Marvel Universe Template

Chapter 145 Team 0

Chapter 145 Zero Squadron

Of course, there is no zero unit in "Black Alert". This is just Qin Ge's temporary whim. .biqugev

Special human special operations team, codenamed Team Zero. A team composed entirely of supernatural beings, and a team composed entirely of Inhumans.

Now, there are only three members.

The Moss brothers and sisters and Qin Ge, the fake Inhumans.


In the blink of an eye, another six months passed.

Six months, half a year can make a lot of changes happen. For example, SHIELD has established an extremely fast communication network around the world. Once there is any change, the message will be immediately transmitted to SHIELD headquarters.

Another example is "Black Alert". Within six months, "Black Alert" was completely on track and became a highly secretive force. The number of people also increased from the initial 1,000 to more than 3,000.

There is also Team Zero. Qin Ge did not report the matter of Team Zero, and even the other ten teams did not know about it. The members of Team Zero are apparently members of Team One, but they are actually members of Team Zero.

The number of the secret team in this secret force has also expanded from the initial three to thirteen. Through the system and the Terrigen crystal brought by the Moss brothers and sisters, Qin Ge found nine unawakened aliens to help them awaken, and found five awakened aliens to win them over.

Although one of them died during the mission, it was not a big problem.

There is a systematic monitoring, and although the loyalty of these people cannot be guaranteed, it is certain that there are no spies from other forces.

Unit Zero must maintain purity.

Zero Squadron is a highly secretive team and can easily be discovered if normal tasks are carried out. Therefore, Qin Ge asked the Moss brothers and sisters to take Zero Squadron on a mercenary mission.

It must be said that although Dom's extraordinary ability is not strong, his other abilities are very strong. Coupled with the bug-level skill of extraordinary self-healing, which prevents death unless the head is cut off, Dom has become the unshakable second-in-command of Team Zero.

The time for the Battle of Manhattan is approaching little by little. The Avengers have been established, "Black Alert" has initially gained combat effectiveness, and SHIELD is already ready.

Next, just wait for the mastermind behind the Battle of Manhattan to appear.


Twilight base.

Chief's office.

dong dong dong.

"Please come in."

Dom pushed the door open, strode in front of Qin Ge, and gave a military salute.

"Captain, Team Zero has completed one hundred employment tasks assigned by you. Everyone is very tired. Can we take some time off?" Dom said loudly.

The soundproofing effect of the captain's office is very good. Even with Dom's loud voice shouting at the top of his lungs, the most noise can be heard outside the door, but he can't hear what is being said at all.

"Thank you for your hard work." Qin Ge smiled slightly and motioned for Dom to sit down.

Dom and Qin Ge were also old acquaintances, and their relationship was pretty good, so they took advantage of the situation and sat down.

"Now that the mission is accomplished, let's relax. How about giving you a week to relax?"

"Thank you, Captain!" Dom, who had just sat down, stood up again, and Qin Ge waved his hand for him to sit down.

"You are not formal soldiers. It is difficult for you to train and perform tasks with such high intensity. Not only did you complete it, you also completed it so perfectly. This is what you deserve." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Your residence has been arranged in New York a long time ago. Later, you can take the team members to identify their residences. They are all on Manhattan Island."

"Manhattan Island?" Dom looked at Qin Ge in surprise. The army is really wealthy. The houses on Manhattan Island cost a lot of money and are extremely expensive. Qin Ge's move is thirteen sets. Isn't he too rich?

But Dom didn't feel anything was wrong.

During these times, he has come to appreciate the special nature of "Black Alert". Although overall it is not as good as the S.H.I.E.L.D. next door, compared to other departments, the treatment of "Black Alert" is simply excellent.

And the treatment of these core members is even better. For example, last time, I heard that the Tenth Team accidentally blew up a building while performing a mission. The building was bought by the military the next day.

This guy is really wealthy, comparable to Tony Stark.


"Okay." Dom nodded, stood up and left.

As soon as Dom opened the door, he happened to meet the second captain.

"Second Captain." Dom nodded to the Second Captain and walked away from her. The second captain narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Dom's back and wondering what he was thinking.

"What's the matter?" Qin Ge looked at the second captain standing at the door and asked.

The second captain then closed the door and walked over.

"That person just now is not an ordinary member of the first team." The second captain asked.

"Forgot the rules?"


"what's up."

"The investigating Maria Hill, after half a year of investigation and evidence collection, can basically confirm that she is fine," the second captain said.

"Are you sure Hill is from SHIELD, not that organization?"

"I'm sure." The second captain nodded and said.

"Very good." Qin Ge nodded.

"One more thing. There are some clues about the organization within SHIELD."


"This organization within SHIELD has an ancient heritage. We caught one through some means, but this person was very brainwashed and had a low status. We didn't get any useful information. We only know that their organization Founded during World War II.”

"There were many organizations established during World War II, but not many of them became successful. We retrieved various information and checked SHIELD's database through Fury, and finally focused on these three organizations. "

The second captain placed a document on Qin Ge's desk, and Qin Ge briefly read it.

"What about the others? How did you eliminate them?" Qin Ge asked.

"Others, we have excluded those that have been determined to be wiped out, those that are out of date..."

"Re-screen the ones that are useless but have development potential, as well as those that have been wiped out."

"You mean, they may be a newly developed organization or an organization that faked their own death?" The second captain reacted immediately.

"There is a possibility." Qin Ge nodded and said. "SHIELD has not even discovered that there are other forces within itself, and their information may not be accurate. You need to check it yourself."

"Okay, I understand." The second captain nodded.

"Well, go ahead. Call Rolzas."

"Yes!" The second captain gave a military salute and turned to leave.

Qin Ge narrowed his eyes.

"Who is the organization within SHIELD...?"

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