Marvel:Red X


Chapter Six: 

Right after coming home, I felt sick in my stomach. I knew I had gone overboard by killing them, however I didn't regret it. Guilty, perhaps but nevertheless it had to be done. I knew that if I just let them live, they would go to prison but they would never change. Their future was filled with despair.

This doesn't mean that I would kill every person that was bad, no—this was just a warning to those people who think they can do nefarious crimes without consequences. 

As I've said, I won't kill unless I need to. 

The next morning. 4:30 AM.

I've just gotten out of my bed and went straight into my training session. After an hour and a half, I stopped my training and started working on a prototype I was working on for my suit. I also took the time to clean the blood off it. 

Working on it for a bit, I then went to the bathroom and took a shower. Soon after that I changed into regular clothing and went to the kitchen where I found my parents looking at me with worried looks.

"Good morning," I said as I made my way to a seat.

""Good morning""

Both of them said.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?" 

The first to break the silence was my mother who placed her hand on my shoulder. 

"Yeah, I don't feel sick."

"That's not what I mean." She said as she looked at me straight into her eyes. Inwardly sighing, I nodded my head.

"I know, and I'll be fine."

My parents, still worried, nodded their heads. 

I then turned my head to the TV which was currently playing the news.

("Just yesterday there was a call coming from the east in New York City. We still don't know who called, however whoever this person was had reported a crime. We'll have to censor the blood, but as you can see, there was a blood battle inside one of the buildings where traffickers were being located. Right outside of the building was a body with a red X on his head. We have no footage of what really happened here since all the cameras around this area were completely frozen. Fortunately the children that were about to be trafficked, were saved. The police are still unable to identify who did this, but this…this is no hero.")



The door of the school bus opened, which I then entered inside. I then made my way to find a seat, and right as I was about to sit, Peter came up to me and sat right beside me.

"Hey Alexander, have you heard about the news today?" Peter Parker said enthusiastically which I found kind of odd. 

"Yes, what about it?"

"Well, they said that whoever this X guy is, must've had some advanced technology." 

"X guy?" I said inwardly, frowning.

"Well, that's what I'm calling him or her-"

"Anyways, why are you interested in him? Didn't the news say he wasn't a hero?" As soon as I said that, Peter frowned.

"Yeah…" Said Peter as he looked to be unsure of something.

Minutes passed and I noticed Peter was staring at a girl with red hair, which I already knew was Mary Jane.

"Who are you staring?" 

"Who-me? I-I'm not staring at anyone," Peter said, stuttering as he blushed in embarrassment.

"Hmm okay."

We finally arrived at school, and I walked into school. Going into homeroom, I found Felicia Hardy on her seat already. She was on her phone. 

"Yo," I said as I waved to her. She looked up to look at me, her cheeks went pink and nodded her head.

Soon more students entered, and then homeroom was now in session. 

"The school trip to Oscorps Genetics Labs will be on Monday. As I've said before, your parents will need to sign the permission form to be able to go."

That's the place where Peter got his spider bite. I've already thought of multiple possibilities that could possibly happen if I were to steal the spider for myself. 

There are benefits for me, this will allow me to breakthrough to supernatural level. However that would mean that there will be no Spider-Man. 

There's also the possibility of allowing the spider to bit Peter and then grab the spider and let it hit me as well. 

Sigh, many options to choose from.

Soon after homeroom ended, I spoke to Felicia.

"Are you planning on going?"

"You mean to Oscorp?" 

I nodded my head, looking at her calmly.

"Hmm. I don't know. Are you going?" She said as she raised her eyebrows.

"I am."

"Well, if you're going then I might as well. Besides, it might even be a good time to get to know you little better~"


We both then went to separate classes. And then three hours later, it was now time for lunch. Like last time, I went to pick up a tray and get myself some food. I then started walking towards the tables.

"Hey Alexander!" 

Sigh not this guy again. I thought to myself as I didn't even need to turn around to see who was talking to me.

"What is it Flash?" I said impassively as I lazily turned around. There were 3 people behind flash, which I'm assuming are his friends. Most likely trying to beat me up. This means that Felicia must've rejected him once again. 

He probably figured that it was my fault that caused her to do this. 

"I'm going to enjoy punching your face," he said with a smug look as he cracked his knuckles. 

I didn't know whether to cry or laugh. "Okay" I said as I made a few chuckles. I then turned back around and started walking towards Felicia.

"Hey! We aren't done talking!" Flash said as he and his friends ran to me and right as they were trying to grab me, I purposely bumped into the empty trash can that was right next to me, causing it to fall down. Which caused all three of them to trip on their faces. Blood started pouring out of their noses. Tears quickly swelled up in their eyes.

"Ooh!" Many students in the cafeteria cringed as they saw this scene.

"Oops." I said chuckling.

"This isn't done, you hear me?!" 

"it's best to avoid trying to pick fights, especially when you can't even watch yourself." I said as I started walking towards Felicia, who was staring at me in awe.

"You were so cool!" She said as I sat down. 


Felicia repeatedly nodded her head. Soon she went quiet, which I had noticed. "Something wrong?" I said, staring at her trying to figure out her facial expressions. Seems she's worried about something. Doesn't take a genius to find out what she's thinking.

"…What if flash comes back again and brings more people? I don't want you to get caught up in my mess. Ahh this is my fault." 

"You know, we just met yesterday but you're acting like we've known each other for a long time. Listen Felicia, you shouldn't be worried about me. Flash and whatever friends he has, they won't be able to do anything to me."

"That guilt you feel, it will turn into poison overtime. And soon you'll drown yourself. You don't want that. I'm genuinely happy that you care for me and I care for you as well. As my first friend, I want to protect you."

As I said that, Felicia and her friends who were listening behind suddenly went quiet. Felicia's eyes were wide as I noticed that she felt like tearing up.

"Thank you, Alexander. I also want to protect you." She said as she gave a genuine warm smile, which caused my heart to beat faster.

What's this?—

"Quit being so affectionate with each other, it's embarrassing for us." One of her friends said as her other friend nodded her head as well. Felicia's cheeks flushed in pink.

"Anyways! Didn't you say there was going to be a party tomorrow?" Felicia said, trying to change the subject. 

"Ah! Yes, Alexander, you should come as well!" Felicia's friend said.

"Party? Hmm I'm not sure." I said as I had plans tomorrow.

"C'mon it'll be fun. Or can the Great Alexander not handle parties well?" Felicia teased.

I inwardly sighed as I went into deep thought. 

"Very well, I'll go."

Felicia clasped her hands. "Great! I'll text you the address. Do you have a car?"

Car, huh. Well—I can create cars. Only reason I don't drive one to school is because of the agreement my parents made with me. 

"I do, why?" 

"Well, can you pick me up? Please~I don't think my mom will drive there." 


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