Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 27 – Bruce in containment

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After all these events, Sara, Prime, Bruce, and Elizabeth gathered in a room, while Bruce was still recovering from his forced transformation. On the other hand, Sterns displayed an excited smile on his face.

"That was the most extraordinary thing I have ever witnessed in my entire life"

Upon hearing this, Elizabeth, with a tired expression, cast a brief glance at Bruce before turning her attention back to Sterns.

"Okay, look, stop, please. Take a moment and talk about what happened in there"

Elizabeth said this, while Sara observed the situation in silence. In Sara's mind, the only thing she could think about was how such a transformation could be possible. She didn't understand what was happening to Bruce's body during this transformation.

For her, it seemed like an armor surrounded his body, so he wasn't undergoing a true transformation. Moreover, she could maintain consciousness to move her body. Although her mind and Prime's were interconnected as one, forming a single being, they rarely disagreed during any action, as both knew what they should do.

As these thoughts floated through Sara's mind, Sterns continued with his explanation, manifesting excitement in his voice. It seemed as if he were talking about the work of his entire life, or something equivalent.

"I completely agree. Right, the gamma pulse originates in the amygdala. I believe that Dr. Ross's molecular chain allowed the cells to absorb energy temporarily and then release it. That's why you didn't succumb to the radiation a few days ago. Now, perhaps we have permanently neutralized these cells or just controlled this episode. I'm leaning towards the latter option, but it's hard to say since none of our guinea pigs survived..."

Although Sterns spoke extremely quickly, his last sentence did not go unnoticed by Bruce and Sara, who were watching him attentively. Bruce quickly interrupted him, grabbing his attention.

"Wait, wait... what do you mean by “guinea pigs”?"

After Bruce's question, Sterns cast a brief glance at everyone in the room, displaying an excited smile on his face.

"Come with me"


Simultaneously to these events, a large number of police cars and military vehicles were arriving at the location where Bruce, Elizabeth, Sterns, and Sara were. Quickly surveying the building, Ross headed to the vehicle entrance along with Major Kathleen.

"What's the level of activity?"

Major Kathleen asked, observing the various monitors in front of her. Next to her, General Ross only listened and monitored the situation.

"There are snipers covering the alpha sector"

Yes, as mentioned, several snipers positioned on top of buildings were aiming exactly where Bruce, Elizabeth, and Sterns were located. Sara, on the other hand, remained hidden, as both she and Prime had been aware for some time that there were people after them.


Returning to Sterns, he enthusiastically shared his theories while leading Bruce, Sara, and Elizabeth to his laboratory.

"Today, we're not sure what's more toxic, whether it's his gamma rays or his blood"

Upon hearing this, Bruce asked with confusion and, at the same time, suspicion, as he could already anticipate the direction this conversation would take.

"My blood? What's this story about?"

Sara remained silent as she followed them; occasionally, she moved agilely around the room, sometimes avoiding the windows, an action that did not escape Elizabeth's attention.

"Is everything okay?"

Elizabeth approached Sara cautiously, maintaining a friendly smile on her face, and asked. Upon hearing the question, Sara looked at her for a few seconds, pondering whether or not to tell what was happening.

(I think we'd better tell, Sara. We won't gain anything by hiding this anyway)

Upon hearing Prime's words, Sara quickly pointed to the window behind her, fixing a serious gaze on Elizabeth.

"People are coming up here, they seem to be soldiers, and moreover, they also seem to have snipers. I sensed them a while ago aiming at us"

Upon hearing this, Elizabeth widened her eyes but quickly closed them, clenching her fists. Shortly after, she stood up, silently moved away from Sara, and approached Bruce, who was discussing the uses of his blood with Sterns.


As the conversation between Sara and Elizabeth unfolded, Blonsky had just arrived at the location, followed by other soldiers. Without wasting time, they quickly entered the college, with Blonsky leading the group.

Under Blonsky's command, the soldiers began to completely surround the first floor. Blonsky, in turn, started the ascent with others, disobeying Ross's orders to remain in the initial position. Meanwhile, snipers continued to monitor Bruce, who, as soon as he was in their sights, acted cautiously.

A shot echoed, hitting Bruce's back and causing him to quickly faint due to the tranquilizer's effect. At the same moment, Blonsky burst into the room, throwing Elizabeth to the corner and immediately grabbing Bruce by the neck.


Saying this, Blonsky slapped Bruce's face in an attempt to provoke his transformation, but it proved futile as well. Again, Blonsky slapped Bruce's face, without success.


Realizing that nothing was happening, Blonsky let go of Bruce. The last image Bruce saw was that of a gun approaching his head. Then, Bruce, accompanied by Elizabeth, was taken on a stretcher to the college's exit, where he faced General Ross.

"If you've destroyed him, I'll make sure you spend the rest of your life in a hole"

Saying this, the doctors proceeded to take Bruce into the helicopter. On the other hand, Sterns explained his research to Kathleen when suddenly he was knocked out by Blonsky.

"Ah, this woman was a pain"

Witnessing this, Sterns, with a perplexed look, asked.

"W-Why do you always hit people?"

But upon hearing this, Blonsky simply pointed a gun at Sterns' head.

"H-How can I help?"

With a serious voice, Blonsky replied.

"I want what you took from Banner, I want that"

Blonsky said seriously. Slowly, Sterns stood up, looking deep into Blonsky's eyes.

"It seems like... you already have something inside you"

Sterns commented. Hearing this, Blonsky focused on Sterns.

"Yeah, but I want more... you saw what he turned into, didn't you?"

Blonsky asked, while Sterns nodded in confirmation.

"I did... and it was amazing... divine"

Sterns replied. Hearing this, Blonsky retorted.

"I want that... I want you to make me like that"

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