Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 23

Chapter 24 Journey From Platform 9 3/4


The darkness receded, and consciousness returned to the body.

Opening his eyes again, Jerry’s location was no longer at his home in Queens, New York, but at the Edward Orphanage in London.

Taking a deep breath, he pulled up the big suitcase that he had packed before leaving, put it on the cart, and picked up Crookshanks, he started pushing the cart towards the gate of the orphanage.

Because of Professor McGonagall’s instructions before he left a month ago, the current director of the Edward Orphanage has already driven there and waited there.

For the mysterious existence of wizards, not every ordinary person can easily accept it.

Many ordinary people in this period, especially the older people, probably felt more fear and awe in their hearts when they learned that wizards really existed in this world.

That was the case with the head of the Edward Orphanage.

So on the way to take Jerry to King’s Cross in London, the dean was almost silent and careful.

And Jerry didn’t talk to the dean, because he didn’t think it was necessary.

The town of Winton is still a little far from King’s Cross Station in London. The car drove for more than two hours, and it was not until nearly ten o’clock that it reached the gate of King’s Cross Station.

After putting down Jerry and his suitcase, the dean politely said “be careful” and hurriedly drove his car away.

It is estimated that if he takes the train in the future, the dean should not choose King’s Cross Station again.

There is actually a platform specially set up for wizards here, which is terrifying!


The departure time shown on the ticket is eleven o’clock.

Jerry is used to doing everything ahead of time. Sitting in the train some time in advance is better than delaying time in case of an accident, failing to respond in time and failing to catch the train.

Taking the ticket given by Professor McGonagall, he entered the station smoothly, and then followed the sign to find the partition wall between the ninth and tenth platforms.

“This is the legendary platform nine and three-quarters!”

Jerry stood in front of the wall and observed that all the nearby passengers would subconsciously avoid it when they passed the wall, and knew that he should have found the right place.

Pushing the cart, he did not slam into it like in the movie, but showed a curious look and walked slowly towards the wall.

Why do you have to hit?

If I make a mistake, I’m going to bump into a bag, and I can’t get in if I walk slowly.

By the way, you can also feel the special experience of passing through the wall.

The trolley was in contact with the wall, as if it was in contact with the air, and it fell into it without any hindrance.

“Is this a kind of space magic, or is it just an illusion magic?”

Jerry, who took Crookshanks to push the cart through the wall, had a layer of doubts in his heart.

Speaking of space magic, he didn’t experience the feeling of space squeezing when he teleported with Professor McGonagall. It was just an illusion, and it didn’t feel so similar.

Shaking his head, he has only just been exposed to magic for a long time now, and such a profound problem is obviously not something he can understand.

After passing through the overturned wall, a five-meter-long wrought iron archway appeared in front of you, with the words “Nine and three-quarters platform” engraved above the archway.

Pushing the cart and continuing to move forward, the magical wizard platform began to slowly unfold in front of his eyes.

The first thing that comes into view is a striking dark red steam train with a large sign on the side of the train: “Hogwarts Express, Eleven!”

The open space next to the steam train is densely populated by wizards in wizard robes and various magical pets.

Passing through the crowd, with various farewells and exhortations ringing in his ears, Jerry quickly found a slightly empty carriage.

Since he came earlier, there are actually quite a few vacant seats in most of the carriages.

He opened an empty box with no one, and after cleaning up, he turned on the “refreshing and refreshing” function, took out the “Magic Potion and Potion” and read it.

In order to deal with the crisis of the four armed robbers, Jerry spent that month specializing in magic theory and spells.

Now that the crisis is over, he also needs to preview the other textbooks before school starts.

In the magical magical world of “Harry Potter”, in addition to those strange spells, the most useful thing he thinks is potions.

A compound decoction that can make one pretend to be a completely different person.

A veritas agent that forces the user to tell the truth, causing the user to have a strong infatuation or infatuation with himself, the strongest infatuation agent.

And after taking it, luck is bursting, and everything goes smoothly.

These are definitely very useful to bring to the Marvel world in the future.

Therefore, Jerry is still very attentive to potions.

And the price of good potions is also very expensive. If you learn potions well and become a potion master in the future, it can be said that in the entire wizarding world, you will basically not be short of money.

Just look at the poor Lupin and the rich Snape, and you can see the importance of learning potions well.

In terms of strength, Lupin’s strength is not much worse than Snape’s, the two are of the same level.

In terms of background, Lupin’s father was still an official working at the Ministry of Magic, but Snape’s father was a Muggle, an alcoholic, short-tempered, and prone to domestic violence.


As time went by, the number of little wizards in the carriage began to gradually increase.

And Jerry watched “Magic Potion and Potion” for half an hour, UU read www. turned off the “refreshing and refreshing” function, put away the magic book and began to lean on the seat and closed his eyes to rest.

Since turning on the “refreshing and refreshing” function puts a lot of burden on his brain, in order to prevent the situation of directly entering deep sleep again, he usually turns it on for half an hour, then another one to two hours, and waits until it is completely Restart after recovery.

This, while not the most efficient method, is the safest.

The most efficient way is to go directly into deep sleep for half an hour after turning it on for half an hour, then turn it on for half an hour, and then go into deep sleep for half an hour, and so on.

However, as soon as he was in a deep sleep state, he was completely without vigilance and protection. Secondly, his little red star is really not enough to consume.

One little red star per minute, so you can drive twelve hours a day, and if you drive twelve hours a day, you will have to consume seven hundred and twenty little red stars.

He has a total of more than 6,000 pieces, and he has to consume a hundred pieces for a day in the world of “Harry Potter”, and he has to return after a few days of consumption.

The point is, even if you turn on “refreshing and refreshing”, relying on self-study to work behind closed doors is very inefficient.

So his plan is that it is best to use the little red star as much as possible to maintain the number of days in this world, and only open the little red star when the learning is critical to help memory and understanding.

Because every time you leave this world, there will be a one-month cooling off period if you want to re-enter.

He can learn as much magic knowledge as possible in the small world and store it in his brain. When he returns to the cooldown period, he can find a way to earn a little red star, and then use more “refreshing and refreshing” to summarize and comprehend.


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