Marvel:Red X

CHAPTER 1 (Prologue)

Chapter One:

In what seemed like an office room, there were two people inside. One, sitting at the front desk that had tons of files on top of each other. While the other was sitting right across from him. 

"You're dead," firmly stated a slender man wearing a black suit with a hat. He had a mustache that was curved in the ends, his face having a calm expression. 

The boy nodded repeatedly for a couple of seconds before sighing. "How?!" He exclaimed as he slammed his fist to the desk, causing papers and files to fall to the ground. 

The man in suit narrowed his eyes and grunted as he looked between the files and the boy in front of him. The boy rubbed the bridge of his nose and calmed himself down before plopping back to his seat.

"I apologize for that but I'm really curious as to how I die, and are you God?" He asked with a calmed tone, however his foot kept tapping the floor repeatedly.

The last thing he remembered doing yesterday was writing a chapter for his book and then he found himself sitting down in front of him. Did he perhaps die of exhaustion?- He wondered. That's why he assumed he was God since he basically said he was dead.

The boy's name is Alexander Alston, he was born in a fairly rich family. His family came from a noble generation, and it was even said that Alexander The Great was one of his ancestors. His family's name carried so much history in the past, however as time continued, his family name didn't matter anymore. 

Yet his family had always told him stories of their family history, and the amazing things they've done and witnessed. Those stories were written in books, only for the Alston family to read.

(A/N: That's a lie but just pretend he is for this fanfic.)

Alexander Alston, ever since he was able to read at the age of four, he began reading about his family history. The child was truly amazed by his ancestors. 

Alexander wasn't really the brightest kid but his intellect was far superior than any kid around his age. He began writing stories when he turned just seven years old, and this of course got his family's attention and even got him tutors.

Around the age of ten, he was able to master everything his tutors had taught him. Alexander was a genius, although he would often joke around or make mistakes on purpose. 

He had always liked to be mischievous, and was mostly because he never really had any fun in his house. He tried making friends his age but they were all too boring, and so Alexander tried to make his own amusement.

Due to that, he wasn't taken that seriously. 

"Yes, I am what you call human's, God. As for your other question, well you see. While you were writing on your computer…I might've accidentally sent divine lightning through your computer, causing an electric current to unexpectedly kill you."

As the boy heard God explaining how he died, his deadpan stare slowly became a glare. "How do you 'accidentally' send divine lightning? You know what, never mind. You have to something about this, revive me."

"I'm afraid it won't be possible," God said with a regretful expression on his face. 

The boy frowned, "I thought you were God." He said as he shook his head in disbelief.

This time it was God's turn to frown. "I am, boy! You better learn to respect me." 

"Or what…" The boy said as he chuckled and smirked. God inwardly sighed as he knew that the boy was just playing around with him.

"Let's get back on topic."

"Sure, go ahead."

"Well, you see; I can't revive you back in your world. Not because I don't want to. But because I can't," sighed God.

The boy calmly looked at God. "Explain," he said as he stopped being playful and started speaking in a serious tone.

"When Divine Lightning strikes a mortal such as yourself. Your entire life gets erased from earth. The moment that lightning hit you, there was no more Alexander Alston. Nobody on earth knows you."

As Alexander heard God speaking, his eyes widened. Sadness showed in his eyes as he remembered the times when he was with his family. The build-up memories he had made, were now all gone.

"…So…What happens next?" He said as there was no spirit in his voice. He looked at God with dead tired eyes.

God noticing this felt extremely guilty. "Alexander, I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you. This is all my fault. And for that…I'm going to give you three abilities, and a fictional world to reincarnate with your memories full intact." He said with a sad smile. God knew that he couldn't exactly make up for what he did.

Alexander's eyes, which were filled with void, showed light. His eyebrows rose as he heard the word Abilities and the fiction world. "Really?" He said.

God nodded his head. "Yes, this spinning wheel will decide what abilities you'll get. As for the world, you can choose what world you would want to reincarnate into." 

Alexander, a bit downcast as he heard that a spinning wheel will decide his abilities, but as he heard that he can choose a world to live in again, his eyes widened.

Alexander took a moment to decide what world he should go to. "…I'd like to go to the Marvel universe." He said. He knew very little of that world, he knew of DC but he never really went deep into the Marvel Universe. The feeling of being in a world he had only little knowledge was exciting for him. Of course he knew who the villains were and characters but only a bi.

"Oh? What Marvel universe?" 

"Hmm, I don't know. Any is fine, as long as it's not super dark." Alexander chuckled nervously. The light showed in his eyes again which brought God to inwardly sigh in relief.

"Very well. Shall we get this wheel started?" Asked God.

Alexander nodded his head excitedly in anticipation. God then nodded his head as well and then spun the wheel. Both watch in suspense as the wheel passes through amazing abilities.

The wheel finally stopped.

[Ding! Ding! Ding! Body Enhancement]

Alexander didn't really know what to say. Just as the ability name said, it can enhance his body. However he didn't know the capabilities, and so he didn't know if he should be happy or disappointed.

"Hmm, Body Enhancement. You seem rather curious about this ability." Commented God.

"Yes, I have a basic understanding of it. But can you explain further what this ability is, and capabilities of it?" Calmly said Alexander.

"Let's see. Body Enhancement, as the name suggests, can enhance your body. Be it speed, strength, or endurance. Your body is above normal humans, and you will only continue to grow stronger and faster. 

You see there's levels with this ability, such as enhanced body, supernatural body and absolute body.

With this ability, you could apply it with the things you do. Such as enhancing your accuracy etc." Explained God.

Alexander raised both eyebrows as he heard the capabilities. "Hmm, it seems I've gotten an incredible ability. Spin the wheel again, I want to see my second ability." He said.

God nodded and spun the wheel. And just as before, both looked with anticipation.

[Ding! Ding! Ding! Conceptual Materialization!]

"Ho?" God looked surprised seeing this ability. Alexander knew exactly what the ability was. So he just smirked.

"No need to explain this one. Now spin the wheel one last time." Said Alexander with a sigh. God just chuckled and spin the wheel in compliance.


[Ding! Ding! Ding!….

(A/N: What should be his last ability?)

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