a child. I don’t know if my parents are wizards or Muggles. I only learned about the existence of magic after I received an admission letter from Hogwarts!”


Neville and Hermione looked at Jerry with sympathy gradually.

Although Neville’s parents are in the hospital, he still has his grandmother, uncle, and aunt who love him. He has never suffered much since he was a child.

And although Hermione was born in a Muggle family, she was also an only child, and she was the palm of the family since she was a child, and her childhood life was not unhappy.

In contrast, Jerry’s status in this world is indeed a bit miserable.

“I didn’t expect Jerry’s life experience to be so miserable, but he can still face life with a smile, so positive and optimistic, really brave and strong!”

Hermione saw that Jerry didn’t have that sad and uncomfortable expression at all when he was telling about his life experience. Instead, he showed open-mindedness and sunshine everywhere he didn’t care, and he felt sympathy and admiration in his heart.

“Honey, do you want to buy something to eat?”

At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the aisle, UU reading www.uukanshu. com followed by a smiling, dimpled woman who pushed open the door of the box they were in.

It turned out that the three of them were chatting vigorously, and before they knew it, it was already past twelve noon.

Looking at the various snacks on the cart, the three suddenly felt their stomachs start to growl.

“I want chocolate frogs!”

Neville got up first and ran towards the cart.

Hermione and Jerry got up at the same time, and started picking up on the cart.

In the end, Neville returned to his seat with a bunch of chocolate frogs, Hermione just got a cauldron cake, and Jerry asked for three pumpkin tarts and a box of Bibi Da flavored beans.

The bursary given to Jerry by Hogwarts is 100 Galleons per year. After purchasing all the necessities, there are four or five Galleons left, which is enough for his daily expenses for a year.

You know, board and lodging at Hogwarts are free, and these magical snacks are not expensive.

For three pumpkin tarts and a box of bibimbap, Jerry only spent one silver sic and fifteen copper nut.

The three pieces of pumpkin pie are what he used to satisfy his hunger. Compared with the snacks, he still prefers to eat pumpkin pie as a staple food.

As for the box of Bibi Duo Flavored Beans, he plans to keep it for his sister Aisha when he returns.

Bibi Duo Flavor Bean, the famous product of the World Jelly Bean Company, is said to have more than 700 different flavors.

From the common flavors of chocolate, strawberry thin, candy, marmalade, to special flavors of spinach, pork liver and tripe, as well as heavy vomit, earwax, and snot.

Presumably this magical snack, my sister must like it very much!


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